The reason why "dating material" probably hasn't worked to solve your shyness problem is because so much of it is outwardly/outcome focused. By now I'm sure you're beginning to see that "manning up" in ANY situation is gonna have to be an inside job first.
But it's all good.
Just remember that much of shyness stems from a sense of shame, a certain amount of fear of the unknown, and even a little bit of "selfishness" too.
"Selfishness"? I can almost hear you thinking. Yeah, selfishness. How else would you describe how we all sometimes choose to stay inside our shells as opposed to exposing and exuding "who we REALLY are" to those around us.
Believe it or not, a lot of people, a lot of other guys, and DEFINITELY a lot of women are WAITING on guys like you to come into their lives and make their lives "better" just by your very presence. Yes...BELIEVE THAT. Because it's true.
Try focusing MORE on what you have to contribute to women's lives (and people's lives) in general. And focus less on how people (especially women) will react to you. A man REALLY begins to "come into his own" when he learns and starts to really "LIKE" who he is.
Focus on THAT, soldier, and you'll see your comfortability with being your BEST self around women will increase more and more over time.
How do you get started on a mission like this?
...By finding things that you like about yourself, finding things you are ALREADY successful at doing---------and expand on those successes by taking the confidence that you gotten from THOSE experiences into other areas of your life.
Think of it this way:
You ever notice that "high" you feel right after you've accomplished something (hell...ANYTHING) that you were really proud of? If you do, then you ALSO know by experience that we gain a lot of our confidence by mentally and emotionally rehearsing our PAST successes. And since that is the case, just start "transferring" the feelings of confidence from THOSE areas over into the area of winning with women.
The more you realize and CONNECT with the fact that you are INDEED a man of value in ONE area--------you are still that SAME valuable man no matter what "other" area you enter.
A man of internal fortitude, confidence, and accomplishment won't be able to keep "the greatness" he feels inside "to himself" forever.
So STOP holding out on these women, my friend. Give them what you've been depriving them of for too damn long:
Much RESPECT to you.