Thanks for your replies, men. Much appreciated.
Scaramouche, I'm considering the possibility but it just doesn't feel right to me. WHat happened to you with your son and all, wasn't a choice, it just happened. Staying with this woman
would be a choice and I feel it's wrong to do so. I can see how your
involuntary change might appear to have been a good thing, in hindsight. But that's in probably would never have made that change
voluntarily, at the time.
Sue Madre, her not being hot enough is one of the issues yes...
Yo'Mama, my mind tells me the same thing you explained.
Victory Unlimited, I know what you're getting at and I've been asking myself the same kind of questions you raised. I won't adress your questions directly, coz I'm kinda following my own thought process here. But I guess most of those questions do rise up throughout my thought process, anyway. I'll get into it all below... And yes, we do speak sort of the same language

Instead of speaking of The Game, I'd rather speak of The War, haha. Dealing with women, is
being in the arena or
being on the battleground to me etc. All of this also translates to my approach of working out at the gym... By the way, the preacher on the radio in the movie "
Faster" (with Dwayne Johnson) really reminded me of you
As I found SoSuave and started digesting all the theory, I laid out a path in front of me for the long term.
That path is set. Now I feel I'm deviating from my path, under pressure from my inner chump.
I subscribe to Rollo's Plate Theory and it is a very big part of the path I laid out for myself. So I just re-read his thread on Plate Theory to get some perspective. I'll try to lay out my thougths below:
Please note: I've only been becoming succesful at gaming women since half a year or so, really. That means being succesful with individual girls. Being succesful at spinning plates, handling several girls at the same time, is a part of my game that I'm barely beginning to scratch the surface of! I'm like a circus artist who just learned to be succesful at putting the plate on the pole and making it spin without falling off. The next step, doing this with several plates at the same time, is something I still have to learn.
My first and foremost concern is not getting emotionally attached to this girl to the extent where it's grows beyond my control, where I slip into 'oneitis', where my inner chump takes me over. There are two ways to take care of this:
1. Spin more plates.
2. Create distance through my interactions with her.
My consciense is bugging me about this, since I feel this girl doesn't deserve to be treated like that. She's not one of those modern, emancipated, arrogant, self entitled, stuck up bytches who do deserve to be treated like that. With those cvnts, it'd be a lot easier for me to treat them like that, but with her I feel bad about doing so.
At the same time, I think I recognize the psychological mechanism at work here. When a guy says he feels guilty about cheating on a woman, breaking up with her or whatever...basically saying he doesn't want to hurt her, it's mostly just a case of psychological projection: he doesn't want to get hurt
himself. Many of us have an inner desire for being exclusive with a girl, an inner desire for 'oneitis', really. When you're involved with a girl, you don't like the idea of her being fukked by other guys or being emotionally involved with other guys. You want her to be exclusively yours, it's sort of an instinctive inner desire. You also inctinctively feel that you're ruining your chances at this if you don't give her the same thing. How can you expect her to be exclusive to you when you're not being exclusive to her?
In many cases, it's this inner thought that's subconsciously at play when a guy says he doesn't wanna hurt
her. It's often just an expression of his subconscious fear to throw away
his chances at her being exclusive to
him. He says he doesn't want to hurt her, but at the same time this is just a way to camouflage the fact that he doesn't wanna hurt
I guess this mechanism is at work in my current situation as well. I like what we're having together and part of me is afraid to give up on it. You know, I haven't been like this with a woman for a long time... I haven't allowed myself to really connect to a woman for a long time... I can do so in a relatively safe way with her. That's why she's good for me, Victory Unlimited...she allows me to connect to my own emotions, it's a "healing" experience for me to allow myself to be really intimate with another person. Note: this does not mean I'm allowing myself to become a total chump with her! :nono: (but at the same time, I must admit that though all of it, there's a certain fear at play that this might happen after all...)
So back to my concern of not getting too emotionally attached to her and the two possible solutions (Spin more plates, create distance through my interactions with her): My conscience initially gets in the way of those solutions, but I think I just refuted that. It's not really guilt towards her that's paralyzing me, it's what's lies underneath that projection. The fear of losing something good...the fear of losing a chance at what my chump instinct perceives as important: exlusivity from a girl.
That's where the following quote from Rollo comes to mind:
Rollo Tomassi said:
Most guys (particularly rAFCs seeking advice on SS) get to a point where Game and plate spinning give them their first taste of real options to select from or fall back on when another doesn't pan out. The problem arises when they spin enough plates successfully to the point where they think they've maxed out to their "best" option and the old scarcity mentality returns. Most times a guy who newly practices Game and plate spinning never really spins plates; he uses it for the first monogamous opportunity that's been eluding him for so long and calls it quits.
I think I tend to be exactly that rAFC at the moment... I mean, WTF?! Here I am, really just being succesful at running Game for how long? Like half a year?! Then, the first woman I meet that allows me a chance to "connect to my feelings" and all that bullsh!t, my inner chump kicks in and freaks out at the possibility of losing this supposedly "unique" situation, trying to hide behind the thought that I should feel guilty to her for spinning other plates (cheating on her), creating emotional distance from her etc. and
she deserves better than that.
Yes, I
do honestly think she deserves better! But my inner chump is using this thought as a ploy to take me over, I won't allow that to happen.
If I really don't want to hurt her and can't deal with the feelings of guilt that would arise from spinning other plates or holding back emotionally, then the solution is to break up with her. My inner chump doesn't want that, coz he thinks this situation is so valuable... He's the guy who wants to stay in that warm cabin with it's fireplace, it's food and it's wine. He's reluctant to get back in the cold and continue the journey, he wants to settle for the
good situation he finds himself in now, in spite of the
better situation he could be in if he just continues his damn journey. Perhaps he is afraid that he will never reach his destiny and will end up with empty hands?! Well,
fukk that!!
I'm just getting started with this DJ stuff, I'm JUST WARMING UP... I will find many more good girls out there who can offer me the same as she does, but with better looks and more attractive personality traits than this girl. Coz I can't deny it:
1. I can do better in the looks department
2. I keep running into certain unattractive personality traits that just bother me.
These two points prevent me from really being passionate about her. I do not know it for certain, but I do BELIEVE that I can find a woman that offers me the same as she does, while being really passionate about her as well...
So fukk this... I either break up with her coz I don't wanna treat her bad, then go on with my journey towards a better woman without whining like chump
OR I find some way to get past this guilt issue so I can keep her her around, create emotional distance and spin other plates as well.
One thing is for sure: I will not stay with her just because she is good to me. I won't enter an exclusive LTR with her because she is good to me. She will become
"just one of my plates" or I will leave her, nothing other than one of those two options.
I'm not really sure which one it will be. I mean, spinning plates is an essential step on the path I laid out in front of me. Now I ask myself: Does spinning plates, by definition, require you to be able to numb your conscience? I'm telling myself I would have no problem "playing" one of those modern day, emancipated, arrogant bytches. This current girl, I perceive her as too honest and good to be treated that way. But who knows...when some of those other bytches are in the palm of my hand like this girl is now, perhaps I will feel guilty towards them as well?!