Master Don Juan
Okay, there was this woman that I posted about around 3 months ago, she contacted me out of the blue after 2 years and to make a long story short, she is still with her BF right now.
I can't get into alot of details, simply because it wouldn't do any good, but to make it short and sweet, we get along great, we know each other like the back of our hands and I really do care about her. Not some childish I have a crush on you an I can't live without her care about her, but regardless of what happends if anything between us, I really do what whats best for her (It just so happends that I believe that I am what's best for her).
Okay, we always talk usually 1 time a week; she does have a BF, I have a nice flow of women I see on a weekly basis, and i work more than the average person and so does she so we don't really have time to see each other or for that fact talk. However, ever since this time last week, she has been calling me alot more often then she did. I know part of it was because of her situtation with her dad, which I will not get into because it's extremely personal, but I am the only person who knows about it besides her so I helped her with her problem. However that was just one of many phone calls.
Getting to the point, she has all of the signs of a girl looking for prospects before breaking up with her current BF, and honestly I am not suprised. Wanting to know about my personal life, openly flirting with me and other men, etc. I don't have to list all of the signs becuase I know them, I am not here to figure out if she is thinking of leaving her BF, that I already know. Nor am I am trying to give her a push out of the door.
She recently asked me to talk her out this weekend if I wasn't busy. I am not really scared to "loose her" becuase well, I don''t have her, but she does mean alot to me, more so then the average women I pick up off of the street.
I would say we are about on the same boat looks wise, both very attractive people who get attention from the opposite sex, so I am not intimiated by her.
All I really want to know, and I think I know the answer, is should I start laying the groundwork for making my move NOW, or should I wait until she has left her BF? I can come up with pros and cons for both, but it looks like she is giving me the landing signal and if she is I don't want to take a detor.
I can't get into alot of details, simply because it wouldn't do any good, but to make it short and sweet, we get along great, we know each other like the back of our hands and I really do care about her. Not some childish I have a crush on you an I can't live without her care about her, but regardless of what happends if anything between us, I really do what whats best for her (It just so happends that I believe that I am what's best for her).
Okay, we always talk usually 1 time a week; she does have a BF, I have a nice flow of women I see on a weekly basis, and i work more than the average person and so does she so we don't really have time to see each other or for that fact talk. However, ever since this time last week, she has been calling me alot more often then she did. I know part of it was because of her situtation with her dad, which I will not get into because it's extremely personal, but I am the only person who knows about it besides her so I helped her with her problem. However that was just one of many phone calls.
Getting to the point, she has all of the signs of a girl looking for prospects before breaking up with her current BF, and honestly I am not suprised. Wanting to know about my personal life, openly flirting with me and other men, etc. I don't have to list all of the signs becuase I know them, I am not here to figure out if she is thinking of leaving her BF, that I already know. Nor am I am trying to give her a push out of the door.
She recently asked me to talk her out this weekend if I wasn't busy. I am not really scared to "loose her" becuase well, I don''t have her, but she does mean alot to me, more so then the average women I pick up off of the street.
I would say we are about on the same boat looks wise, both very attractive people who get attention from the opposite sex, so I am not intimiated by her.
All I really want to know, and I think I know the answer, is should I start laying the groundwork for making my move NOW, or should I wait until she has left her BF? I can come up with pros and cons for both, but it looks like she is giving me the landing signal and if she is I don't want to take a detor.