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  1. B

    No contact in a triangle: Experience report

    ^^Allegory, great advice^^ Definitely rehashing things in a cyclical loop of could-haves and what-if-I's will drive you to the madhouse (trust me from personal experience). Getting involved with a chick who has a BF is going to cause problems. I suppose if you were a completely disconnected...
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    Boyfriend Shield. (field report)

    IDK man -- if you're out with HER and you hit on HER FRIEND to get a number, that would definitely be a hit to the heart. Seriously dude, I'd say flirting with her a friends to get them to like you and root for you is one thing, but getting her number is going too far and disrespecting the woman...
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    Life Lesson Learned

    Zekko, I completely agree.
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    Life Lesson Learned

    ^^Yes!^^ I had been pushed to the limit and said you know what, then fvck you, and threw her in the trash. NOT A DJ RESPONSE. I was reacting from a place of fear and anger, anguish as well. I should have let her grab her stuff and leave, and sat down to do work as she was walking out...
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    She seems like LTR material...

    [Good Potential LTR Attributes] 1. Emotionally stable. 2. Self-supporting. 3. Has not ridden the c*ock carousel. 4. Has no father issues. 5. Has not been a stripper. 6. Goes out of her way to make you happy. 7. Mild attachment [she will long for you, not the other way around] 8. Does not...
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    She seems like LTR material...

    Just getting too deep in your mind about "being with anyone" can genuinely create some let downs. I know I have held women in my mind with high expectations, believing them [truly at the time] to be my future wife/mother of my child, etc. What a bi.tch when reality hits. Somehow there should...
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    How to get rid of an obsessed girl?

    It all just sounds so intense! Man I'm telling you from a very painful recent experience, pull away! You don't want a woman creating such drama and struggle in your life!
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    Life Lesson Learned

    She would even say things like she is "damaged goods" and all sorts of stuff like this -- to which I would feel like it wasn't fair, some of what she had been through you know. It was the lack of having any positive male role models in life that led her to stripping, it was the lack of this same...
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    Life Lesson Learned

    She was *not currently* a stripper when I went out with her. She had been out of the business for over a year. But she HAD BEEN a stripper for ~5+ years. IDK guys, I really fell for this one, she told me a lot of lovey-dovey stuff, but she was very controlling and OCD in her own ways. Coupled...
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    Life Lesson Learned

    I appreciate the responses here, this has all helped my mind for certain. I definitely made some mistakes. I know she did too. And I know, her issues are up to her to deal with. But I can't ever escape this life of mine -- so I better make the d.amned most of it and make myself the very...
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    How can I tell when it's the end of a relationship?

    ^^ What he said! Yes! ^^
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    Life Lesson Learned

    I think the hardest part is, I definitely, in some ways made an ass of myself in our breakup. I was pretty worked up and angry. I am not sure how a person can stay detached when the other person throws in the towel -- I know pssing and moaning is not the DJ way. I have much, much to learn.
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    Life Lesson Learned

    Wait_out -- you're right man, you're right.
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    Life Lesson Learned

    I'm not sure she had the game down pact, so to say, because she broke a lot of rules here (like going deep into past relationships..) above many more. I don't know, she is just a human being, but man I think her 5+ year career in that world definitely left her with some issues. She even told me...
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    Life Lesson Learned

    She had been a stripper for 5+ years...idk, this can effect things..
  16. B

    Need insight about Gf lowering sexual drive

    Pipe man you are in the exact same situation I was in recently, and unfortunately, I did not make the right adjustments in the proper mind. In some ways, I know that we had fundamental differences that was going to remove our ability to have a healthy relationship. BUT: A few things from this...
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    2 in a row. what are the chances of that?

    I would say -- from very direct recent experience -- to avoid going too deep with either of these women. Sexual casualness, as it lasts, is one thing, but starting a committed relationship with either of these women will become filled with the residues of their recently ended relationship.
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    Life Lesson Learned

    This makes me feel better: You Need a Boyfriend From the makers of the Snuggie, Oxyclean, ShamWow and countless other over priced items comes... The Boyfriend!
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    Life Lesson Learned

    Hmm..well, what to say. My 8-month LTR just recently ended. I suppose I definitely invested way too much stock in this one. I'm not sure why, amidst the moment, it seems so easy to do -- to give in to what one perceives to be as, "love" and whatever emotion it is that we experience. But then the...
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    AFC Female?

    These responses are interesting and diverse. I'd have to agree with some of those statements. I do believe however in some ways these definitions can be a bit cold -- I don't think there is inherently anything wrong with gift giving or short and small kisses, ect. I think it only becomes a...