Need insight about Gf lowering sexual drive


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
hey guys, so Me and my girl have been together for 7 months now. Currently she is happy, she says she wants to be with me forever, and always wants to see me on weekends. she is very respectful as well.

we have planned a cruise trip together with her family next week.. so things are going smooth.

however, recently we kinda got into small arguments, but it seems that since like 2 weeks ago, her IL has dropped a bit physically.

she is not into making out anymore, like she will give me kisses, but they feel like pecks, not actual make outs like before (first 5 months)

i feel the passion is going away slowly, like she was really into the sex thing and experimenting the first 5 months, lately it seems she is not in the mood (even though its the first time her parents are not in town) like now is whne she should be wanting to do it all the time.

we did it yesterday, but at the beginning she wasnt in the mood, so I escalated till she wanted to... but it feels like I have to do some effort to get it, and before it just happened naturally.

last night I was at her house with her girl friend watching a movie, the friend left after the movie, and I stayed a bit, and implied I wanted to have sex, she said she was tired...

well this week she has been a bit moody because her period is supposed to come at any time, she is feeling the symptoms but it doesnt come out. so she is kinda concerned, and she told me that because of that, she is not in the mood.

but before she wouldnt care, like the thing that attracted her to me, is her high sexual drive, not kidding she is wet all the time ,and used to tell me she would finger herself almost everyday.

so I think she is happy and wants to stay with me, So am I am happy with her she is a good girl that loves me.

but the physical stuff is really important for me, I have let her know this yesterday, Without sex and physical affection, I really feel i only have companionship and not a girl on my side.

she told me yesterday, that we dont have to do it everytime, that she feels thats the only thing I want,(mind you, in the past 2 months we do it once or twice a week) and that if she is not in the mood and does it anyway, she is gonna feel used.

well, my plan is to distance myself, and not see her that much anymore, am preparing myself to walk away, its tough, but am not getting what I want

from now on:
-am not gonna try to kiss her or touch her in any way for a month. ( so that she can be the one initiating) she has in the past let me know when she wants it, and she will make it OBVIOUS!

- am not gona text her anymore, until she does first.
-im not gonna ask her anymore to go to her house, am gonna wait for her to say she misses me and wants to see me.

-gonna start talking to other girls.

anything else I could do? I mean the sex is always good, and she gets multiple orgasms and she loves it, she tells me that. I think the problem is that I've been seeing her a lot lately, and she has gotten used to me at this point, now am afraid that the physical attraction is waning, and I wanna keep it high.

we all know that without physical attraction and sex, relationships are doomed sooner or later, i dont just want companionship, if i did id get a dog.

what else could I do to increase physical attraction? I am her first boyfriend, i took her virginity on may, she loves me and wants to be with me.. I love her too, but Ill never be happy if I dont get the sex I want.

is this normal? are relationships supposed to decrease in sexual drive at 7 months? it would sux/ If making her miss me a lot does not cause her to increase sexual level in the next month, im gonna give this strategy a whole month, and if this does not increases her sexual drive, then Ill tell her that " its not working for me anymore". if it does, then Ill know that I gotta keep myself more busy and not have her as a priority anymore.
like am gonna wait for her period to come, then after it, ill wait a month to see if there are any positive changes, and if she notices my change in attitude, should I explain that its because Im not getting my needs met in the relationship???

I think a month of backing away should do it? any other advice?


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
I think you are overreacting a bit here. At some point in most LTRs the girl gets to a point where she feels like "all you do" is have sex, even though the frequency is no different and they enjoy it every time. I think there are a few reasons for it---women do not like to feel like sex is expected of them every time. It dries up their pvssy. Second, it can be a power play, even if an unconscious one. I dont think that's what's happening here, it seems like an interest drop....which is interesting considering you just took her virginity 2 months ago.

There could be a lot of reasons for her cooling off, but I'd wait and see since things have otherwise been good. It may pass.

The best parts of your plan are:

-Seeing her a little less frequently
-Not initiating sex

I dont think you need to go so far as not kissing her or not asking her to hang out; that may backfire on you. Just ease back a bit, and when she confronts you about you being less available or not initiating sex, dont accuse her of anything, just say you've been very happy with her up to this point but your needs arent being met and it isnt fair to either of you.

You definitely have the right idea---never reward decreased sex with attention, because sex is a form of attention and you arent getting yours. If you keep giving her the attention she needs, she knows she can just dole out sex as she sees fit, because there is no commensurate reaction from you.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Comfort and familiarity are anti-seductive. In the beginning of an LTR, before any implied commitment, women will be at their most sexually available. This isn't news, pretty much every LTR begins the way you've described; hot, frequent sex followed by the woman becoming less and less available as she becomes more and more comfortable.

The sexual urgency she felt that was motivated by her subconscious competition anxiety becomes less and less pronounced as she comes to know your personality and your condition more fully. It's usually at this point that men start to make concessions for women's reasons as to why they're less sexual or begin rationing sex. The wanton, voluntary sex that was so enjoyable in the first 2 months becomes a bargaining tool for her in an effort to control the LTR frame. This is also the point at which most guys will actively negotiate the terms of her desire (never genuine), which only aggravates her to want to control the frame more.

What most men are unaware of is that in negotiating terms for a woman's sexual availability you only confirm for her what she fears - that you are in fact a low sexual market value man. A high SMV man wouldn't negotiate for desire, nor would sex be allowed to be a point of leverage over him since the high SMV man would have concurrent options or be confident enough to know he can generate more if she turns off the sex spigot. The high SMV male doesn't plead for sex, he simply reacts to her behavior and hooks up with a new plate he's spinning. If she becomes less sexually available, he becomes less physically available.

By playing along with her frame you get caught in an endless cycle of qualifying yourself for what you hope will be a return to that hot pre-commitment sex you still fondly remember. By overtly negotiating for her sex ("all you ever want from me is sex") and making it pre-existing issue you cast yourself in the role of having no other sexual options. Remember, women want a man that other men want to be and other women want to ƒuck. In pleading for sex you defeat this impression for her.

My advice: Put her on ice and be prepared to walk altogether if the situation doesn't change. You really have 2 options. The first is doing what you've suggested and lay low for a while. Do something unpredictable, break a date, go dark on her for 2 or 3 days, but always be doing something unavoidably responsible - work project, late hours, sick grandmother, depressed friend, anything that makes you seem dedicated to something worthwhile. Increase your value, and subtly plant the seeds of competition anxiety, through scarcity. You need to reignite her imagination that you aren't the comfortable familiar, predictable guy she's comfortable holding out on.

Your second option is to go to direct game on her. You've already mentioned that her withholding sex (desire) and affection is unacceptable for a long term proposition, and you already know she's the kind of woman to do this. Tell he flat out, "Sex and your affection are ways you show me your desire for me. They are important to me. I wont apologize for it, I'm a Man and men like to ƒuck. I'd prefer to be ƒucking someone who wants to ƒuck me, not someone who feels they have to."

Most men are too petrified of losing their ONEitis to even entertain the idea of being so direct. However, you'll either take the defibrillator to your LTR or you'll lose her anyway. In either case you need to own your manhood and let her know either directly or indirectly that you wont apologize for want to bang her like the good old days of just 7 months ago. When she pops off with "all you want is sex" you come back with "yeah, pretty much." You need to reinforce the idea that wanting to bang her consistently should be a compliment for her. You're in a struggle for frame at this point. Either she's going to be in control of your sex life or you are. You can't be timid; high SMV guys don't think twice about blowing up their LTRs if their woman uses sex as leverage.

Most women will comply after a week or so of indignation. They get off on masculine dominance. There is no greater demonstration of higher value (DHV) than a man dumping a woman, however intimating that you will do so does the same trick often enough. You just need to have a masculine conviction that overpowers the fear of her rejection. And if she does break up with you, you did yourself a favor in extracting her games from your long term life.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
thanks for your post Rollo! eye opening!!!

I can tell the things I was doing wrong. Been focusing on her too much I would say, that I was starting to lose myself and not taking care of me.

So starting yesterday, I cancelled seeing her, this morning i didnt go, she just texted me a "I love you" which is good, it has been a while since she said it.... so am not gonna see her this week until thursday, and only if she invites me over because she misses me, other wise, I wont bring it up.

also, if I pick her up, well go out to do something I choose, and when we come back to drop her off, I will stay in the car and say goodbye, like I wont just get out and into her house like I used to, Ill just say its late, ill talk to you tomorrow gn!.

this should start creating that anxiety back in...

omg I let myself commit these mistakes lowering my value... being predictable, boring... all these years reading sosuave, I hope I still get a chance to turn this around, because she is worth it. Im doing a complete change of attitude.

like am also gona start being more social in front of her and I wont avoid talking to other girls just because I wouldnt want her to talk to other guys in front of me

most of all, if these gambits do not help me to reignite her passion for me, then at least, im getting my power back and can just start picking up other girls

game on!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
pipe007 said:
thanks for your post Rollo! eye opening!!!

I can tell the things I was doing wrong. Been focusing on her too much I would say, that I was starting to lose myself and not taking care of me.

So starting yesterday, I cancelled seeing her, this morning i didnt go, she just texted me a "I love you" which is good, it has been a while since she said it.... so am not gonna see her this week until thursday, and only if she invites me over because she misses me, other wise, I wont bring it up.

also, if I pick her up, well go out to do something I choose, and when we come back to drop her off, I will stay in the car and say goodbye, like I wont just get out and into her house like I used to, Ill just say its late, ill talk to you tomorrow gn!.

this should start creating that anxiety back in...

omg I let myself commit these mistakes lowering my value... being predictable, boring... all these years reading sosuave, I hope I still get a chance to turn this around, because she is worth it. Im doing a complete change of attitude.

like am also gona start being more social in front of her and I wont avoid talking to other girls just because I wouldnt want her to talk to other guys in front of me

most of all, if these gambits do not help me to reignite her passion for me, then at least, im getting my power back and can just start picking up other girls

game on!
Just remember, this is when the sh1t test may come harder, when you try to change. They want and don't want it. Be prepared to be called a few names and shamed into being how you were. Resist the need to explain or submit.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
16 Commandments of Poon.

This is a good overall list to begin with, but too many guys don't know these tenets well enough BEFORE they enter an LTR only to kick themselves for realizing their mistakes and fight an uphill battle to correct them once they're in and comfortable.

XI. Be irrationally self-confident

No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more pussie than rational defeatism.
This is what you need to adopt in order to flip the script on her. Don't beg her to be sexual with you, MAKE her want to be sexual with you. You do this through a combination of indirectly instilled competition anxiety, promoting a perception of your attention being a commodity for others and irrational self-confidence. Never plead with her to be sexual, be the guy who MAKES her become sexual. In fact, you've already been this guy to her. When you were first hooking up, and she knew far less about you, her imagination filled in the blanks about the parts of you she still knew nothing about. She had just enough to go on to mentally turn you into the guy other women want to ƒuck and so she responded accordingly.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Danger said:
Early in my current relationship I had made an off-hand comment that if my needs don't get met by who I am with, then I will get them met somewhere else.

No discussion around this subject, no confrontation, just a comment in the middle of a larger discussion going on.

That was about four weeks into our dating eachother and I have no doubt that hamster continues to spin, as my woman has NEVER suggested overtly or covertly that she did not want to have sex. When I make the move, she gives it up very very quickly.

Of course, it probably helps that sometimes I just grab her, undress her, and bend her over the couch without saying a word.
Danger, you stud!!

I bet they call you the breeder bull back at the ranch!

It's fun to make the hamster spin huh? :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
thanks again ROllo
make her WANT it, not forcing it, and me getting read of neediness and insecurity

in the last month we starting having some little arguments, overall we get along pretty good, but I can tell I was focusing too much on her, and on how beautiful she is... I was becoming less attractive and fearing that at some point (since she is going to the gym) she will more attractive than me and begin to want to talk to other guys

some deep insecurity issues im struggling with, but i never communicate not even subtly. since most of my past relationships have lasted around 5 or 6 months at which point most girls started lying or losing attraction fast and just ignoring me.. so I've been kinda traumatized.

but I wont let myself slip again, ive learned from the past, i am aware i was behaving lately as if she is my precious prize, and I was seeing her a lot, and just making sure the relationship is working, and analyzing her behaviors to see if she is losing attraction for me.

of course im lucky i have read this forum for years, and i was still able to maintain frame, but sure as hell i was losing it, lately she was testing me increasingly.. testing my limits, and I see myself that i became more passive.

at the beginning I did the right things, would see her much less, would wait for her to text me, would be busy, would lead, would have a good hair cut, tight clothes, and she was always worrying about other girls out there...

now 7 months later, I stopped going to the gym, decrase social behaviors, heck been worrying about making sure this relationship works and doesnt end like my past relatinoships.. to the point where I feel I was worrying to much, I was taxing my mental health, I tried really hard to not let it show, I would still fake my confidence in front of her, but women are good at smelling this

because I would start little arguments about dumb details, of course this goes back to me trying to control the relatinoship making sure nothing changes, in the past month I focused a lot on seeing her, spending time with her, made the mistake of me being the one who said I wanted to see her. I found myself saying I miss you more times than her, and in the past month, she stopped saying I miss you or things like that.

so I stopped cold, and i havent said mushy things at all again, in the past Ive had supreme self confidence, specially when I was single, so I guess I just have to start behaving as if I was single, bring back that mindset...the only way is letting go, and care less if she decides to leave me.

she told me in the past that she was afraid I would leave her, and that is why she decided not to go on a month vacation with her parents, and today, i feel am the one who is afraid she is losing attraction. again, i think im smart enough that I catched myself doing it. and now Im taking action.

she just texted me "hey what u up to? well im in class, she knows it, but im not gonna text until i finish school at 9:00 pm, and be like "hey I was in class, whats going on?"

i have game, I know how to attract, heck I attracted her full speed the first weeks.

my question is: if I start behaving and doing the things that worked at the begining, and knowing she loves me and wants to be with me for the long run, is a high chance that she will regain passion for me? thats what I really want.. for her to show me physically that she likes me.

I could not be with her otherwise. i dont just want companionship, because she used to say that she is very sexual and that "everyone needs sex" so she loses physical attraction for me, sooner or later, she will be intrigued to find it elsewhere. of course, I would be out the door before she even thinks that way.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Your realization of this and willingness to change is actually refreshing, lol. Too bad my friends aren't this understanding.


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
not here. in the real world.
Pipe man you are in the exact same situation I was in recently, and unfortunately, I did not make the right adjustments in the proper mind. In some ways, I know that we had fundamental differences that was going to remove our ability to have a healthy relationship. BUT:

A few things from this most recent direct experience (which ended up in her breaking up with me):

1. Yes, slow down the communication, the more that you put onto her, you will begin to overwhelm her and she will withdraw further. Focus less on her being "the one" -- if she does not fully feel like "the one" now, she may not be. This is in incredibly hard to accept.

2. Be less needy -- busy yourself and make yourself more scarce as you described.

3. Worry yourself less -- if you become absorbed in worry and it begins to deteriorate your day, than this relationship is going to begin working against you -- and it will get worse. You have to resolve to be happy entirely, whether or not she stays with you or not. This is incredibly hard to do. My recent experience I was very very concerned about being "dumped" and you know what -- all that did was exacerbate the symptoms, breed more discomfort, and in the end, that was the resolution anyways.

I'm telling you -- keep focusing on your own progress as a person -- if she cares about you she will stick with you and follow her. If you begin to succumb to her frame, and become controlled, or make heavy sacrifices for the relationship -- you will lose (I just lost).

And maybe part of it too, is recognizing when a relationship is at a terminal point, abandoning fear of loss, and going into the void. This is incredibly incredibly hard to do.

I am at a point where I can say and recognize these things, but believe me, when YOU are the one experiencing the romantic adventure, it is much harder to stay detached.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
Comfort and familiarity are anti-seductive. In the beginning of an LTR, before any implied commitment, women will be at their most sexually available. This isn't news, pretty much every LTR begins the way you've described; hot, frequent sex followed by the woman becoming less and less available as she becomes more and more comfortable.

The sexual urgency she felt that was motivated by her subconscious competition anxiety becomes less and less pronounced as she comes to know your personality and your condition more fully. It's usually at this point that men start to make concessions for women's reasons as to why they're less sexual or begin rationing sex. The wanton, voluntary sex that was so enjoyable in the first 2 months becomes a bargaining tool for her in an effort to control the LTR frame. This is also the point at which most guys will actively negotiate the terms of her desire (never genuine), which only aggravates her to want to control the frame more.

What most men are unaware of is that in negotiating terms for a woman's sexual availability you only confirm for her what she fears - that you are in fact a low sexual market value man. A high SMV man wouldn't negotiate for desire, nor would sex be allowed to be a point of leverage over him since the high SMV man would have concurrent options or be confident enough to know he can generate more if she turns off the sex spigot. The high SMV male doesn't plead for sex, he simply reacts to her behavior and hooks up with a new plate he's spinning. If she becomes less sexually available, he becomes less physically available.

By playing along with her frame you get caught in an endless cycle of qualifying yourself for what you hope will be a return to that hot pre-commitment sex you still fondly remember. By overtly negotiating for her sex ("all you ever want from me is sex") and making it pre-existing issue you cast yourself in the role of having no other sexual options. Remember, women want a man that other men want to be and other women want to ƒuck. In pleading for sex you defeat this impression for her.

My advice: Put her on ice and be prepared to walk altogether if the situation doesn't change. You really have 2 options. The first is doing what you've suggested and lay low for a while. Do something unpredictable, break a date, go dark on her for 2 or 3 days, but always be doing something unavoidably responsible - work project, late hours, sick grandmother, depressed friend, anything that makes you seem dedicated to something worthwhile. Increase your value, and subtly plant the seeds of competition anxiety, through scarcity. You need to reignite her imagination that you aren't the comfortable familiar, predictable guy she's comfortable holding out on.

Your second option is to go to direct game on her. You've already mentioned that her withholding sex (desire) and affection is unacceptable for a long term proposition, and you already know she's the kind of woman to do this. Tell he flat out, "Sex and your affection are ways you show me your desire for me. They are important to me. I wont apologize for it, I'm a Man and men like to ƒuck. I'd prefer to be ƒucking someone who wants to ƒuck me, not someone who feels they have to."

Most men are too petrified of losing their ONEitis to even entertain the idea of being so direct. However, you'll either take the defibrillator to your LTR or you'll lose her anyway. In either case you need to own your manhood and let her know either directly or indirectly that you wont apologize for want to bang her like the good old days of just 7 months ago. When she pops off with "all you want is sex" you come back with "yeah, pretty much." You need to reinforce the idea that wanting to bang her consistently should be a compliment for her. You're in a struggle for frame at this point. Either she's going to be in control of your sex life or you are. You can't be timid; high SMV guys don't think twice about blowing up their LTRs if their woman uses sex as leverage.

Most women will comply after a week or so of indignation. They get off on masculine dominance. There is no greater demonstration of higher value (DHV) than a man dumping a woman, however intimating that you will do so does the same trick often enough. You just need to have a masculine conviction that overpowers the fear of her rejection. And if she does break up with you, you did yourself a favor in extracting her games from your long term life.

This is a sick post and is spot on! OP your lucky Rollo is dropping knowledge bombs in your thread.



Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
I truly appreciate the input from all of you experienced guys.
I'm sorry to hear that Buddha Mind. Im sure next time it will be easier to take control of your emotions and play the game even if you are in a LTR

and Rollo... YOU ARE THE MAN!!

I've had so many failures in the past that I know when the symptoms of low IL begin, so I had to act quickly or lose my gf

well I began 3 days ago, at full speed!

here is an update
I have not seen my gf since saturday, today is wednesday, and I wont see her till tomorrow evening.

- I have not been texting or calling her
- I have not been telling her I miss her or love her at all
- I been telling her Im doing high value stuff such as studying, going to play succer with guy friends, playing guitar, the gym... on my own WITHOUT INVITING HER!!! like I would have done before.
- my texts messages now are friendly and flirty, they are not full of a needy vibe and controlling vibe. which they were a bit ago.

as a result:

- she is now texting me more than 50 times a day ( last week they decreased to 4 or 5 texts a day, and they were small quick things like yea or no or yea but)
- now she is being friendly over texts, and making conversations
- she is now telling me she misses me and wants to see me ( this is what I wanted because she stopped saying that a month ago and I was becoming the one to say it.

today i got a haircut and bought new clothes, tomorrow when she sees me, she is going to be like when did you get a haircut? I will say, mmm on monday!!
this will freak her out because she will begin to think why i didnt tell her, and that maybe I went out with other girls since i didnt see her since saturday.

and finally, I will pick her up and not attempt to kiss her or make a move, but ill be very masculine, leading her and ****y and funny. at the end of the night ill just drop her to her house, and will not invite myself to her house

sounds like a plan!


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Make sure you adopt this "temporary" solution into a permanent one or you'll be right back here in about 2 months wondering why it's happening again.

the advice in this thread has been GOLD.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
I have read this post a couple of times and I think it is very informative. Many things to reflect on. But I guess it is generally accepted that when women cut off sex there is a problem in the relationship. A red flag.

To solidify understanding and Just to recap:

-It may be a s*it test
-relationship getting stale
-She may have interest elsewhere
-she is using it as leverage in order to get the frame in the relationship aka turn u into a cuckhold (correalates with point one).

Then to solve the problem.
-Increase abscence so she is without you. Displaying you as higher value.
-Be direct. That you want sex and spell out why it is healthy for the relationship. Rationalize. People say don't be rationali with women but I think it can work sometimes...sometimes.

The consequences of such would be:

-She turns around
-The relationship was doomed and she was on her way out anyway. U get dumped.

My question is. How do you untanlge your feelings? I mean when you really care for a woman and she dumps are shattered. And we all have been dumped and we realize that time heals and one day you wake up and move on and you will be okay. However I think if you really like a girl more than she likes you and you feel she may be the one and you do the premptive may hurt less...but might as well pull up your straps for the inevitable pain to come. Sorry for the doomsday undertones.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
well it goes back to the big rule of attracting women


if a woman does not fear losing you, or that she could do something to make you want to back away from the relationship, she will lose respect for you, and eventually attraction.

if you cant hold back, back away and make her chase you, like you probably did at the beginning of the relatinoship, it means you are too needy, and you probably see her as a prize that you must make sure dont lose.

she will read through this insecurity, and eventually leave you. Now I believe deep in my heart that men are supposed to control the frame.

by doing what am doing, by distancing myself, I am also preparing myself to walk away, if i dont get what I want out of the relationship. im mentally ready to let her go if she doesnt change her behaviors and show more affection, making out, sex. and YES I will hurt, and yes I will cry like a lil biatch, but hey, my needs come first, and I wont let her control how much sex I get, knowing she is a HIGHLY sexual woman.

the way I have been able to control my feelings and not go into wussy mode is
- detecting myself as soon as Im getting that sinking feeling in my stomach of neediness, and stop myself, start breathing and ask yourself
"what should I do now, that is more likely to increase her attraction for me?" and do it!

like for example, you get an intense needy feeling to know what she is up to, and you wanna text her out of neediness because she hasnt text you yet... then stop, breath!, and ask yourself.. is texting her out of neediness gonna increase her attraction? NO, what to do? stop, dont text, wait for her to text you. FORCE YOURSELF, EVEN IF IT HURTS.

its working for me, im sure it can work for you

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
PIPE, well done. From what I'm reading it appears you've successfully "Caffeinated the Hamster." What that means is you've jumpstarted the imagination hamster in her head and it's spinning on the wheel again. Keep it up and watch where it leads you.

A couple of minor tweaks though: When you are putting her off, always remember to be unavoidably responsible. For example, it's all good and well you're unavailable to her at the gym, it's better if you're there because you're training for something, like a competition or a personal goal. It's also plausible that you're working late hours and unavailable, it's better if you're working late to achieve something of benefit to you (especially if she could imagine it indirectly benefiting her, or some other girl who also notices).

Always imply ambition to the things that preoccupy you from seeing her. They literally become the "other woman" to her, because she imagines how other women will find your successes (imagined or real) attractive.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Pipe it sounds like you are doing an awesome job and actually EMPLOYING good game. One other tip: If she is texting you up to 50 times a day, I would take it a step further and not answer all of those texts. Why? Because you are a busy guy!! You cant just ignore your friends and responsibilities while you text her 24/7...she'll have to wait.

And like Kailex said, make this a permanent change. It's easy to slip back into comfort when she starts acting the way you like her to.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score

needless to say, my gf today called me 4 times, asked me to come over, she cooked for me, she said "it feels like I havent seen you for a long time" we went out, I was very secure, and never tried to go out of my way to kiss her, I was just being myself holding hands letting her come to me... she started asking me "do you love me?"

at the end of the night, I acted like I had to leave cuz I work in the morning, she was like "stay for a bit, we ended up in the most passionate make out session, and she started pushing me against her and it was her idea to go to her room and do it.

AMAZING change.
of course she saw the new me, the new haircut is very slick, and the new clothes. even when I left she texted me to find out if I was already home!.

I found a new level of game, relationship game, and I plan to stick with it for the long run!.

thanks a lot guys... If I might wuss out for a second. "love you all" lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
You might want to print this thread out for yourself or maybe bookmark or maybe make it your "starting page" on the internet so that you won't forget in a few weeks.

Do NOT get comfortable.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
