I split up with my ex in january, having gone abroad to work. Anyway, one of her housemates (who happens to be exceptioanlly attractive and intelligent) has been heard to say (to a friend of mine) that I was too good for the ex.
Is there any meaning to this other than the obvious truth of the statement? I realise that this is an open invitation for over-analysis, but I can't really see how this can just have been a throwaway comment, thus I'm interested in what you guys think.
Any suggestions gratefully received, particularly from any UK DJs (Austin Allegro, Dirtheart et al).
Is there any meaning to this other than the obvious truth of the statement? I realise that this is an open invitation for over-analysis, but I can't really see how this can just have been a throwaway comment, thus I'm interested in what you guys think.
Any suggestions gratefully received, particularly from any UK DJs (Austin Allegro, Dirtheart et al).