Neil Strauss, writer of the The Game, has released a new product called "Rules of the Game", it is a package of two small books:
I. The Stylelife Challenge -Master the Game in 30 Days
II. The Stylelife Diaries -The Pickup Artist's Companion
I had no idea that this product was coming out until I saw this somewhat amusing promotional video posted on another forum. 94
Having both enjoyed reading "The Game" and having enjoyed the thread discussing it on the Tucker Max forum I decided it would fun, and enlightening, be to post my own thoughts on both books.
The Stylelife Challenge
The Stylelife Challenge is designed as a step by step lesson to teach guys game. However, there is a bit of a twist- the book is designed such that each lesson/step is suppose to be be completed one a day in order. Everyday the reader takes up a new lesson and performs a new challenge in consecutive order. In fact, Strauss goes as far as to preface the entire book by saying:
Quite the warning. Originally, I was only going to read the books. I've changed my mind. I'm going to to review this particular product- and to that end I'm going to use it as its meant to be used- one day at a time. I'm going to go through each lesson/chapter one day at a time and post my thoughts, and my results, in this thread (assuming Tucker/the mods find this thread entertaining enough to allow it onto the idiot board).
Now, the question many of you are undoubtedly asking: why, what's the point of this whole endevour? On one level, I'm doing it because I think it will be both entertaining and enlightening- to both me and the board viewers (which is probably more important to your prespective). However, the real answer, the embarassing answer, is that- I may get laid, from time to time; and that's the problem. The "may" and the "from time to time" parts. I 'm not proficient at game to the degree that Tucker and Strauss are. If I go out, get wasted, and have a good time with friends I MAY bring an ok looking girl home, but usually not. Sober game? Forget it. The really hot model looking types? Never happened. So then, I ask- what better way to get proficient then by actually listening to a guy who knows what he's doing and is living life to the fullest by becoming/being the person he is destined to be(unlike those PUA clowns).
That's what I'm shooting for; I don't want my life to be defined soley by chasing women, which is how the PUAs approach life, but rather I want to live my life to the fullest and fulfill my potential while enjoying women, which is for lack of a better label, the Tucker Max approach to life. I will accomplish great things with my life, I know this, I have unshakable faith in myself and my abilities. Lack of overwhelming success with women is a huge stone hanging around my neck, and it has been weighing me down for far too long. The Game added weight to the stone, as did I hope They Serve Beer in Hell. The success both of these men are achieving with women is an embarassment to me- they're daring to live the life I want while I sit and stew. I'm going to remove this psychological dead weight from my neck once and for all; the life I want will be mine. To this end, I will learn and master "game". If, as the cover of this book promises, I "Master the Game in 30 days" by following it- then I'll give it my ringing endorsement. If not- well, then I'll just burn it and learn some other way.
Introduction-why are we here
Strauss starts the book with an intro stating what we all already know- that the people who are reading this book are mostly doing to to learn how to get women. However, he has a few lines that seemed espically poignant to me.
The second paragraph is a great analogy though. They keys to EVERYTHING you want in life, not just women, is found within you. Its up to you to find it and use it.
How to Play the Game
The last "chapter" before the lessons begin. Success, as defined by the objective, is getting a date within 30 days. Of course I'm shooting a little higher. I want to master the game, so I'll be doing all 30 lessons worth regardless of whether or not I get a date. Strauss does think that you'll master the game if you follow all thirty lessons though.
I. The Stylelife Challenge -Master the Game in 30 Days
II. The Stylelife Diaries -The Pickup Artist's Companion
I had no idea that this product was coming out until I saw this somewhat amusing promotional video posted on another forum. 94
Having both enjoyed reading "The Game" and having enjoyed the thread discussing it on the Tucker Max forum I decided it would fun, and enlightening, be to post my own thoughts on both books.
The Stylelife Challenge
The Stylelife Challenge is designed as a step by step lesson to teach guys game. However, there is a bit of a twist- the book is designed such that each lesson/step is suppose to be be completed one a day in order. Everyday the reader takes up a new lesson and performs a new challenge in consecutive order. In fact, Strauss goes as far as to preface the entire book by saying:
"The temptation to read this book cover to cover in a few settings may be strong. That's normally how books work. Not this one. Follow the instructions one day at a time. Study the attached briefings. Perform the Field Missions. AND NO NOT SKIP AHEAD. Missing a single lesson or experience will affect your results, your game, your life. You've been warned."
Quite the warning. Originally, I was only going to read the books. I've changed my mind. I'm going to to review this particular product- and to that end I'm going to use it as its meant to be used- one day at a time. I'm going to go through each lesson/chapter one day at a time and post my thoughts, and my results, in this thread (assuming Tucker/the mods find this thread entertaining enough to allow it onto the idiot board).
Now, the question many of you are undoubtedly asking: why, what's the point of this whole endevour? On one level, I'm doing it because I think it will be both entertaining and enlightening- to both me and the board viewers (which is probably more important to your prespective). However, the real answer, the embarassing answer, is that- I may get laid, from time to time; and that's the problem. The "may" and the "from time to time" parts. I 'm not proficient at game to the degree that Tucker and Strauss are. If I go out, get wasted, and have a good time with friends I MAY bring an ok looking girl home, but usually not. Sober game? Forget it. The really hot model looking types? Never happened. So then, I ask- what better way to get proficient then by actually listening to a guy who knows what he's doing and is living life to the fullest by becoming/being the person he is destined to be(unlike those PUA clowns).
That's what I'm shooting for; I don't want my life to be defined soley by chasing women, which is how the PUAs approach life, but rather I want to live my life to the fullest and fulfill my potential while enjoying women, which is for lack of a better label, the Tucker Max approach to life. I will accomplish great things with my life, I know this, I have unshakable faith in myself and my abilities. Lack of overwhelming success with women is a huge stone hanging around my neck, and it has been weighing me down for far too long. The Game added weight to the stone, as did I hope They Serve Beer in Hell. The success both of these men are achieving with women is an embarassment to me- they're daring to live the life I want while I sit and stew. I'm going to remove this psychological dead weight from my neck once and for all; the life I want will be mine. To this end, I will learn and master "game". If, as the cover of this book promises, I "Master the Game in 30 days" by following it- then I'll give it my ringing endorsement. If not- well, then I'll just burn it and learn some other way.
Introduction-why are we here
Strauss starts the book with an intro stating what we all already know- that the people who are reading this book are mostly doing to to learn how to get women. However, he has a few lines that seemed espically poignant to me.
I was like that once- up to the age of 24 that described me to a T. Even at this point, while I might get women, I don't completely understand them; let alone why they sleep with a guy, completely sober, after knowing him only for a few hours- like they do with Tucker Max (well aside from the cliche answer of- they're obviously attracted to him). Well, that's not completely true- I understand it on an academic level, with women being attracted to traits such as dominance, humor, appearence, height, and intelligence- but I don't know how to put it all into practice. I think I do it sometimes-which is what does get me laid. However, consistency, exposing myself to sufficient numbers of women, and reliance on alcohol are all problems holding me back.I spent my teens and most of my twenties lonely, desperate, and woefully inexperienced, sitting mutely on the sidelines while women obsessed over guys whose appeal boggled me.
This is true of many men. Girls call them the "Nice Guys". I have no idea on percentages, if I had to guess I would say that the exact percent would be depressingly high.
The reason he didn't find those things from the PUAS is because they are completely defined by women. Without them, they have no identity- they are nothing.Emboldened by desperation, I disguised my identity, knocked on the door of that world, and it slowly opened. Inside, I dropped prostrate before the masters. I thought they would have the keys to release me from the prison of my own frustrations, fears, and insecurities.
They didn't have those keys. But I wouldn't trade the journey I took for anything. Because it taught me something I never would have realized on my own; that I actually had the keys the whole time. I just didn't know where to find them or how to use them.
The second paragraph is a great analogy though. They keys to EVERYTHING you want in life, not just women, is found within you. Its up to you to find it and use it.
More proof that money and status don't necessarily guarantee success with women.... I coached frustrated teenagers, thirty-year-old virgins, recently divorced businessmen, and even rock stars and billionaires.
How to Play the Game
The last "chapter" before the lessons begin. Success, as defined by the objective, is getting a date within 30 days. Of course I'm shooting a little higher. I want to master the game, so I'll be doing all 30 lessons worth regardless of whether or not I get a date. Strauss does think that you'll master the game if you follow all thirty lessons though.
Well Mr. Strauss- let's see where this journey take me. Should be entertaining. Stay tuned.Along the way, whatever your experience level may be, you'll recieve the skills, tools, confidence, and knowledge to meet and attract almost any woman, any time you want.
I want you to master this part of your life. And to make sure you do, I'm going to hold your hand and walk you through every step along the way.... It has worked not just for me but for thousands of men- transforming their success with women as well as their sucess in a much bigger game: life.