Hello Friend,

If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

GETTING GIRLS TO CHASE YOU (the better looking the chick, the better this works)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
Thanks to "TheInfamousCBear"and "Tkman" for providing some unbiased support for my technique.

Tkman was right when he said that this sh*t is 101% pure pimp/player attitude and approach to the game.

I know it is hard for some guys to accept that a beautiful woman could chase them, especially if they're not exceptionally good looking or rich or something.

It is almost like when people once thought that the world was flat until somebody sailed all the way around it and proved that it is round.

It is often human nature to resist ideas that conflict with your own picture or concept of life.

For example, if I told alot of guys on this forum that I and one of my friends have been out 2:00 am or 3:00 am in the morning riding around half drunk and talked girls we saw on the street (NOT PROSTITUTES) into getting into our car and that the girls f*cked and sucked the hell out of both of us, they wouldn't believe it.

I'm talking about 1 girl getting in a car with two strange, half drunk, guys who both weigh over 220 pounds 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and f*cking us in the car or going to the nearest motel with us.

Even as I write this, I can hear all the non-gamers saying "bull****" and "no f*cking way" and "this guy is full of sh*t".

There was a time when I probably would have said the same thing UNTIL I actually EXPERIENCED this myself.

There are days when I still can't believe some of things I've done, seen, and experienced.

But in order to make these kinds of experiences a part of YOUR reality, you will have to stretch your mind and remove your limitations.

Now I'm starting to sound like the f*cking MATRIX or something. HaHaHa!!! I'm out.

"The strong rule the weak but the wise rule the strong".


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
But she has to be attracted to you first

CBear said it, and it bears (no pun intended) repeating.

If she is attracted to you, this advice is 24-karat gold.

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hi disciple. Good post, but could you please elaborate on it a bit.

1) You agree a girl has to be attracted first. But why would a hot girl be attracted to an average kind of guy immediately? Surely to get the hot girls you have to show some extra value and create attraction?

2) How much of the running should the man do? Would you agree that it is still the man's job to introduce himself and get the conversation started?


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
I think this technique is hit or miss. If you act like you're not interested in then in many cases you can get the same result. If you ignore her completely then she can think you're not interested at all or that you dont even notice her. Also if you're in a social situation then she might have friends around to distract her to keep her from noticing you not noticing her.

I think the basis of the argument is to NOT SWEAT HER. Ive found that many hotties will keep eye contact with you and even smile if they're interested. If they smile then they're inviting you to say something anyways.

Its good to ignore at first. Let her notice you before you notice her. Plus she might be an HB10 that notices you not sweating her but that doesnt mean she'll come up to you and start talking to you. Some hotties are shy or just dont feel like talking. Everyone has different personalities and experiences they're going through.

I think holding confidence in yourself will attract her more then NOT noticing her. Its ok to notice just dont give the obvious signs that most AFC's use to stand above the rest. The attitude this techniqe gives to your confidence is what is powerful about it but the approach has more dynamic possibilities.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Very interesting post. I will have to comment on this later or be late for class!


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
this shiit is gold... its nothing new, but its very easy to read and understand for those who needed to know this.

disciple - curious as to how you incorporate this on a group set where every girl is a dime(not that rare in arizona). usually I just talk them up until one starts to try and dominate the conversation, i then put them on ignore until they have to do something rediculous for my attention again


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
I dont know how this works in short term situations...Ive mostly used it in long term situations like in school or work or something...How would you make this work in a short term situation?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
There are several questions and comments I will now address in order to help guys to understand my technique.

Before I answer specific questions, I'd like to clarify a couple of points about this technique.

First, don't get caught up on the word TECHNIQUE. I use that word but this is much more than a simple technique like establish eye contact then apply kino, etc.

The purpose of this post is to get guys (especially an average kind of guy) to change their mind set, attitude, and outlook on women.

Like I have said before, you have to reverse the game. That is what this is all about. Reversing the game.

What I'm trying to do is take the average guy on a journey through the mind of your typical hot chick.

To give you an analogy, let's say you're hunting an animal. Which way would give you the best chance of getting the animal?

a.) Run around with a big gun and try to blast the first thing you see and then the next and the next and maybe you'll get lucky and actually hit something.

b.) Learn as much as you can about the habits and tendencies of your prey and then use that to your advantage.

Most guys don't have a clue as to what really goes on inside a chicks mind and it is that lack of knowledge and awareness that causes most guys to struggle with women.

Second, the average guy has to stop focusing on whether or not they are attractive enough to attract a hot chick.

As I have stated elsewhere on this forum, women are emotional creatures and men are logical creatures.

The problem with your average guy is that they think that they need to be good looking enough, or drive a nice car, or be tall, or else they can't get a hot woman.

Now I'm not saying that women don't notice things like this but the bottomline is that with women they respond according to how a man makes them feel inside much more than the outer stuff.

All women grow up with this little prince charming fairy tale sh*t in their heads that one day they will meet the "man of their dreams".

Now obviously the "man of their dreams" is not going to be just any guy or one of 99% of the guys she encounters who all pretty much the same to her in terms of how they act, think, etc.

Now if this girl is really attractive, then she's been told by countless guys and people in general about how attractive she is
and she's probably been offered everything from money to gifts to dinner dates to shopping sprees to you name it.

Now to her, this is all cool for a while and all the attention makes her think she is a princess and she will expect men to bow down and kiss the royal a$$.

But wait a minute. Is she really satisfied? Or is there a greater longing within her that has not yet been fulfilled?

Well, I'll let you in on a little secret that few men know. Really attractive women who are put up on a pedestal secretly have a strong desire for a man to come along and put their a$$ in check.

They actually want a man to come along that is powerful and dominant enough to make himself a king in her presence and not a servant like most of the men around her.

Is anyone starting to understand the purpose of this sh*t now? You have to learn how to be a king or prince in order to get these little princess types of chicks because they will ONLY submit to a man who displays more personal power than they have.

The very fact that an average guy thinks of himself as average shows that mentally you are not a king and a chick who thinks she is a princess will never lower herself to get with one who is below her.

Your next logical question is, "Well, this all sounds interesting but how does an average guy like me achieve prince or king status.
Don't you have to be rich or tall or really good looking or something to be a king to a woman?"

Being a king has nothing to do with any of that. Being a king is about power.

Women are attracted to men who exude power and dominance. It is a natural biological and psychological thing.

The first step toward becoming a king is to recognize that as a king, NO ONE is above you.

As Mickey Royal stated in his book "THE PIMP GAME", everyone whom you do not see when you stand alone in the mirror is beneath you.

Secondly, to be a king, you must have a kingdom. So what is your kingdom? Your kingdom is your life and all aspects of it.

That includes your personal relationships, career, finances, interests like sports, or anything that has to do with you directly.

What this means is that as a king, your first job is to build a great kingdom which means building a great life.

In other words, your FIRST focus should be on improving every aspect of your life and always looking to find things or people that will help to enrich it and make it better and more enjoyable.

Also, stop caring about anything that doesn't directly have to do with you and your kingdom (life).

So stop worrying about the guy you see that drives a flashy car and is a jerk and seems to "get all the girls".

Why care about what he's doing or what he has? He doesn't give too sh*ts about you or your life and anyway what he does can't limit you from getting what you want.

The only person who can limit you is YOU.

All great athletes from Michael Jordan on down have this attitude.

This is the attitude that separates winners from losers in life.

So f*ck him and his chicks. That is HIS kingdom. You have to put all of your time and focus on YOUR kingdom so it can grow.

Third, a king puts his own interests and that of his kingdom first and elevates no one or nothing above that.

Fourth, if a woman wishes to become a princess or queen or a servant within his kingdom he will treat her as a subject (that doesn't mean disrespectfully) who will recognize his authority as the master of his domain.

He will NEVER tolerate disrespect or rebellion within his kingdom and if a subject proves to be too much trouble he will IMMEDIATELY exile them from his kingdom and elevate another subject in her place.

Fifth, a good king knows that he is worthy of the best: The best food, the best drinks, the best entertainment, the best clothes, the best homes, the best cars, and also the best p*ssy available.

Now if you take just these five attributes or characteristics of a king and make them a part of your attitude and outlook concerning women and life, then you will be seen by those "HB9's and 10's" as a king and these princesses will be compelled to submit to one who is greater than themselves.

Let me tell you, I am a king and I let ANY woman know it whether I'm attracted to them or not.

I've had girls say that I was stubborn, or difficult, or my ego was out of control or whatever. Don't listen to any of this.

This is nothing but game designed to challenge you to see if your the real deal.

If you stand strong and be a true man and a king in every aspect of your life, you will notice many changes.

You will automatically walk more confidently and with a sense of purpose and power so that when you enter a room you will begin to notice people taking notice of you (including women).

You will begin to treat your time like it is money and only invest it on things and people that benefit you and not waste your time because it precious and irreplaceable.

You will begin to care much less about trivial things like worrying about what someone else is doing and focus on important things
that directly affect you and your life.

You will begin to shape your life according to your own will and you will discover that you have much more power than you ever imagined.

You will also begin to take an active interest in your health and well-being and maybe change your diet or work out more in order to improve this area of your kingdom.

You will begin to ask less questions and figure more sh*t out on your own because now you have limited your dependence on other people.

Don't be surprised to have other people start to seek advice or counsel from you because you always seem to have your sh*t together.

Another thing about advice. A king has advisors who provide him with information and can give him their viewpoints on various things to help him to make decisions.

Your advisors will most likely be family or friends or someone whom you admire or who is very knowledgeable.

First, be very careful whom you choose to listen to. A king has to make good decisions for his kingdom and bad advice has destroyed many a kingdom and life.

Listen to what they say, but make YOUR OWN DECISIONS without anyone's interference or influence.

There are very few people you can trust in this life and everyone has their own agenda. Remember that.

(This reply is continued below).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
In regards to women, if you are a king then that means that you are HIGHER UP THAN ANY WOMAN no matter how much of a queen or princess she thinks she is or how many guys treat her as such.

I think this is the real secret and advantage of the jerk over the nice guy in that the jerk acts much more like the kingly traits I've mentioned and nice guys and AFC's place themselves mentally below this drop dead gorgeous princess and accept a lower status.

Before I go on too long, I'll briefly answer or respond to some questions and comments.

Bonhomme said that if she is attracted to you then this works well. As I mentioned before, the king's attractiveness lies in his power.

When you start to think and act like a king in all of your affairs, as I said before, people will take notice including hot chicks.

They say that women can smell money on a man. It isn't the money she smells but the power that comes from having a nice bank account.

Women are natually attracted to power and men who radiate or display power.

When you change your mentality, attitude, and behaviour it will show automatically through your body language, voice tone, the way you carry yourself, etc.

Non-verbal communication makes up like 90 something percent of all communication. Actual words spoken make up only a small amount.

Have you ever noticed that two people can say the exact same thing but the effects or response each gets isn't the same.

That's because one person's non-verbal communication backing up those words was more powerful and therefore had a more powerful affect on a listener.

If you noticed a woman giving you strong buying signals like eye contact for example and her interest level is high and your non-verbal communication is that of king or dominant man, then you could say something as simple as hi and she'd probably be wetting her panties.

The important thing is to build your inner game first and it will communicate itself naturally through your non-verbal communication such as body language, your aura or vibe, etc.

That is why I said not to get caught up on technique because without a strong mentality to back up your specific techniques they won't have much power or effect on women.

The order of things is inner and then outer. You don't put a band-aid on someone who has internal bleeding. You have to work on the inside and then worry about the outside.

I hope some of you are getting this.

To answer dcfball's quesion about talking to groups of dimes, first, I don't recommend approaching groups anyway.

If it is only two chicks and you have a friend with you or your game is really strong and you think you can pull a threesome, then go for it.

But stay away from groups unless you can find a way to isolate the one you want and get her open enough on you to leave with you (if your in bar, club, or a party).

TheInfamousCBear asked how to use this in short term situations.

By short term, I'm assuming you mean, for example, seeing a girl at the bus stop or in line at a store or some place where you might not see them again.

The long and short answer is that once you learn to become a king, you will notice all sorts of women start to take notice of you whether your in a store, club, the street, or wherever women are.

They will smell your power and dominance and their natural biological drive to mate with a dominant male will kick in.

Women who may have never paid you attention before will start to think to themselves,"There is something about him and I don't know what it is but I wouldn't mind finding out."

They probably won't consciously know why they're interested. All they know is that they have a certain FEELING. Remember that women are emotional creatures.

When you notice them giving you buying signals such as eye contact or glances or other non-verbal signs of interests, this is your cue to go see if she would make a nice addition to your kingdom.

You are giving her the opportunity to enter into your kingdom but that is a privelage and if she acts stupid or irritates your royal highness you can easily reject her and find a more worthy queen or princess to serve your needs.

This also answers some other questions as well. As a king, you should always be on the look out to expand and improve your kingdom and that can mean a better job or a better chick so yes if you are getting buying signals from a chick by all means move in and give her the opportunity to enter your kingdom (life).

To Matt Rogers, I think the answers to the questions you asked have already been covered in this reply so just read it over a few times and think about it and think about your own experience and of other people around you. It will all click for you.

Syncronic commented about acting not interested or ignoring chicks. Don't ignore them or act uninterested just be the kind of
king that I've described and always scan your environment for chicks who have detected your power and show signs of interest. Then of course, move in.

I think that about covers it and I didn't set out to write this long of a reply but when good ideas start flowing I got to let it out.

Just apply the things I've told you to your life and not only will your sex life improve, but your entire LIFE will improve because the principle of being a king works in every area of your life.

Live it, be it, do it.

"The strong rule the weak but the wise rule the strong."


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
I see you disciple...I got an example...

I remember when I started working out and it started showing, I changed my posture and started giving eye contact, alot of things changed...When I used to go to work, it was like all the dudes instantly respected me and were always trying to talk to me, and the girls were jocking hard...I see where Im working now, its the same sh1t, dudes giving me daps and girls being attracted...I remember the first week I started here, 2 girls were having a convo and one of them was talking about how I was the new guy and I looked good, etc...Then she came around the corner and saw me standing there, and she got embarrased and went back around the corner, lol...

Thats why I think dudes should work out first and everything will follow...I talked to a friend the other day and he told me hes gonna start bulking cause if you have a nice body and good posture, it gives you a good advantage combined with the inner stuff you learn...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
That is true CBear, even other guys will look at you as dominant.

Some will try to befriend you, others will seek to ****block you (because when your the king, there are others who will want the crown), and many will simply seek to avoid you and stay out of your way (especially the really weak ones).

I'm sure by what you've said you've probably seen all of this already.

Even among guys, there is a pecking order just like there is with animals like dogs.

We all know that in a pack of dogs or wolves, the betas or submissive males instantly know when they are in the presence of a dominant male.

The good part is that so do the females and they want to mate with the most dominant male they can find.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Yo this technique is money as is know through-out parts of the seduction community as active-disinterest. However this sh!t will get you blown out by LSE even average chicks, because they are already insecure as it is, so by you not validating their attractiveness you often see them putting their head down or become moody. Think of that gurl in your class who you never talked to cuz she wasn't good lookin enuff or u were into someone else, but always saw looking at you. Stop and think, remember how angry/depressed she'd get as the day progressed. So yuo gotta use this in moderation. I think a more accurate description of it would be a BL neg-hit

But I agree with someone on the first page, she has to see you. She doesn't necessarily have to be attracted (that will come with your personality you dispay) but she has to have her eye caught by you, or notice that you aren't drooling over her like the other guys. If you are ignoring her and she is reading a book, she won't even notice you trying your best not to stare.

Another similar tactic would be to come on strong or give her a big IOI and then take everything away, but this is starting to sound like those stupid ganji games. So in conclusion I'd say to use this tactic sparingly, and not as a alternative to talking to gurls you are interested in.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
This is a great thread! Especially the inner game reply by disciple... respect for that

Originally posted by Microphone Fiend
However this sh!t will get you blown out by LSE even average chicks
Why would you bother yourself with those when you could have beautiful intelligent women?


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by Microphone Fiend
Yo this technique is money

* Snip*
You gotta understand that this is more than a tactic, its a mindset...This is different from Ganji cause in Ganji, you are just leaving the girl alone after the inital encounter or whatever...This is that you show the girl that you are interested and how good you are, then you move on and do something else while just giving the girl regular contact, not the first time contact where you gotta show how good you are...Look at this...

Ganji = first contact -> leave the girl alone completly

This = first contact -> ease up off of her

Basically make a little room between yourself and the girl, not just leave the girl alone...


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
What is strange is that there is this girl i have known for about 2 years, and weve talked off and on just as friends from swim practice, her little sister is hot, but anyway, she is pretty, but for some odd reason, about a few weeks ago i did somehting to stimulate her *****, i dont know what, what i did was sit very close next to her as she was on her phone and tease her about having so many guys on her phone or some other bull****, ever since then she has been on my ass saying "Hi Stephan", and at first i thought she was just being friendly, but now, holly **** i cannot get her to shut the hell up, and it has gotten very annoying, i dont know if shes doing it because she sees that it annoys me but when im stretching she always mimicks me and does some other ****, she comes to swim in the lane that i am swimming in and on wednesday i was sitting talking to her sister and she comes right over and sits IN BETWEEN us, and puts her arm around mine saying we are going out now, im saying ok whatever playing along she tells her friends and we are just fooling around, i keep telling her that i am tanning with her sister and even her sister was saying for her to go away, lol, but the whole entire time i have been trying to not pay attention to her because basically she is starting to flat out annoy me, but i dont want to be mean since she has alot of hot friends, maybe i should flirt with them, but anyway, this girl is about a 8, but holly ****, her personality is so fauking weird its ridiculous, shes not WEIRD but shes one of those hot spanish girls who are stupid in the head. and im assuming that she is used to getting guys all over her, and i have not done anything,

maybe i should use her as a faulk buddy because i am lonely but then again maybe not cus she is just one of those hot stupid girls, her little sister is a differ story :p,

what bothers me is that why do i attract girls i am not attracted to and i cant attract girls that i am attracted to even if i try to act unattracted to them in the first place, it seriously pisses me off,

I think i should have went to our schools homecoming tonight since i am a senior and its my last year but i didnt, Whatever, its not something i was relaly into or am into, but still, i need some action in my life, 1st quarter of school is over and just 3 to go, and i have not done anything but retreat to the sports that i play or keep my self occupied with other hobbies,

i HAVE talked to this girl in my 1st hour, i had one-itis on her in 10th grade, she seems like one of those colombian quiet girls but when u talk to her shes open, etc, she relaly seems like one of those freaky girls who loves to have sex, i dont know why but she seems that way

i dont know why i have rambled on for no reason but hey, whatever, if someone could post replies to this that would be great


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
I know from first-hand experience that this advice works!

I know because the women who are "chasing" me are the ones I show no interest in. Yet the women I lavish all my attention on are the ones I drive away.

Right now, I'm playing this strategy with a Hb9.999 model and it's working extremely well. This girl could have almost any guy she wanted so it's kind of weird seeing her acting somewhat desperate to get my attention.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
This thread should be Part 2

and Part 2 should be Part 1.

This whole discussion deserves a bump. Too many guys flounder around by going at things bassackwards, and chasing women while they should have women chasing them.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
Your right Bonhomme. When I wrote part 2, I realized that alot of it was what I was trying to communicate in Part 1. Well I guess someone can read them in reverse order if they want.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by smokez01

what bothers me is that why do i attract girls i am not attracted to and i cant attract girls that i am attracted to even if i try to act unattracted to them in the first place, it seriously pisses me off,

Are you showing the girls that you like that you are interested in them? That could be your problem...When I was younger, girls would come to me, but I never really showed interest in girls that I liked, and when I tried to go at them, I would fukk it up...If you need help, look at Player Supreme's posts...

Moe Szyslak

Don Juan
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere warm
This post is pure gold. I had an experience this summer that showed that not acting like every other idiot does work.

I was houseboating this summer and there was this girl that me and my buddy were both trying to get with. He did everything for her from making her drinks to following her around like a puppy to always trying to sit beside her. He basically worshipped the ground she walked on. I acted indifferent around her even though I really wanted her. I started off by just treating her like I would any other girl and kept flirting with some of the other girls on the boat. When we talked I would keep the conversation on her and never gave too much of myself away. My buddy was going on about how great he was at wakeboarding and basically told her everything about his entire life.

Suddenly she started hanging around me more, like for instance when I was sitting at the back of the boat just dangling my feet in the water she comes and joins me then followed by my idiot friend. When I'd go and get a drink she'd ask me to get her one and I'd reply with "why don't you grab us a couple of drinks" which she did. I was in control, it was an awesome feeling.

By the end of the second night she invited me on a walk down the beach which led to some skinney dipping followed by a soak in the hot tub finished off with her sleeping in my bed. My buddy was speechless when he saw her come out of my room and even now after seeing my success won't visit this site or listen to what I have to tell him. He's a 21 year old virgin and is bound to be one for a very long time, although he says he wants to be a virgin. :rolleyes:

For the rest of the trip he kept trying to steal her, it was really sad to watch. He has no belief whatsoever in bro's before ho's. I walked away from the trip with her phone number which she gave me while he walked away with her email address that he had to ask for.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
