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  1. S

    How to Profit and Create Side Income on eBay (free guide)

    runescape was a massive online multiplayer game. The coins allow you to buy stuff inside the game I assume. Instead of wasting hours farming gold you could buy gold online.
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    I hate it when you find out that they're JAILBAIT

    17 year olds can have intelligent conversations?
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    I lift more cuz i have a bigger d1ck

    **** cops
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    How to Profit and Create Side Income on eBay (free guide)

    Awesome thanks for the guide. Im going to read it and let you know what I think as if my opinion matters.
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    Darks Circles

    1) Could be you lack Iron. Eat more greens like broccolli or red meat or take a multivitamin 2) get more sleep 3) dark circles could also mean allergies. Rubbing your eyes make them puffy and dark. 4)dehydration. Drink more water.
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    Post Below One-liners that make Women Insecure

    "Excuse me sir"
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    7 lucky rules for improving confidence with women

    It's called a re-buy. It's allowed in games that have re-buys obviously which many do. sometimes they even allow you to rebuy up to 3 times depending. This thread has been hijacked by the way :cheer:
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    damn..!the things i will do to get an "A"

    Wow what an imagination this guy has.
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    Quick cologne question (not type)

    Should last a while as long as you dont bathe in it.
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    a chick that sounds bossy...

    who cares she sounds like a *****. Next
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    any male models here?

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    I Now Prounce You, Chuck And Larry Reviews..

    critics are usually wrong anyways.
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    Great Ice breaker

    so your plan is to have a friend dress like an *******?
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    I'm falling in love.. With a fat chick!

    how big is the girl just out of curiousity?
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    I'm falling in love.. With a fat chick!

    I dont care what anyone says, do what makes you happy. Dont worry about how you will be judged. Yes I think you are being shallow
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    Advice on cutting finances/saving money

    1)Dont eat out or eat fast food. Shop for your food and cook yourself. Not only is this more healthy but its a money saver. 2)When driving dont drive fast. You will burn gas faster. Also this will save you from getting tickets and also save your insurance from going up. If your car is kind...
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    51-year-old woman has sex with 15 y.o. boy

    "victim" heh well yeah she looks like a dog but still..nut is a nut
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    Do girls look for their fathers?
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    I'm a loser..approach journal

    It seems you did ok. You introduced yourself and actually made small talk which is more than most of the so called DJ's can do on this forum. Just keep practicing and try to number close once you get comfortable approaching.