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    She cheated on her ex for me, BUT...

    Wow, she's got you wrapped around her finger. Don't expect this relationship to last and don't get pissed off when she cheats on you. She's telling you exactly what you want to hear. This sounds exactly like a friend of mine who fell for a girl in the same exact situation. Relationships like...
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    Girl I've been dating for 6 months didn't invite me.. Should I be worried?

    Well, this is a tricky one. First of all, it would bug the **** out of me if my girlfriend went to some overnight thing with a girlfriend of hers and a bunch of dudes. Let's be honest.. would she be upset if you were spending the night with a bunch of chicks? I know mine would be. I hate to...
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    What is the most AFC thing you have done for a woman?

    There was this girl that I had worked with for a few months and we had gotten to be really close. I instantly fell for her. Me, being the nice guy that I was, would bend over backwards and do anything she asked of me. Of course she would go on and on about how bad her boyfriend treated her...
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    I "stole" a girl from her bf and now she's going back to that guy

    You've got that right. Then the poor sap that she's dating ends up marrying the wh-ore and never finds out about it. But she'll claim that she was being "ignored" and her "emotional needs weren't being met." All bull****.
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    Need help understanding this situation.

    I'm not gonna lie, I actually kind of agree with this. lmao. I dated a hot filipina for 8 months and was BY FAR the best relationship I've ever had. I made a huge mistake and ended up leaving her for an even hotter woman. I got greedy! The filipina I was dating was a 9/10. I ****ed up.
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    I "stole" a girl from her bf and now she's going back to that guy

    Jesus, you sound just like a buddy of mine who constantly steals chicks from their boyfriends and then gets upset about it when they cheat or leave him later on. This is a no brainer. You don't **** chicks with boyfriends because they're all tramps. Then you had the nerve to make her your...
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    Need help understanding this situation.

    Unlike the other posters here, I wouldn't have even approached her. Nothing good can come from a girl like that. I know you were probably just wanting to **** her.. so I can understand where you're coming from on that regard. However, if you were looking for more than a ****, you were just...
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    offering 2 times without seeming too available

    Are you meeting with a CEO of a fortune 500 company or are you just meeting some chick? It looks like the first.
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    LTR and jealousy

    You seem to be forgetting that YOU'RE the prize, not her. As for her getting drunk with your buddies... uhhhh WTF? That's why I don't let my girlfriend hang out with my bros. I don't even let her come around when they're around because I can't tell you how many times I've had "friends" flirt...
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    stealing a girl from her boyfriend: tactics discussion

    Are you serious? You're going after a chick that has a boyfriend? You know you're asking for trouble. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience and I'll never do it again. I ended up going after a girl who had a boyfriend a couple years ago and my god was that a mistake. She cheated on him...
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    Who is doing Mall Game?

    EXACTLY. Plus, there's always a shortage of hot chicks at the bar but the mall's a different story.
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    Who is doing Mall Game?

    I agree. I personally would rather pick up a girl at the mall than at the bar. We all know how low quality the bar chicks are. In fact, I've pretty much stopped going to the bar because let's face it, those types of girls aren't exactly the kind that I want to take home to meet Mom.
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    not impressed my date cancelled on me 2 hours before meeting, should i be p1ssed?

    Sorry dude, but your post screams of insecurity. If she liked you that much, she would've made things work. I wouldn't bet the farm on this little lady.
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    A question of modern day fairytale!

    Oh my god I'm going to be blunt with you because you need a serious wake up call. This woman's not even worth her weight in dog sh!t. Half of the things you listed would automatically disqualify her for me without even taking a look at her. Looks like she's got commitment issues, can't keep...
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    What made you bad with women before discovering this site?

    My parents raised me to be respectful of women and to be a gentleman at all times. That's all fine and dandy but it turned me into a "nice guy" and we all know how women respond to nice guys. They simply don't respond at all. So I was rejected all through high school and through most of...
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    How should I go about getting older women?

    Good point "metoo." I only know of a couple single 30 year old women. Most of them have husbands and kids.. I couldn't sleep with a woman like that because I'd feel like a major douche for being a home wrecker, even if she initiated it. Unlike most, I'm not morally bankrupt. I've seen the...
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    there AINT any great women.

    You're kidding right? I seriously just read your post and said out loud, "WHAT THE FVCK?" Come at me bro.
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    Salvagable? failed swoop by another but blocked college.

    Wtf? No offense dude but you call those douche bags your friends? This is why I don't have a lot of guy friends, there's ALWAYS competition. This is why most of my friends are girls (they end up competing for MY attention.) You either need to get yourself a couple real bros or you need to...
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    How should I go about getting older women?

    Good Question Very good question, I would like to know this too. I know a few hot women in their 30's and would take them over a cute 20 year old any day.