Salvagable? failed swoop by another but blocked college.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
I go to college and I am in a fraternity. I had a blind date to a date party function.

the girl was actually pretty cute hb8. i play it cool and reserved at the beginning. the theme is to be hand cuffed to your date and finish a bottle of wine or champagne with a key at the bottom. I didn't bring handcuffs (just dont like ever trapping a girl shouldnt have to). I didn't push her to drink because i didn't want give the vibe that i was "trying to get her drunk to compensate for poor game" the buses arrive and everyone starts chugging their bottles before they get on. We only finish half and i leave the bottle at the house while everyone brings theirs on the bus.

On the bus she starts to let her guard down a little. we start observing how everyone else is pretty much piss drunk falling over. SHE then reccomends that we start drinking, which i was waiting for. She and i get bottles from other people and share. I'm 21 so at the venue she insists i get more drinks for us. We start bonding on some topics rapport wise and she asks me to dance. We start dancing and i think she was trying to put her hand on my cheek so i just went for the makeout. It went succesfully.

my bro's date wanted to leave so my date wondered if she should leave. I'm like well if you feel you have to leave go ahead (iod). We go outside and the bus is gone. I tell her well im sure another bus will arrive soon if you are trying to meet up with her (another iod) She says no she thinks she wants to stay. my bros date leaves without him.

We then dance makeout sit down several times throughout the rest of the night. My problem being most of the kino is taking place on the dancefloor and very little is taking place sitting down.

Anyway she noticesi have high social value because she says "im the life of the party" when everyone starts coming up to me and talking.

AT this point i'm pretty drunk people have been giving me alot of drinks and its the end of the night. buses arrive and on the bus shes not really positively responding to kino. I give her my phone with contacts pulled up for her to put in. Shes like" oh you have it all set up and everything" i dont remember what i said.

my friend convinces us to go to his after party so our dates can play beer pong with each other. I figured why not I could use a little more comfort time with this girl. Well turns out his date bails and my bro who had his date leave shows. Its 3 dudes 1 girl and they all start hitting on her which is kinda messed up.

im really messed up at this point and kind of high so i can't really do anything positive at this point. I just decide to stay calm and unreactive. Well at the end of all of this when everyone starts getting tired. my bro flirtaciously grabs her phone and goes outside when we are about to leave.

I'm under the impression im walking with both of them back to their dorms which are close to each other. My bro puts his coat around her and starts walking her fast ahead of me. I call out his name twice in confusion but then it hits me whats going on. I just leave without saying anything more and go back to my friends place.

they didn't hook up and she just went back to her dorm because she talked to my friend saying she got back alright. also my "bro" was too drunk/high as well.

1. is this salvagable? great date with potential of hookup but akward ending. She didn't say goodbye though which was kind of wrong though although she was being pretty much dragged away drunkenly. she also stalled to leave when my bro tried to get her to "escort him" to his dorm.
2. what should have i done differently?
3. what should i have done in that akward situation with my friends trying to swoop in?
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Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score

No offense dude but you call those douche bags your friends? This is why I don't have a lot of guy friends, there's ALWAYS competition. This is why most of my friends are girls (they end up competing for MY attention.) You either need to get yourself a couple real bros or you need to start hanging out with chicks. Some people might think that's weird but think of it this way, would you rather hang out with d!cks or chicks? I personally like pvssy, so I'm gonna choose chicks. Maybe I'm coming off a little too strong here. For all I know, maybe this chick is just a b!tch. But if a "friend" of mine was hitting on MY girl, well, we wouldn't be friends any longer.. I don't care if they're drunk or not.

Edit - It's hard to tell if this is still salvageable. You're either gonna have to text her and hit on her yet again or you're gonna have to wait and see if she looks you up. Maybe she was so drunk that she forgot about what happened towards the end of the night. If that's the case, I would hit her up one last time and try it again. Just don't seem desperate. Remember, you're the prize, NOT her.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
no offense taken. You're right im pissed but its suprising how normal that behavior is around here especcialy when people are under the influence


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Why would you let yourself get drunk while on a date in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Stark said:
no offense taken. You're right im pissed but its suprising how normal that behavior is around here especcialy when people are under the influence
Normal indeed. En vino veritas- your bros are no bros. I once had a "friend" who proactively ****blocked me before I even expessed my interest in woman, he just went behind my back and made up some lies about me. I urge you to get rid of people such as this, as they are a damaging and jealous kind.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
yes i ****ed up by letting myself get too drunk

and i acknowledge that my friends are not the best.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Besides the obvious c*ckblocking and too much drinking, with all due respect, I think you let the game go on way too long.

There was no need to take her to some "after party" that your "friends" were having. Not long after the makeout, she might have been ready to pull. Maybe you could have taken her for a "walk" i.e towards the dorm?

When you get a chick worked up, you must remove her from the presence of other sausage. At best, these guys are a distraction. At worst, they are sausage vultures that can steal your prey.

I also think you're getting too hung up on the Mystery Method stuff. You didn't need more comfort. Mystery's whole 4 to 7 hours from meet until s*x is bs. My fastest pull was 29 minutes. My slowest pull was 2.5 hours.

Plus alcohol makes people tired. Too much booze and she'll fall asleep.