Dating a younger girl


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Sorry this seems to have gone on so long, if you don't want to read the whole thing, just read the first and last paragraphs and post a response.

Ok, I ran a search on this subject, all I could find were posts about whether or not it's ok/right to date a younger girl, all they could come up with was that it's a matter of opinion, and local law. She's legal here, and I'm ok with it, so this post isn't about that.

A little background.

Over the summer I worked at a gas station (I'm in university now). On my last day for the summer, this chick comes in, she's a regular customer, and good looking, I would've guessed she was 16 or 17 years old (I'm 18). She was in with her mom, and I was talking to them, and mentioned that it was my last day, that I was going back to school, etc. and so on. They leave, and later she comes back on her quad (country gas station), and she's alone this time. She brought me a nice little chain, said it was a going away present, I'd guess it was no more than $10, but it's a cool chain, suits me nicely. I ask for her name and number, she would only give me her name, she said "You'll have to work a little harder for my number." I have to help other customers, she leaves. She comes back again later, when there aren't very many customers around, and tells me that I should feel special, that she almost never changes her mind, and she hands me a piece of paper with her first and last name and phone number on it. She stays this time to talk with me and my coworkers, my coworkers show they're complete afcs, she tells me later that she now hates both of them. Anyways, during the convo, I find out that she is Jamie's little sister.

Jamie is a cool guy, in the gas station all the time, one time (before the above paragraph) he was in with his wife and sister in the car, I asked who the 2 good looking girls in the car were, he says they're his wife and sister. I asked him about his sister, he tells me she's too young for me, that if I go near her he'll beat me. Every time he comes in, I joke about his sister, at one point he tells me that she is 14. All the time I joked about his sister, I never actually got a good look at her, so when she came in to give me the chain/phone number, I didn't realize it was his sister. When she told me, I was surprised that she was so young. She didn't look it, or sound it.

I debated for a few days whether or not I should even call her because she was so young, eventually decided to, went out to a movie, good kino, small kiss, and her mom drove me home (my car was out of commission at the time) and I only got a goodnight hug because her mom was there.

I was busy for a while, so I hadn't called her, when she calls me, and asks if I want to come out to a party, I told her my car was broke, and that I'd need a ride (she's out of the city). She tells me she'll ask her bro if he can give me a ride, and he agrees to (surprisingly). They call back later, and they can't come get me, because I'll have no way to get back the next day. Ah well, no bigie.

I get my car fixed eventually, and call her up, ask her if she wants to take me quading, she says sure, so I drive out there on saturday, we go quading, watch some movies, go for a walk, and kiss a few times. Later we go to visit her brother at his place, her mom actually lets me drive her car (she'd had a few to drink and didn't want to drive) and later comments that she was impressed with my driving. We go see her brother Jaimie, and her other brother Jarett was there too. Jaimie seems cool with me seeing her, jokingly gives me a hard time, but I don't doubt he'll stop joking if I fvck up. Jarett doesn't seem so happy to see me. I find out after he leaves, that he says he wants to beat me up. Now, if Jaimie had wanted to beat me up, I wouldn't be too worried, he's a little bigger than me, but between Tae Kwon Do, and some practical fighting experience I'm confident I could take him. Jarett on the other hand is huge.

At some point her mom suggested I be her date to a wedding that's on Sunday (the next day). I figure, what the hell, I'm not doing anything, I asked her what she thinks, she says sure, so I go home, get up the next day and get dressed to go to a wedding. I meet at her place about 12:40, hang out there until everyone else shows up, and go to the ceremony... kinda boring, but I've been to worse. At the reception things get interesting. First her mom offers to buy me a drink, because I didn't bring any cash. Then her mom buys me another one. So her mom seems to like me. Her dad never seems to smile when I'm around, and I don't think he likes me very much. Later on at the reception, something happened that totaly surprised me. Her brother Jarett bought me 2 drinks.

Wedding ends, we go home, me and her hide downstairs to cuddle and make out a little. Just a little bit of tongue, nothing too heavy. Time to go comes, I go home, go to bed, get up the next day, etc. and so on, and now I'm here typing.

She's 14, I'm 18.
My question isn't how to sleep with her, or anything like that, because I'm sure if I really wanted to, I could convince her to sleep with me. My questions are how to develop a good relationship with her brothers and their wives (her and her sisters in law are good friends) and her parents. And how not to screw up that relationship after it's built. And how to keep myself from hurting her, she's a nice girl, doesn't deserve to be hurt, but I'm afraid it'll be easy to hurt her because she's younger than me. Anyone who read through the above story, please let me know what I've done right and wrong, and make suggestions about what else I can do. If you need any more info, just ask.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
It seems to me that you've got one-itis with this girl. Your whole story indicates that you've made yourself way too available for not only this girl, but her family as well. You were her date to a wedding?

As for her family, don't care too much about what they think about you because it seems that you're pretty much in already with them. Be careful though because if you let them think you've given their family any kind of commitment, this will turn into a nightmare for you.

I have a question though, how old is this girl? If she's 14 man, go look yourself in the mirror and do a reality check. You are 18. I'm sure there are tons of girls at least your age that are in your vicinity. 14 year old girls have no idea what life is like. Anyways I'll wait for your reply on this topic before I go any further.....

As a DJ, you really shouldn't go for girls that much younger than you. Here girls are still in high school mode up till the age of 20 or 21. They still hook up with the guys that just 'ask them out'. Bam, just like that==> a committed relationship. To what end, who knows? All I can say is at your age, you should be meeting tons and tons of girls. Don't invest your quality time too much with just one. You have no idea who you're compatible with until you go out and 'hit and miss' with many girls.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I just read your post again. So she IS 14. Ok, for real man. Find girls more your age. You do not want to live through the stigma of having gone out with a 14 year old when you were 18. Seriously, people here are going to burn you for this but hey everyone makes mistakes. I'm not gonna cut you for this, I'm just offering you my advice. It's good that you're here, cuz you'll hopefully get the msg I'm trying to send you. Date girls your age!


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
I don't think I was too available, I planned to spend sat afternoon with her, didn't have plans on sunday so I figured why not, more interesting than homework. I reread my story, and realize I made it sound like this all happened in like, a weeks time or something, but I got her # at the end of august, and I've seen her 3 times since then. I have other prospects, but as a math physics major, I don't have a whole lot of time to focus on girls, so I am looking for a relationship, and none of my other prospects have turned up anything even remotely relationship worthy. An engaged chick, a religious nut, a couple of sluts, and a clingy potentially stalker type chick. You seem to have misunderstood my question however, I wasn't asking if I should, I was asking how I can do it. I'm too busy to be dating lots of girls, and she seems to have potential for a relationship where noone else seems to, so I would like to have things work, and not have everyone around her hate me in the process, until she gives me some reason not to. And if things don't last between us, her brothers seem cool, wouldn't mind keeping them around as friends.

It's mostly her dad and her big big brother that I'm worried about. I think if I can get in good with her dad, I should be set. But Jarett first saying he wants to beat me up, then buying me 2 drinks, with me having hardly said anything to him in between still has me confused. I don't like being confused.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Oh ok, well it's good to hear you have other prospects. I just don't agree with you going out with a 14 year old. But I'm not here to tell you what to do. Yea, I can see where it would be confusing with her bro. One of my exes older bro kept calling me a 'little f*cker' for the longest time but he lightened up on me when I actually started talking to him. For Jarett to buy you drinks pretty much means he's cool with you. As for her dad, I think he'd lighten up too when he sees that his sons have taken a liking to you. If you want a relationship go for it, but remember she's 14. As long as you're treating her good, you shouldn't have to worry about the family. She's the one you're gonna date, not the family.

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
dude, i bet if you found an older girl, she might actually have some boobs, which im sure you wouldn't mind. 14? 14? 14? I don't know man, that sounds like more trouble than its worth. How much interesting conversation can a 14 year old have? 18 year olds and 14 year olds have a very different view on life. Ok, so even if you are in with her family, what about yours? What is your mom going to think when she comes home and hears you having sex, only to find out it was with a 14 year old? My mom would freak the fvck out im sure. C'mon, at least shoot for 15.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
dude, please read the question before answering. I said she looks 16, she's got boobs. I also specifically said I don't want anyone's opinion on whether or not I should date her, that's a matter of personal opinion, I have mine, you have yours. I was asking for advice on how to handle certain things.
PS. I don't live with my parents


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Does her mom know how old you really are? She might assume you are younger.

If she does know, and is still pushing you two together, she is probably screwed up in the head or is using her daughter as bait to get her own hooks in you.

Hey, Elvis, she's 14.

I don't know what goes on in the back woods of Canada up there, but down here in most of the states, you're going to have to wait like four years before you consumate that relationship without risk of going to jail.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Is anyone going to actually read my post? and answer the questions I've asked, rather than the ones I specifically said I don't want opinions on?


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Maybe your not inferring the advice thats being given. You have countless people posting on here with no affiliiation to you other than the story you gave them. They all agree you shouldn't be looking to date such a young girl so seriously...Imagine if all of us were this young girls older brothers. How would you get through to us? You can't even get through to us as random passive bystanders.

To get by the brother and father you have to convince them its a good idea your dating her...Seems all of us agree it probably isn't.

You are looking to drag this young emotionally raw girl into an intense relationship with a college guy. Your gonna **** her up in the head. it won't work out and you will be left with the mess.

She is a child going through puberty right now. Respect it...She'll be hot in 4 years dating the high school quarterback, let her grow up on her own...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
if you were 22 and she was 18 fine.. but untill the chick is at least, AT LEAST! 16 leave well alone if you are more than 2 years older than her

just my 2 cents


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I'll be darned. The age of consent in Canada is 14. So you 60 year old perverts -- its hunting season in Canada for 14 and up.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Having fair relationships with brothers and other family members is like having good relationships with girls. Being the "nice alpha" works best. (well, with girls being the "not so nice alpha" works too, with the family it doesn´t). If somebody beats you up, it is him getting into trouble with the law, not you.
Although I have yet to see a 14 year old that is mature enough for any kind of relationship, I believe you that she may be, but there are several problems: Her parents are still responsible for her, so they are part of the relationship. I know from the experience of many people around me, that if one partner is still strongly dependent on his (her) parents (I don´t mean financially, that alone would be no problem), it is a huge burden for the relationship, even if the parents are supportive. Secondly people at that age do change rapidly. She may be someone totally different next year.
I think, you have to get to know her really well before getting intimate with her (totally against the advice on this board). She may or may not know, what relationships are really about, what sex is really about etc. Furthermore many teenagers at first sight seem far more mature than they are.
Finally, if your social skills are not absolutely perfect, this relationship will be a major blow to your reputation. It may even, when it fails, block another relationship in the future.

To the moralistic-auto-reply
bots: Your replies are completely useless, since Deathfyre knows, that she is 14 and also knows, that this is forbidden in the USA.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
The age rule is:

Take your Age / Divide By 2 + Add 7

This is the youngest girl you can go out with as well as the age you should try to come closest to.

18 / 2 +7 = 16

This rule goes way back to before biblical times and has proven to be pretty reliable.

So she is too young. How to handle the family is to befriend the older brothers and explain that their sister is too young for you and you won't be seeing her again.

GTS Jeff

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
St. Pete, FL
Originally posted by BobbDobbs
I'll be darned. The age of consent in Canada is 14. So you 60 year old perverts -- its hunting season in Canada for 14 and up.
That isn't how it works. If you are between 14-17, then it's legal to hook up with someone from 14-17. Once you are 18 or older, you gotta stick to 18 or older.

And guy, it doesn't matter if she has boobs or not. Doesn't the sentence, "she is 14" disgust you?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
That is simply not true. The age of consent in Canada(Ontario anyways) is 14. You can be, like someone said 60, and be ****ing a 14 year old.

Originally posted by GTS Jeff
That isn't how it works. If you are between 14-17, then it's legal to hook up with someone from 14-17. Once you are 18 or older, you gotta stick to 18 or older.

And guy, it doesn't matter if she has boobs or not. Doesn't the sentence, "she is 14" disgust you?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Age of consent in Canada.

As Italostud pointed out, the age of sexual consent in Canada is 14 (it is also the age of medical consent and of the right to doctor/patient privacy). With the exception of the sale of sexual services (ie: stripping, prostitution), in which case the age of consent is 18. There is also a special provision in which the age of sexual consent is 12, as long as there is no more than a 2 year age difference between the persons involved, and that the older of the two is not in a position of authority over the younger one (ie: babysitter, summer camp moniter). If there are any Canadian lawyers on the board, please correct any details I may have missed.

Now to get back to Deathfyre's problem:
I think you are likely getting yourself into a hornet's nest. 14-year-old girls that are emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship are extremely rare. I'm not saying your's isn't, she might be, but it's unlikely. Most girls that age (and guys for that matter) only know about infatuation and physical attraction, which they mistake for love. However, they often throw themselves wrecklessly into the situation thinking it is love. Ever heard of Romeo and Juliet (he was 16, and she was 14)? I know it's fiction, and an extreme example, but the point is that girls that age have these completely unrealistic ideas about romanctic love, and they will do the dumbest extreme shyt. So the end result is, whatever you do, eventually this girl will end up getting hurt, whether by your doing or her's. Unless she's far from innocent, and already had a few sex partners. If she's a virgin, and you're her first real boyfriend, you are headed for disaster. But no matter what happens, you'll get the blame because you're 18. You'll be stuck with the social stigma of having taken advantage of an innocent 14-year old girl, whether you actually did or not. I doubt it's worth the risk, especially if you live in a small town. Could spell the end of your dating life for years. You may even have move to another city. My 2¢.

Now if you want to do this anyway and get in with the family, just be a nice guy to her in front of them, and to them too. Once the situation crumbles though, you're in trouble.