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  1. M

    my friend bought his 5yr ltr a 7k ring and now she's distant

    Please don't rationalize her wanting space. The reason she wants space, the reason she doesn't return his calls, is because she no longer is interested in him. Were she "stressed", but very interested in him, she'd find his calls to be an oasis of relief; she'd look forward to speaking with...
  2. M

    "Small talk"

    I'd agree that banter trumps mundane fact questions any day. For example, I love it when a girl wears red shoes because then I can ask her if she clicks her heels three times, does she end up in Kansas? rather then ask her what other colors her shoes are. When I'm out at places and overhear the...
  3. M

    RANT: guy "friends" - ARRRGGH!!

    My thinking is, whether it's a strategy on her part to attract you or that she craves male attention, the bottom line is what she does. But since you don't have much time in with the gal being that you hadn't even been out on a date yet, you file it in your mind and see what else happens. So I...
  4. M

    testing interest levels

    For one thing, if it's gauging a woman's interest level (IL) that you're looking to do (and you should), exchanging phone numbers isn't the way to go. That scenario is typically "give me yours I'll give you mine" and what she's really doing is obtaining your number so she can probably screen...
  5. M

    How old would you go for a FB?

    I was going to answer with "Mother Teresa" again. Don't know why, but that seems to work as a handy universal answer for your "what kind of woman..." threads. Instead, I'd say the oldest would be... six hours after pronounced dead. Sorry. Old joke.
  6. M

    Should I take a shot ?

    It would be weak if he acted insecure about his age, but I got the sense that he didn't do that. In fact, she kept on trying to ascertain his age, so evidently she wasn't turned off by how he was going about it - she got disinterested when he finally did reveal it. I agree with you, one can be...
  7. M

    This Mental Illness thing with women is SCARY

    I was going to say Mother Teresa, but she's fugly. And dead. And come to think of it, she probably did have some mental issues, what with wanting to hang around impoverished, diseased people and never getting laid. Plus, she dressed funny.
  8. M

    Should I take a shot ?

    You were doing well when you played around but blew it when you answered her question. Age difference was probably a deal killer for her. She was interested in you, and that's why she was asking in order to find out. When you first meet women, in the early stages, when they ask personal...
  9. M

    WTF? put on email lists by girls who reject you.

    I think it's that you were originally in their address book and eventually they did a mass mailing, so it included you, even though it was some months later. That in the interim you asked them out and they said no has no bearing on it. They probably forgot that you're even in their address book.
  10. M

    WTF? put on email lists by girls who reject you.

    How is it then they even have your email address?
  11. M

    What to do?

    ^^^ don't be foolish. >> I dated this girl for 11 months and I treated her kinda bad.. I always did what I wanted and didn't spend much time with her.>> IOW, you neglected her. >> So we broke up and she got back with her ex.>> Actually, SHE broke up with you. It wasn't "we". >> They...
  12. M

    any guys ever leave their g/f because of lack of sex

    I wouldn't rule it out. This is all happening in the past three weeks and her alibis to cover her staying out overnight are her cousin and her sister. Isn't that convenient? You think maybe they'd lie on her behalf? They're blood to her, of course they would. So you're not going to know where...
  13. M

    Long time reader, first post in months, need an evaluation.

    Mike, you're writing as if you're her therapist. If she needs help, that would be a good reason to stay away and let the professionals take over. But a few things I note, really more about you then her, because we can't help her, but we can help you: I guess you feel the need to do that...
  14. M

    High quality women

    facadegeniality, I'd say you could nudge the door open a bit and see if they walk through it, if they don't bring it up first. "So... ya ever been heads over heels in love?" may open a conversation rather then the cold interview "what happened in your last relationship?" type question. Then...
  15. M

    High quality women

    Yeah, and avoid the "but this time it's different" syndrome. I listen closely to what she reveals about her prior relationships and about her decisions in life in those early dates when she's more prone to be open about these things. I believe that the past is relevant, not something to be...
  16. M

    High quality women

    No. Then you'll end up just being a friend. Additionally, the time you spend as a friend does not tell you how the person is as a partner in a love relationship and how they will treat you as their partner. So, that "period of time" is best spent evaluating while dating them until you have a...
  17. M

    Long time reader, first post in months, need an evaluation.

    My take is this: You're more into DC girl then she's into you. I don't know what happened, but maybe one of the things that happened was that her mom's death gave her cause to think of mortality and her own life and where it's going. And you're not the guy she sees it going with. Maybe there...