
Leon Phelps

Don Juan
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
OK listen up guys, i havent posted in a while, so im going to tell you what ive learned while being away,

#1 Thing- DONT THINK, DO! If it dont turn out how you want, thats ok, theres plenty of opportunities. Relax, and realize everything isnt that important

#2 Thing- Attraction isnt the hard part, its a game. Even if you got a girl liking you, it can be a ***** in high school to get past all the social **** and maintain relationship, so dont stress it that much.

#3- Thing- Rejection is Opportunity. I basically got dumped by a girl i was totally infatuated with today, and i have been down in the dumps since. But about 10 minutes ago, i realized, i can flirt with every girl i meet now, no worries. Thats what im gonna do.

#4 Thing- Stop analyzing a girl. I see so many posts saying "what does this mean" and so on, i even wrote a few myself, every beginner does. It really doesnt matter. Flirt with every girl you know, and it should go away.

#5 Thing- Cut back on this site. This site is GREAT, but 90% of the people on it are nerds who dont do anything. Forget all the legends. im willing to bet a good half of them are the same thing, just good talkers. Listen to your friends who get women, and go out and do. Failure has given me almost as much knowledge as this site. Besides, i used to be an addict of this site, which isnt a good thing. Limit yourself to the site once a day, or once a week. I only come on for entertainment and to post infrequently.

Im gonna be on tonight, tho, so id like to have a discussion of any of my ideas.

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
Looks like i get first post so let me be the first to say



Don Juan
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
Morristown, NJ, USA
"#1 Thing- DONT THINK, DO! If it dont turn out how you want, thats ok, theres plenty of opportunities. Relax, and realize everything isnt that important"

I completely agree with this statement. To many worry, worry worry about this and never get anything done. It's okay to make a mistake, at least this way you know for sure when it comes up again.

"#2 Thing- Attraction isnt the hard part, its a game. Even if you got a girl liking you, it can be a ***** in high school to get past all the social **** and maintain relationship, so dont stress it that much."

Well if your ugly then it's the hardest part but if your like me then the relationship can be hard to maintain and if you think too much you'll ruin it.

"#3- Thing- Rejection is Opportunity. I basically got dumped by a girl i was totally infatuated with today, and i have been down in the dumps since. But about 10 minutes ago, i realized, i can flirt with every girl i meet now, no worries. Thats what im gonna do."

Damn right...Good for you. That's all it is, infatuation. I don't believe in true love at our age. Of course there are some cases that are true but very few.

"#4 Thing- Stop analyzing a girl. I see so many posts saying "what does this mean" and so on, i even wrote a few myself, every beginner does. It really doesnt matter. Flirt with every girl you know, and it should go away."

Once I found this site I analyze everything. Overanalyzing became a problem and I was practically having girls break up with me cause I would make them aware of some problems and exagerate. So stupid, don't let yourself do this. Yes, flirt with every girl but don't lead them on too much. Girls are easily hurt sometimes.

"#5 Thing- Cut back on this site. This site is GREAT, but 90% of the people on it are nerds who dont do anything. Forget all the legends. im willing to bet a good half of them are the same thing, just good talkers. Listen to your friends who get women, and go out and do. Failure has given me almost as much knowledge as this site. Besides, i used to be an addict of this site, which isnt a good thing. Limit yourself to the site once a day, or once a week. I only come on for entertainment and to post infrequently."

Yeah, I don't post all too often, more lately though. I am not one of those nerds lol, but don't cut back too often, it's good being reminded of certain things by reading up on this site especially if your a newbie. SO I agree with you statements. One more thing to add,

#6 thing- Get your **** together before worrying about a getting a girlfriend. Do what feels right in your gut, not head or c*ck when it comes to girls and making choices. Unless your really confused then ask for help here. ;)

Sax God

Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
You can find me in St. Louie
Originally posted by MacdaddyJr
[B#6 thing- Get your **** together before worrying about a getting a girlfriend. Do what feels right in your gut, not head or c*ck when it comes to girls and making choices. Unless your really confused then ask for help here. ;) [/B]
Good addition. This is one of the most important things. Be happy with who you are first. That's the only way anyone else can be happy with you.

Leon Phelps

Don Juan
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
I come to see reactions to my post after a couple days, and a few good replys.

SADLY, there are SIX analyzing threads, SIX! DAMN do you people learn?

I am reminded why i dont post here often.