stealing a girl from her boyfriend: tactics discussion


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hawaiian Jungles
Long time no talk, my brothers.

Last you heard of me I was doing no good. My girlfriend back in tokyo got pregnant, just as I got into the american grad school of my dreams.

Well, several months later... here I am, back again. She had a natural miscarriage, so I decided to take the phd spot. I asked her to move with me, she declined and now I am single.

Anyway, I saw this girl, totally my type at the gym. I actually really awkwardly followed her out and pretty much chased her down campus. turns out she is good friends with my friend's **** buddy... so I got a little inside information on her.

shes a foreign exchange student, so no phone. Ive been getting at her on facebook. my facebook is solid. lots of pics with fine hoes, got fine hoes posting comments on the regular. she admitted to being a little shy talking to me.

we talked a little the first night about fun stuff. tonight, it seemed she was having problems with her boy. I listened to her, gave her my thoughts on long distance relationships... under the guise of helping her, but really, my brothers, we all know my intention. She told me how hard it is, and that it gets lonely. hell yeah it gets lonely, baby. told her my story of past long term relationships. it was smooth, but it built up the friend vibe. used plenty of descriptors, like how good a real warm hug feels, or just the feeling of sleeping next to someone and feeling them. she agreed.

I have my target locked. But I know I must tread carefully. If I come on too strong, which is usually my style, it will throw up the red flag, and I will lose the trust bond. come on too *****, and I will be just a friend forever.

shes giving me signals, my brothers. I am a panther on the hunt, but cannot pounce too quickly.

where do I tread from here?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
The main key in stealing a girl from her bf are: attract her the same way you would attract a girl with no bf.

That's right. There is no magic formula. If you know how to be more fun and interesting than the typical AFC, you can attract almost any woman you want.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score
Are you serious?

You're going after a chick that has a boyfriend? You know you're asking for trouble. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience and I'll never do it again. I ended up going after a girl who had a boyfriend a couple years ago and my god was that a mistake. She cheated on him with me and then she fell for me. I fell for her too. We dated for six months before she started cheating on me. Of course news like that spreads like wildfire around town so it took me a long time to get my "reputation" back and girls wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole because I was a "douche bag." Chicks are brutal. Not to mention.. the boyfriend's gonna come after ya.. or at least that's what happened to me.. Fml.. I only go after single chicks now. I would think twice if I were you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hawaiian Jungles
hell yeah bro, Im serious. Im gonna steal. Because I dont give a **** about consequences, thats why.

Ive taken major consequences for dealings with girls, so I have a general rule:

married and engaged to be married: respect the bond
boyfriend: if I want it, I will take it

The pleasure that I get from this general rule far exceeds the consequences.

So I scheduled for her to teach me japanese this week. I already speak fluent japanese, but she doesnt know that lol. gonna meet her on campus in the evening. sounds boring, but I am gonna switch it up really quick as soon as I see her. be like hurry up I wanna show you something. take her to this boss coffee shop by the beach. then see if she wants to go talk more on the beach.

then make a move. its rainy season and kinda cold at night, so I can use that as an intro to kino.

genius right?

cuz she has a major anti-slut defense, but I can tell she wants it. keeps flirting. escalate baby.