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  1. N

    emberrasing experience while almost having sex

    In the future, just say "Hold up, I'm going to get something to make things more interesting..." Something to that effect
  2. N

    Well, I fvcked up...

    Agreed. I've been in the OP's position many times, wasting opportunities, obsessing for months etc and at this point he should've felt so motivated to kiss her and finally make his intentions known regardless. Now I'm no pro but she was already sick so you could've played that up and shown...
  3. N

    Was I blind??

    Sometimes I say I don't want to compete w/someone else not so much b/c it's true but because I'm afraid of "losing." Perhaps this was the case here. And funny enough, she seemed to prefer you.
  4. N

    Should I Be Concerned?

    Grrr.... Well, the same day I wrote my last post I sent her a C&F message via facebook, hoping to get some banter going before she came back to town. After a few exchanges, I'd sort out the phone problem...if there was one. Instead, I never got a response. I know she was on a few times because...
  5. N

    Someone motivate the sh*t out of me please

    I can relate man. I have social anxiety myself. Same background too. A lot of attractive qualities: athletic, funny, handsome etc....For some reason, for much of my life, there's been a disconnect between what I know is inside of me and what I project to the world. If I just could've been...
  6. N

    Am I correct in my assumption?

    Conquer Your Campus might interest you. It's an e-book written by a few guys just out of college. Their mindset is that most PUA/game theory doesn't apply to college. It's overkill. Instead, they focus on creating a social network, being a leader on campus and meeting plates through your active...
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    Why can't I get hotter chicks?

    Instead of asking if you look like Michael Phelps, act like you're him. Play a character.
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    Point of no return with this girl? Help

    Brilliant! What's the problem? I'm gonna have to use this in the upcoming weeks.
  9. N

    Dating women isn't for me, asexuality is.

    1-5%. I don't buy it. The one extreme, that all white women secretly want to get w/a black guy...I learned that wasn't true very early. But the reverse, that none (or very few) do...No way. "Hard to get with a 'classy' white woman?" Wow. You're lowering yourself when you say that and raising...
  10. N

    Need advice for first party being organized for me

    I had my 21st a few months ago. Before that, I hadn't had a party since middle school because, well, I had no friends during most of the intermediate years. lol. If I can do it, you can do it. I'm in college so I invited my closest (guy) friends over. Then I invited some girls who I had met...
  11. N

    Is this a LAME first date idea?

    I don't know, man. Sounds more like something a girl would do with her "gay best friend." I'm curious to see how it goes, though...
  12. N

    I need examples of teasing women

    Get your hands on David D's "****y Comedy and other Conversations Skills." For some reason, it's always come naturally to me (I just never had the balls to say it until recently). It really fleshes out the balance between being funny and ****y. Too much of either is bad. You want a balance.
  13. N

    Should I Be Concerned?

    UPDATE: Well, she finally broke the silence. Sent me a facebook message saying her phone was dead and that she'd have a new one in a few days. Then she asked what was up. It's difficult to tell from the message if she actually got the text I sent on Sunday. So now obviously I need to get...
  14. N

    Quick Question<<<<<<<<<

    Don't text boring/standard stuff like "how are you?" For virtual communication--texting and IM--you should just be sending short C+F messages teasing her.
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    Should I Be Concerned?

    Yeah, thanks man. Everything really came together NYE. I was applying everything that I've learned, but it came effortlessly. I'll try not to worry about it.
  16. N

    Should I Be Concerned?

    Met a girl on NYE. A friend of a girl my friend was after. We had each other's backs that night. On the ride over from the pre-party to the actual one, I started talking to her, my usual C&F about seeming to be from another school. At the party, I stayed in her vicinity, while talking to some...
  17. N

    Testing and Nightclubs

    I haven't read anything on dancefloor game, but let me go on personal experience. My friends who pull girls in clubs are very good dancers. When girls do dance near them, acting like they might want to grind, they go in SLOWLY not quickly. Despite that the girl is seemingly showing signs of...
  18. N

    Impressions of Eckhart Tolle (with a little bit of a status report)

    LOL, man, I think I might've written your OP and just forgot about it. Describes me to a T. I'm also reading The Power of Now, just put it down a few minutes ago. Regarding the idea of feeling oneself when the interaction is not the focus, I had a great moment 2 weeks ago. It was just after...
  19. N

    Do you know what I really want to do?

    Good luck to you man. I made a similar resolution 2 years ago. Since that time, I've had my 1st gf, some solid hookups and regained my ability to make friends. I was coming from literally just being by myself (or my parents) 24/7 too. I couldn't even look in the general direction of a girl I...