Ok, yesterday some friends and I went to a bar, as we were playing pool 3 really cute girls came and sat next to our table and I chatted for a bit and got them to join our pool game. Halfway through our pool game some other dude came up, and started talking with the girl I wanted...I wasn't about to compete so i just let him do his thing. The girls told my friends and I under their breath that they really didn't want to talk to the other guys, but kept chattin anyway. The one I wanted asked my name, where I was from, an dsome other b.s small talk. When we finished the game, the other two girls wanted to leave so they grabbed my cutie and started to take off. She walked up to me with a big smile and said, it was very nice meeting you, I just said "you too". Thing is, the c-block and his friend were kinda waiting there for them to leave, so I didn't even bother asking for the number. A few girls I know said she was giving me the go ahaed by walking up to me? Is that the case, or am i just trying to make myself feel even dumber?