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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Spinnin' Plates is WORK

    Whenever attracting and keeping a whole "army of chicks" starts to feel more like work than fun---------you KNOW it's time to start doing something different.
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Problems with disrespect from wife

    Many of us could debate whether or not we'd "stick it out" if we were in Heroshima's shoes. But that's really neither here nor there. All I'll say about it is this: It's always better to be in the position of deciding whether or not you want to stay with someone as opposed to being in the...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    mental oppression

    Chamber36, Did the girl outside look anything like THIS? If so, then maybe she should have thought of it as more of a compliment. lol
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Help on a blind date

    Mud Duck...Hah! Yo Blackmm, I can tell you're another "brotha'" from around the way. Because I thought only us bruhs down here in the deep and dirty south used that term. It looks like I was wrong. Funny! Much RESPECT to you. Anyway, back on the subject: I agree with Blackmm. Except I'd...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Science is masculine, religion is feminine

    Wait Out is correct. In addition, let me fly over right quick in a stealth bomber and drop this "knowledge Bomb" to inspire MORE food for thought: The quote unquote rationality of SCIENCE "only", seems to appeal to a lot of guys because they feel somehow stronger by association------just by...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Awful Breakup

    Desdinova, Ultimately, we're all responsible for just OUR actions alone. When relationships end, each person has a choice in how they will behave as a result of it. Once the emotional shock waves of any given situation subsides, there's always fallout for both people (...assuming that each...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    What's the smoothest thing YOU have said to a woman that resulted in success?

    Sure it does... None of this shyt works every time. And anybody who tells you it does is a liar. All you can really do is try to use your experience, assess the situation, and roll with the maneuver that you think will work best. If you OWN the moves you make to the fullest, then the only...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Choose: Oneitis that now likes you, or new girl that adores you?

    Let's cut the crap and keep it real here. The only reason this thread exists is because your level of enthusiasm is TOO HIGH for the first girl and TOO LOW for the second. The way you're heading, soldier-------you will wind up getting your ass handed to you whenever the first girl dumps YOU or...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    What's the smoothest thing YOU have said to a woman that resulted in success?

    Here's one from the V.U. Mission Archives: This happened at a house party awhile back. The girl was sitting on a sofa across the room from me----stealing glances and looking at me like she was starving and I was a pork chop. Finally when there was a drop in the music volume while the DJ was...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    "You're too serious"

    "You're too serious" The Victory Unlimited, Babelingual Translation: "You're NOT as attractive to me as my fantasy "celebrity crush", so there's really nothing you can do that will please me. AND because of means absolutely NOTHING to me that you might get turned off or offended by...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    To contact or not?

    To hell with whether or not you should contact her or not. To me that's a secondary issue. MY question is...why would your friend "put you out there" like that? Am I the only one here who takes issue with this? Seems to me like "your friend" might just need his candy-ass kicked for this...OR...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Do some women really prefer stripping to being a wife?

    MatureDJ, Recognize THIS: Whenever a woman PROUDLY boasts that she'd rather be stripper than be a wife, what she's really saying is that she doesn't see ANY value in forming any kind of LASTING, meaningful bond with a man. In addition to that, the more unsettling, UNDERLYING message she's...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    How to get or maintain the "I don't give a F what women think" frame?

    Mike32ct, Your best chance at accomplishing your "I don't give a Fukk" mission in regards to women is is to focus at least TWICE as much on giving a Fukk about OTHER THINGS in your life. Time is a rare commodity. And Mental energy is in shorter supply than you realize. And it's BECAUSE of...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Women believe their own lies.

    This is FUNNY! And something else too: Believing your own lies can ALSO be the key to self-confidence too. That is...until all the lies catch up with ya'. :whistle:
  15. Victory Unlimited

    I'm engaged, help me

    Whenever you find yourself engaged to the wrong woman, then the right move is always to "disengage"---------and almost no matter what the cost! If she's running you "crazy" BEFORE she "gets papers on you", she'll run your hopes and dreams "off a cliff" once she does get papers on you. A few...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    PUA Superconference Las Vegas

    LOL...What??? A PUA Super Conference? In Las Vegas? Are you serious??? Tell me you're joking! I wonder what the hell they're gonna call it, "The MILLION MACK MARCH"? :crackup:Too funny... Just Kiddin', though. Enjoy yourself, my man. But while you're at it, DO make sure you hit up a...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Why can't we laugh and see the humor in all this??

    St.99, I agree that there is a point at which the mental energy spent in successfully winning the War to have POSITIVE interactions with women can become counterproductive. Overemphasis on ANY one thing often causes men to lose their mental and emotional equilibrium. Or, as I always say: "If...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Cashier at home depot... Opinions??

    K2000Kidd, Whenever a woman freely offers to give you more contact information than you've asked for---------go ahead and take it. Just use the communication method that YOU prefer. Also, if you do decide to see her again, don't ask her "to tag along with you" any damn where-------just make a...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Must get back on the road...

    Yo Bruce Willis, That was all very cryptic, soldier. You speak of journeys, you speak of staying on certain roads, you EVEN speak of "battlegrounds". Then you speak of your present chick not being "it" for you. Again, all very cryptic. Let's drop some bombs on this to blow away the confusion...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    Learning game is destroying my game?

    Escobar600...THIS is a message for you, soldier: The Victory Unlimited New Recruit Briefing: Consider the information you get here as WEAPONS for you to sample. Pick out a few, try them out, use them on a few FIELD MISSIONS, THEN...