The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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  1. M

    Is skinnyguy good for intermediate lifters?

    Yeah, sounds pretty much what I have been doing in the past. Interestingly the diets he listed on his site seemed a bit paltry. I had to eat 4000 calories a day just to gain a 1lb a week of muscle and maintain on around 3000 a day. His gaining diet seemed to be around 2400 calories
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    Is skinnyguy good for intermediate lifters?

    Hi, I am an intermediate lifter, squatting around 200lbs, deadlifting around 200lbs, dipping for reps, and shoulder pressing around 80lbs for reps. What can skinnyguy add for a guy like me? I know how to perform the exercises. I know all about training intensely but not too often to allow...
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    Brad Pitt: Workout & Body [Merged Threads]

    Apparantely he has chicken legs and in the Troy film they had to use some incredibly flattering photography to make him look proportionate.
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    If you're ugly, make some money!

    Well, if you read the article carefully it says that women will marry you for your money and status but for relationships physical attributes are key. Interestingly the article seems to think that girls go far more for physique than facial attractiveness. Now EVERY man can get a good physique...
  5. M

    Here it is, men. The golden key to success with women.

    Cool. I get you now. Be bold and direct with something to OFFER which will make the woman respond to your advances. What are the things about yourself which are easiest to change that make yourself more enticing? Status, prestige and being a perfect lover take a long time to acquire...
  6. M

    Here it is, men. The golden key to success with women.

    Great post Seizing the Day. Keep up these posts, you have a lot of wisdom and I learn a lot from you. What are specific things you can do to show you are the strong, initiating man? Is this a case of just being direct, showing your interest immediately in a non-supplicating manner, and asking...
  7. M

    I need help having a social life in college! Urgent!

    Hi dude. I had a bout of depression through last two years of school. Left me pretty scarred. But I managed to get a social life at college. I recommend you stay away from parties for now and build up your confidence by joining lots of societies and sports clubs. People are always civil and...
  8. M

    Ultimatum to girlfriend - ?

    If every time you have an argument she gives you the silent, moody treatment then you have a problem, especially when from what I read from your first post it was a trifling misunderstanding and not really your fault. Things won't improve as the relationship gets more serious. People don't...
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    GETTING GIRLS TO CHASE YOU (the better looking the chick, the better this works)

    Hi disciple. Good post, but could you please elaborate on it a bit. 1) You agree a girl has to be attracted first. But why would a hot girl be attracted to an average kind of guy immediately? Surely to get the hot girls you have to show some extra value and create attraction? 2) How much...
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    Bring a smile to her face: great way to improve confidence

    Something I have been doing the last couple of days when walking around campus is trying to catch girls eyes and smiling at them. Sometimes they just ignore me, but the few times they smile back I just feel my confidence soar. I have no intention of approaching (read less pressure on me), my...
  11. M

    Been in college for 2 weeks now and still nothing

    Hi JasonR. I am a Londoner too, but studying in the Midlands. I think "easy sex" at college is a bit of a myth. Unless you are very good looking, have no standards, have a lot of social proof (e.g. captain of the rugby team) then it is very hard. My advice would be to join a sports team...
  12. M

    Deadlift form question

    Yeah, agreed. Squats and deadlifts will add hair to your chest, and make anything else in life seem easy in comparison. In fact if you were to only squat, deadlift, dip and chin you could build an incredible body in the space of two years if you worked really hard and ate a lot.
  13. M

    What every skinny guy should know...

    Great formula SOLID. I shall definitely write that one down. The great thing is that all of those factors are within our control (with exception of height). So even for those who haven't been blessed with the prettiest facial features can improve their looks.
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    Super responses everyone. I have also noticed that charming people are able to tease girls in a friendly way. Not exactly ****y and funny, which can be a bit too abrasive, but similar. Sometimes by accident I have pulled this off and each time the girl has blushed a little and given me the...
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    When I look at the average looking guys who score hot chicks, one quality seems to stand out most often: charm. Some people seem to be born with a natural likeability and ability to make everyone feel great about themselves, and project a warmth and charisma which makes them irresisteble. You...
  16. M

    What every skinny guy should know...

    I am sceptical. Granted if you are good looking and add some muscle you will be even more attractive to women. But take someone who has an average face-one that never turns any heads, and an average body (not fat, not thin, just average). Now if that guy was to build up his body to say Mens'...
  17. M

    Seriously no matter how hard Ive tried, I CANT GET A CHICK

    For a start I think you are over-estimating their interest level. If a girl really likes the look of you, as long as you can hold a conversation and avoid coming on too strong you should be able to get her number at least with little difficulty. Fact is some girls will like you, some won't...
  18. M

    Deadlift form question

    What DJBen said. Basically just keeping your weight on your heels, rather than on the toes. So when you are driving off from the bottom, start with pushing yourself off the ground with your heels. When you get to around mid-thigh level combine it with a pull from the back.
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    Pook's Anti Dump Machine

    I have read Pook's Anti Dump Machine pretty thoroughly. It is more targeted towards having a long term relationship with a girl who LIKES you rather than hooking up with pretty girls. But if that is the way you want to go, it makes a lot of sense. You will never get nothing but positive...
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    Securities vs Mistakes

    Hi Pook. Good post. A clarifying question. Your point on working towards your dreams today rather than just waiting for the future in the hope that your dreams will suddenly come true. You then go on to say that often we give up women to pursue our dreams (and I am sure a lot of...