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    Letting girls know they've got competition

    Thanks for the advice guys. Ahhh social proof.. how could I forget? And subtle indication of other girls is great, I like it! Yea I haven't given any of them the idea that I'm in a committed relationship or anything... rather it's all been weekly dates soley intended for fun and establishing...
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    Yea, druggies are no good. A friend of mine picked up a girl that was a total meth-head..... now she calls him and another friend of mine always asking for money. Tap the muff and chuck her!
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    Love shy

    She chatted on the phone for ten minutes while she was with you? It's a good thing you left cuz that's bulllllllshiet.
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    Letting girls know they've got competition

    Thanks Ranger, I appreciate the advice. The truth is, the girl that doesn't know of the other is the one I've chosen to devote more dates to.
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    does anyone wonder "why does she flirt"

    Somewhere here on the forum it's said that flirting is a safe way of showing attraction. Personally, I think flirting is fun and it's pretty much the breeding ground for ****y & funny. Stop asking yourself why does she flirt... just go with it!
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    is there any ladies reading this forum?

    Yea there are ..... I bet they're all lurkers and talk about it with their girlsfriends. I'm guessing though, that if a Don Juan was in their presence they wouldn't know it anyways... so haha. Wildfyre was a girl I think. I remember her mainly cuz her posts actually had some real...
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    c & f response needed for internet msg. from girl

    I agree with Ranger. Establish a rapport first but don't answer any of her questions with a direct answer. If she asks you again what your major is, tell her you're majoring in garbage collection or something ... but only after you solidify a rapport with her.
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    Letting girls know they've got competition

    Alright DJs I need some advice here. I'm seeing two girls right and have three more lined up, but one of them doesn't know about the others. How do you guys let the girls know that they're not the only one you're seeing?????? When I've been asked what I'm doing on certain days, I've told...
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    in SERIOUS need of a QUICK bf destroyer

    Just tell her he's no good for her. Do it in a DJ way and don't expect too much from her reaction. If your opinion means that much to her, she'll reconsider.
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    Do I wait or move on?

    Try to completely forget about her and NEXXXXXXXXXXXT. It's not a good idea to waste your time with a girl that doesn't want to be with you right now.
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    How Should I deal with this one?

    It's all in the HOW. How you will NOT react to A telling B. Your attitude toward this will dictate your success with B. Be cool and confident about it and you'll be fine. Be glad that A told B. Don't bring it up at all. Be a man and take action. IF you want B, go get her.
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    bad humor?

    Being self-deprecating and confident is basically another form of c&f. Bad humor is saying you like 'tall ugly' girls. Man, did I get a bad response from that one haha. Oh well, lesson learned!
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    The post went from angry to calm. I think it's just an aspiring DJ living through the ups and downs of DJdom. Just my opinion.
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    I'm an idiot, slap me now!

    That's just your lack of confidence manifesting itself. Eg, b*tching out. Read the threads on confidence and don't worry about this girl too much. As long as you know what you're doing wrong, you'll be able to correct your flaws.
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    Friend Buisness

    Obviously your ex misses you and HAS recruited her friend to bring you back in the fold. It's seems like a pretty messy situation, but remember to take womans' words lightly and to judge them on their actions. That's all I can offer you, and I agree with JR2003.
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    deep convictions

    To have deep conviction to me means to hold true to what you believe in. I don't believe a DJ should actively pursue a girl that already has a bf. Therefore, I do not try to make her ditch her current borefriend and date me. Another example is I believe a DJ should not tell his prospects...
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    Dating a younger girl

    Oh ok, well it's good to hear you have other prospects. I just don't agree with you going out with a 14 year old. But I'm not here to tell you what to do. Yea, I can see where it would be confusing with her bro. One of my exes older bro kept calling me a 'little f*cker' for the longest time...
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    Just tried an experiment being ****y, funny, and aggressive...odd results...

    No doubt you struck their fancy. Those girls obviously didn't know what hit them. I don't know if it was here that I read about an 'explosive personality' but it pretty much makes you a magnet for girls. This personality is what I like to think the DJ mindset is. I've experienced it a few...
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    EC+Smile+Hi, in detail!

    I never went through the bootcamp but the way I handle it is by smiling only after intial eye contact about a split second after. Usually it catches the ladies by surprise and the response is usually warm and inviting. The bootcamp might say 50 but it's not about the numbers really. As long...
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    Dating a younger girl

    Ok I just read your post again. So she IS 14. Ok, for real man. Find girls more your age. You do not want to live through the stigma of having gone out with a 14 year old when you were 18. Seriously, people here are going to burn you for this but hey everyone makes mistakes. I'm not gonna...