lurker said:
im sorry i dont believe this crap. goodlooking guy's ignore hb's on the street and dont get chased in that way. how much more an average joe?. average joe's should sarge till they drop, cos at the end the average joe's that sarge end up getting more girls than the goodlooking guy who ignore's all girls.
Good point.
The OP is right in some respects but doesn't cover the most important parts.
It's not just about ignoring the girl. After all, plenty of people ignore her every day. It's about what response she expects to get from you.
If the girl is a 10 and the guys who approach her are always 7, 8, and 9's, then if you ignore her, she might notice. But since ugly/average guys don't show her attention, then ignoring her would do nothing if you're a 1-6. So, if you aren't anywhere near the girls level, you would BE MUCH better off if you approached her.
I mean looks matter. It's all a matter of degree. It doesn't matter who you are or how much money you have, looks do matter to a degree. So if you are so below this girl's level that you would never have a chance then nothing will work.
IMHO, ignoring a girl will only work if you're in an environment where she expects to be approached AND you happen to be someone who she expects will approach her. She has to think "Oh god, here comes another guy to hit on me." And as you walk up to her making eye contact, you just turn to the bar tender and ask for a beer, and completely ignore the girl. Then she'll notice. But if you're dressed so bad or have so much body fat that no guy like you has ever approached her, she won't even notice you. So, go for it and say something. Make her notice you.
The OP has some good points but overall it's just a magic pill. And as we all know, magic pills don't exist. The OP has some correct information, but there's a lot more to it. Don't think you can just ignore a pretty girl and get her... For all you know, she might not think she's pretty! I dated a girl for a long time who is gorgeous but has extremely low self-esteem and thinks shes fat.... Many girls are like this. They just come across as very intimidating and confident, but it's usually a show.
Think about the guys who look the most tough and bad-ass....they usually only look like that because they want people to think they're bad-ass and tough. We're all just people. We all have mommies and daddies and cried when we were babies. The women, especially the beautiful ones, try desperately to convince themselves and the world that they're prettier than they think they are.