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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Most common problems with women.....

    What I'm running into recently is a woman wanting a relationship with me due to her fantasizing about who she THINKS I am without having had enough time to know who I REALLY am. The reason this is a problem is because time and experience has taught me that putting committment before...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Breaking the cycle?

    That statement right there is pure GOLD.:up: Troops, just think about it: A lot of sidebar talk goes on here about being THE MAN in general, but notice how much of it is preoccupied with acquiring women. And I'm guilty of this myself. And I DO realize that understanding and successfully...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Breaking the cycle?

    Yo Squirrels, Learn a lesson from basic biology: Anything you feed GROWS. Anything you starve SHRINKS. I've found that the more I focus on women, the more they become THE focus of my life. And subequently, I've found that the less I focus on women and the more I focus on other...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    the dreaded roommate

    Dude, Are you SURE you want to escalate this situation? Why on earth would you want to put any effort into trying to get with a woman you're only BARELY attracted to? You seem to understand yourself and your motivations pretty well, so I'll refrain from offering you an unqualified AND...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    How to tell my GF I kissed another girl?

    Jariel, On the subject of telling your girlfriend that you kissed another girl: TAKE IT TO THE GRAVE. That's right. I say DON'T tell her. Nothing good can come of it. There is NO spin you can put on this that will make you look good. As has been stated above, treat this situation...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    recen study: women talk three times as much as men

    Yo Troops, I think that the reason why women are not the leaders of the world is because they are not as DIRECTLY controlling as most men. Many would rather be the ones manipultating and accessing the power behind the throne than to be there sitting publicly on top of it. Remember, that...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    What are the odds I'll meet "the one"?

    Hey Rollo, Good catch. Yeah, I've heard the name doctor warren bandied about on some of the older focus on the family shows. Didn't know that guy on the commercial was HIM. Probably because the only guy I usually associate with focus on the family is the regular host and founder: Dr...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    What are the odds I'll meet "the one"?

    Print a retraction please. LOL Good post Desdinova. Oh, and Rollo Tomassi, I've been meaning to point out that whenever you post this quote: It's actually incorrect. I forget exactly who THAT doctor is, but he's not the FOCUS ON THE FAMILY doctor. The Focus on the Family doctor's...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Anything to have their ego's stroked

    Women with genuine HIGH INTEREST LEVEL won't brutally shiiit test you the first time she meets you. Instead, she'll be LOOKING for reasons to like you in order to justify her already genuine HIGH INTEREST LEVEL. That chick was just on a casual fishing trip, not a true fishing expedition...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    A question for Latinoman

    Yeah...but the difference between JESUS and the usual garden variety "Individualist" is that HIS "selfishness" was fueled by a "selfLESS" mission: JESUS' radical views, words, and actions were motivated by his love of OTHER people AS WELL as HIMSELF. Both HIS selfish AND selfless acts were...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Why do girls feed us this tripe....

    Logicallefty... ...LOL!
  12. Victory Unlimited

    A question for Latinoman

    Yo Latinoman & Oblivious... Why don't you two just "FUKK" and get it over with? Hah! Just kidding...or AM I???? LOL But seriously, I'm enjoying this changing AND exchanging of ideas that is going on in this thread---as long as the personal attacks are kept to a minimum, I...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Christian Don Juan?

    Yo Theunique1, Welcome IN, dude. I was a LONG time lurker myself before my first Glad to see another "believer" added to the ranks of the Sosuave Army. I'm a Christian too, although you wouldn't know it by SOME of the things I've posted. LOL But that's neither here nor...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    To man up or play the challenge game?

    Yo Bob, Whenever a woman has NO fear of losing you, SHE holds all the power. Focus on yourself. Increase your own value in as many ways as possible and let her see you doing it. Then as you begin to distance yourself from her, and she actually LETS YOU GO...she is then PROVING she...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    A question for Latinoman

    Yo Troops! Enough with the personal attacks. We're all in the same war AND on the same side. I believe the majority of us here are here to enhance our lives as it relates to women. Whether our goal is longterm satisfaction (LTR/Marriage), or short term gratification (One Nite Stands...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Huge Mistake

    Yo Cableguy, Usually whenever a chick flakes on me and I get the revelation that "I" am just another plate that "she" is spinning I start to lose REAL interest in her. If my attraction to her was holistic, and my intentions were to explore the feasibility of a possible relationship, I...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Is this site helping?

    Yo Exp, If you checked out what I posted already on this thread, then you know I "feel" ya' dude. As far as what I do about the lack of butterflies? I don't really know yet. But somehow, I HOPE it's been a good trade-off. What I lack in butterflies I BELIEVE I make up for by knowing more...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Can you really CREATE attraction?

    Yo Troops, Just reread this thread. Wanted to give it a bump. I recently met a young 24 year old babe who saw me in passing only once before, but claimed to be attracted to me sexually initially thru my personality alone. This is how she broke down her attraction scale to me: 70%...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Is this site helping?

    Bump! Anybody else here want to weigh in on this one?
  20. Victory Unlimited

    how to prevent women from becoming attached?

    Yo Driver55, I would suggest that you ask yourself this question: "Am I avoiding claiming this chick as my girlfriend because I don't want to commit, or is it that I just don't want to commit to HER?" Because, my brother, I'm thinking that the answer we give ourselves to THAT...