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  1. N

    "He was too good for her..."

    I would recomend that you not over analyze this stuff.... It could be for a number of reasons - they may not get on well - she may have been in a *****y mood - perhaps jealous - who knows. There is just to many parameters here. Women change their minds like the weather anyways.
  2. N

    i have to strip down in front of class!

    This is one of life's little tests.... Are you a man or are you a mouse? This all in all is ridiculous. You should refuse to do it point balnk. It silly that at this day and age they do not have blow up dolls and such to practice this sh#t on. He's gay - and that's more likely why...
  3. N

    Interesting update about you know who.

    Well I felt I'd right this little update.... which I thought was particularly interesting. Friday comes along and We are out of work at 3. So my ex's best friend ask me if we were going to get a few beers (she works in the same building as me) - I said yes and that she's welcome to come...
  4. N

    2 year relationship going bad..what do I do?

    I agree with Westcoaster. Statisitics say that your more likely to divorce someone if you live with her before hand. Its a very interesting statistic - and I wonder how this comes about. One though is the fact that those people who live together before marrage have lower level of...
  5. N

    English People - Help

    I did the reverse. I came to the US after living in the UK for 24 yrs. It's a blast dude. Use what you have - your accent and the fact that you are different. This is your "In". People will want to talk to you and get to know you - find out about you - because you are different...
  6. N

    Why do girls lie about their sexual past, and why does it hurt me to find out?

    One sided love is always a bad idea, and it seems that's what we have here. She didn't seem sorry because she's not and now she thinks you're a overemotional baby who can't be a man. Harsh, but that's a chick for you. What do you expect? Someone to regret his/her past? Why? in this case...
  7. N

    It's not looks - but phyiscal characteristics

    Wrong.... Because when it boils down to it, it's a numbers game. These guys are not successfull 100% of the time. DJ's, PUA etc. these guys are not born - you BECOME that. Over time you get to know singals - you work your game - you learn what works and what doesn't.... And then your...
  8. N

    Is there something wrong with me?

    It's probably because the real you is boring.... You put the DJ attitude on = confidence. i.e. You r going to live your life - you don't care what everyone else thinks - your your own man. That's a DJ - you do your thing for yourself not for someone else. The reason why people like...
  9. N

    Why do girls lie about their sexual past, and why does it hurt me to find out?

    Silly, plain silly. Firstly - your chick had sex with 1 guy before she even meet you - and your crying about it. AFC. All the other guys who calls a woman THAT HAD SEX WITH 1 GUY a HO - you've got some serious problems to deal with. I wonder why PRL and the others are still single in...
  10. N

    I think I hit rock bottom today

    Let's get this into perspective here. This is not a big deal as you would imagine. Lesson 1: This is an example of One-i-tis. You got all tied up with some chick you work with. You should be hitting up lot's of other chicks - and this would not have been such a big issue for you...
  11. N

    It's not looks - but phyiscal characteristics

    I personally like thinner girls - with tighter bods. It's important to me for the girl to have great skin. Even highr up the scale is a woman that takes a lot of time to take care of herself. We are talking about manicure's and pedicures - Hair, makeup well done, but not to much. Dress...
  12. N

    It's not looks - but phyiscal characteristics

    There's been a lot of talk about that fact that women like good looking guys - like duh.... Lot's of talk about looks over personality.... It's my belief that it's not looks per se that get the women interested - but it's your physical characteristics.... Like guys, women go for a...
  13. N

    LJBF shows porn

    The question you should be asking yourself is why do you care??? This chick has problems and issues. She's showing you a tape of her fvcking another dude - do you want to be with a chick like that. If you want to fvck her then go ahead - but you will loose the friendship for sure.
  14. N

    could use a tad bit of advice

    you should always use your DJ skills anyways.... I wouldn't act like your dating her until you are. But that doesn't mean you can flirt with her and DJ her. You still got to be a challenge.
  15. N

    Testing or Leaving?! How do I know?

    Wrong. What women say and what they do are 2 different things. So, Call her up on your terms - but don't call her just to say HI - and to find out how her exams went. If you call her, call her to go out - have a plan to hook up. This chick has given you some indications that she'd...
  16. N

    could use a tad bit of advice

    Here is the thing - if she takes the 'backbreaker' ride - then how does that make her look. How do you feel about the fact that she is hooking up with you whilst she still has not broken up with her BF. Do you even care? It really boils down to you and whether your cool with having an LTR...
  17. N

    What do men want from women, beyond sex?

    Your 34 - you maybe better off posting in the mature forum.
  18. N

    top 5 places to meet women

    Your dreams.... Nothing worth while comes for free.
  19. N

    give it time?

    Don't mention the other night - it water under the bridge. **** him: I'm in the "like" stage right now, not in the "love" stage, but I'm weird like that, and it took me a year and a half to get there with my last girl friend. but I'm enjoying what we have. I think we should give it a...
  20. N

    Testing or Leaving?! How do I know?

    First of all, It really doesn't matter what the hell she was doing. I think your trying to read to much into what she is doing. You shoul djust do your own thing. If she calls back and talks to you then try and hit her up again. remember just do your thing and have other chickies your...