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  1. A

    Who are the "DOGS", men or women?

    What a rediculous thread. I know quite a few "good girls"; know what the difference between them and the bad girls is? The "good girls" know how to keep their sh*t hidden in the closet; and they go to church once a week. Otherwise they're the same. Don't fool yourself, women have a...
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    Words of Wisdom

    I was in a hospital, for my anesthesia rotation, yesterday; it was a very slow day with only one surgery scheduled so I had an opportunity to sit down and shoot the **** with the anesthiesologist I was assigned to, he's an immigrant from Russia and he's in his 50s. We ended up talking about...
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    Spinning plates is time consuming

    Spinning plates has one purpose- to develop the prize mentality.
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    A prime example why even "be a man" advice falls short in the matrix

    Sometimes the crabs drag each other back down, and sometimes the chef pushes them back in.
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    A prime example why even "be a man" advice falls short in the matrix

    Wow, thanks- you just provided the perfect example of feminine mind games to deconstruct for all the guys! Much obliged! Boom- right off the bat shaming language comibined with a personal attack! Its designed to attack my ego and think that my personal value is lower then it really is-...
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    A prime example why even "be a man" advice falls short in the matrix

    Do you think they would sit there while a woman wasted their time for 20 minutes blathering to her friend about pointless crap? 10 minutes? 5 minutes? No, they would just leave- just like Lykis suggests that you do. If they did decide to stay, you can be sure that they would put the verbal...
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    New hobby?

    As the phrase goes: if it floats, flys, or f-ucks- you're better off renting. As for what you want to do, that's up to you! Take sailing lessons? Work on a cruise liner? The limits of your life are defined by the limits of your imagination. Start imagining, and then get to work!
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    New hobby?

    Set goals for yourself, improve yourself so that you are investing your time, not spending it. Ask yourself- who do I want to be in 6 months? Who do I want to be in one year? 5 years? 10 years? Imagine the best you possible, the ideal you. Then set your goals to get there. Embrace the...
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    A prime example why even "be a man" advice falls short in the matrix

    If her phone rang when a woman was having dinner with Donald Trump, Brad Pitt, or some other high status alpha male, do you think she would pick it up and talk or mute the ring and apologize for leaving it on? Yea, I thought so. Only an idiot would say that she would risk losing such a...
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    There are three kinds of people in this world(READ THIS!!!)

    The mechanic yells out the window, "As long as you're at fight club, you're not how much money you've got in the bank. You're not your job. You're not your family, and you're not who you tell yourself." You have a class of young strong men and women, and they want to give their lives...
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    Etude of the Courageous Soul

    I've been a busy busy man lately, however, I learned three valuable lessons during the course of my life recently; during my expirence with women. I wrote, as an way of clarifying my thoughts, and as an outlet for my creativity, a little piece on the first two. Since so many people expressed...
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    The "Savior" Trait Must Be Natural

    I've had the same thoughts. If they're a friend/acqietence, I help them out. I don't really expect anything out of it, I just do it because I hope people would do the same for me if I were in that situation (guy friends have helped me out in the past, don't know if girls would though). I...
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    Craigslist post gets a reaction

    Hmmm..... reminds me of something ai read on Neil Strauss's Myspace page. And what was this?
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    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....

    Joker, is there a reason you don't start your sentences with a capital letter? If there isn't a good reason I suggest you do, not doing so makes you look like an idiot.
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    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....

    I just read Trump's latest book. You know what he said that the most valuable thing he looked for in friends and employees? Loyality. He said he's been burned MANY times by people he thought he could trust. He thought people were good. He was wrong. Hell, let him speak for himself...
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    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....

    Yea, I'm going to say the same as well. You're wound up waaaaay too tight if you're letting something like a little infidelity bother you.
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    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....

    HA! And what did I just post in the pyschopath thread??? Most women being self-centered psychopaths? Who Called it? ME! LET'S HEAR IT FOR ME, RIGHT AGAIN! :cheer: RA RA AENGIMA! AENGIMA! AENGIMA! RA RA AENGIMA! :cheer:
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    Showing psychopathic tendencies....

    You sound like most women. Manipulative, calculating, and self-centered. Rather ironic, you denounce yourself for traits that we accept, and even expect out of a given gender. Double standards and lace curtin indeed. One of the central themes of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is...
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    Rules of the Game

    Day 2 Mission 1 Chapter starts with an excellent quote from JC Penny: This gets back to the whole issue of the comfort zone as well, the only way to leave your comfort zone is to set goals for yourself and work towards them. Before you can begin a journey, you need to decide where...
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    Rules of the Game

    Rule 6:Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst Exchange of love letters between Neil and a girl. Turns out she's a Virgin. Style once again see himself as responsible for the fate of others. Is this a grown woman with a mind of her own capable of weighing decisions and making a choice for...