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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Does being musically talented raise your status?

    I'd say that being musically talented only raises your status depending on whether or not the people who are "measuring" your status think that you actually HAVE "musical talent".:yes: But in answer to your bigger question: "Can being musically talented get you girls?" The answer is: Being IN...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Don't Let Game Become A Weapon

    Yes. What we do has consequences. There are ALWAYS consequences. Many times the difference between growth and stagnation in our progression as men depends on WHY we do what we do...and HOW often our choices are made to satisfy our personal codes of ethics as opposed to just our short-term...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    I tried to save'em guys I really did....

    Yeah, that's probably true for a lot of guys who "know better". There's usually a certain zone of "quiet desperation" that I see many couples settle into. I also think there are a lot of people who have unrealistic views of how fulfilling a REAL relationship is supposed to be. You read on sites...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    I tried to save'em guys I really did....

    One reason why it's so hard to get a lot of guys to "see the light" is because the "blindness" that they've embraced is SOMEHOW less unsettling for them to accept. There are few things MORE devastating than to finally have to come to grips with the fact that few men and women actually get the...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Jophil. Must read especially for Master DJ's.

    Jophil is gone. ...but Jophil is NOT forgotten. And never will be by many people that he knew in "real life", no doubt. But what about most of us? What about those who only knew the man as a collection of words, thoughts, and opinions displayed across the various electronic devices through...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Opening a woman's eyes.

    Yo IQQster, Most guys are always looking for any excuse they can find just to believe in the mere "promise" of the possibility of sex. So I'd say that sometimes from guys' perspective, we can't even CLAIM to be "tricked" when some us so badly WANT to be seduced. :whistle: And Karma, I...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    My Mature men breaking your plans for a woman?

    "Plates", "Cups", and "Saucers" aside (sorry, I couldn't resist...:whistle:), I don't think there's anything wrong with a man exercising flexibility with his schedule as long as whatever he opts to do really is HIS choice, and not due to any kind of coercion or desperation.
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Gaining that magnetic personality

    BlackMack177, The troops are droppin' a lot of good knowledge bombs on this thread. The only thing I'll add is this: The people who we generally connect with easier and BETTER are the ones that we feel like are actually taking a REAL interest in "us". And I don't mean that in any kind of a...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    So I asked that girl out.

    Yo Onegoal, The more you pursue a chick who doesn't feel any passion for you, the more her lack of feelings for you will transform into disgust, disdain, and disrespect. Eject NOW, soldier! The quicker you can get out of this situation, the more of your self-respect you'll have when you exit...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Beta Words to Ban from your vocabulary!!!!!

    Here's a a two-word sentence we should all bury in the Grave of the Unknown Soldier: "I can't." :yes:
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Thinning hair is a deal breaker?

    Yo Stagger Lee, I actually have a full head of hair (at least the last time I checked, I did). lol I only mention this because about 5 years or so ago, I used to cut my hair at the lowest length possible with clippers. Then, one day, I just decided to "man up", drop the clippers, pick up...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Casey Anthony

    Yo Rollo, this has got be the quote of the YEAR! :yes: To a lot of women, I'll bet taking Oprah off the air is about the same as snatching Linus' "security blanket" outta his hands. In other words, there's bound to be "consequences and repercussions"... Meanwhile, on a related topic...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    How do i get out of shyness completly?

    Oneboy21, The reason why "dating material" probably hasn't worked to solve your shyness problem is because so much of it is outwardly/outcome focused. By now I'm sure you're beginning to see that "manning up" in ANY situation is gonna have to be an inside job first. But it's all good...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Why Karma/Scott's Law #1 stands high and alone:

    My name is Victory Unlimited, and although it's NOT an election year...I 'APPROVE" this message. :rockon: RESPECT.
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Dealing with envy/regret...??

    Great analogy PENKITTEN. And YOU know how much "I" love a metaphor. :yes: Yeah, I think it's ironic that a lot of people, either "on here" or in real life have to get LOST before they can "find" themselves. But sometimes it's a very necessary step in becoming a better man (or woman).
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Memorial Day Mission - How to destroy Strongholds of Low Self-Esteem!

    Yo Troops! I originally posted this "back @ headquarters" on my own site. But I thought I'd also post it here today in hopes that it would help some of my So Suave "Brothers in Arms". Much Respect to everyone over here. VU ------------------------------------------------- Memorial...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    What do you think of this Tony Robbins advice?

    I like Tony Robbins. However, I think this particular take that he has of male/female relationships may be a bit too "gender-blind" to work for most of us "troops on the ground". In the real world, most of the time I believe there's far too many barriers of misinformation and...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Has the damage been done?

    Yo Bruce Willis, This is a GREAT POST! I'd just like to add that the levels of family dysfunction experienced by all of us in our childhoods, the lack of good male role models, and the emotional hits that we've taken from having survived a LIFETME of less-than-perfect relationships ALSO...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Do Movies Have Any Semblance to Reality

    YES...and they're called "Documentaries".:whistle: But seriously, yet still on a lighter note. I begrudgingly watched a movie that came out last year called "She's Out of MY League". And it was pretty much what I expected, standard in most places, but surprisingly true in others. Though I...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    Chicks aren't Calling or Texting Back ? ? ?

    Yo Troops (IQQI, Pair A Dice, John Siegal, etc.), thanks for the votes of confidence. We all learn from EACH OTHER around here. Always have. That's why I'll always keep bringin' my asss back. Moving on: Yo Synergy, Good point about differentiating "good work from HARD work". The most recent...