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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Chicks aren't Calling or Texting Back ? ? ?

    Yeah, it's usually a true statement that in order for the average guy to generate some interest from the opposite sex, it usually takes WORK. But by contrast, in order for the average "girl" to generate some interest from the opposite sex, all it takes is a WHIM. Such is LIFE in most of the...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Another Married Mans Field Report

    Here's a classic "older guy/3some" sex joke that I just remembered to share with you guys: "Boy, you know what I've always wanted...A THREESOME! Yeah, just think about it: Me and TWO girls at once. That'd be GREAT! See, because at MY age...THAT way, when I fall asleep right in the middle of...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Chicks aren't Calling or Texting Back ? ? ?

    Women NOT calling back? Women NOT texting back? Well... Over the years I've found that a lot of women, especially women under 40 have an unspoken hierarchy of people, places, or things that they're REALLY commited to. Some of the same women who would never flake on jobs, appointments...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Albums which affected the course of your life:

    Yo Karma, great choices bro’. Quite a few of them I can relate to on multiple levels. Special “unsolicited” VU Commentary: Karma, allow me to add a few more comments to some of the choices you’ve shared with us so far-------since this is a thread that is so unapologetically for us “grown...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Don't rip into newbies asking for advice

    Yo Veridin, Good Thread.:up: And I think it's very appropriate for you to post it here in the Mature Man Forum-------I don't think a post like this would get ANY real traction in the main discussion forum. Here in the Mature Man Forum, you'll have your best chance at reaching a...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Question for the more experienced guys.

    Many women who fit the category you just described are prone to use their looks as a bargaining chip to get the things that they want from a guy. They are both "used to" and "skilled at" giving guys that they know that are interested in them "just enough" to continue keeping them living in the...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    That Wedding

    Yo Zunder, I'm with you, man. To HELL with so much Pomp and Circumstance. Usually, especially for "regular" people, the bigger the wedding the quicker the divorce. But as you well order to keep up appearances, the royal family will make sure that this marriage is TOO BIG TO FAIL...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

    TODAY is the annual "Bump" of this thread in hopes that more new eyes will see...and the REASON "why" should be obvious to most.
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Women & their weight issues

    Many years ago, I once dated a young, divorced chick who had a 5 year old daughter. I was surprised to know that she even had any kids based on how slender and tight her body was. So I asked her what was her secret, and she said: "When I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband always kept...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Victory Unlimited Show!!!

    Yo danny62, What's up, bro'. Thanks for the the kind words and the "thumbs up". Yeah, before I launched the show, I said to myself that the only way I'd do it and KEEP doing it was if I could drop knowledge and also amuse myself in the process. So far so good. The shows that I get the most...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: Why most women who are TOO BUSY are TOO LAME for YOU!

    Thanks for the kind words, bro's. Many of the things I speak on or write about really are simple concepts that are easily understand by most. The problems usually come in once we let our emotions, our desires, and our fascination with what we see (the sheer beauty of a woman) distract us...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Women with Children(It's getting worse fellas)

    So...let's take this situation to the next level-----let's raise the stakes of this scenario. Let's step into an episode of the Twilight Zone "So Suave-style" for a second. "What if", as a single man, women WITH children were your ONLY choice? What's best: 1. A woman who has lots of sex...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: Why most women who are TOO BUSY are TOO LAME for YOU!

    Yo Troops! Girls who are “too busy” to see you are just THAT. They are too busy to see “YOU”. Why I say this should be obvious to you: Do you think for a second if you were some famous celebrity, athlete, actor or whatever that she would STILL be too busy to get with you. I think NOT...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    girls that are too busy, worth it?

    Yo Tony-Montana, Yes, the fact that you want to be a "stand up guy" is good. There's NOTHING wrong with being with a nice, sweet, down to earth girl. And when it happens----it's great. But I'd advise you to pay close attention to what I said earlier about NOT crossing the line when you're...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    what is love?

    Well... From my vantage point, there are at least 4 misrepresentations of what love is: 1. To most people, “love” is just a four letter word that they throw around like a boomerang fully expecting to hear it back--------or otherwise they’re gonna get pissed off. 2. To other...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    girls that are too busy, worth it?

    Yo OMKARA, What you said is TRUE. A girl can grow to like you, but most of the time, how a girl responds to you INITIALLY is her most HONEST appraisal of you. So the thing is...if you're the recipient of a low level of interest and enthusiasm from a girl you want, you should probably ask...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Shaved my head

    I think that a bald head is appealing to a lot of women because subconsciously, they recognize it as a phallic symbol. Seriously, WHAT healthy, heterosexual chick do you know of that DOESN’T have a natural tendency to be attracted to big, bulbous, fleshy, “hard” things??? :yes:
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Women & Texting Is Out Of Control

    The thing about texting, telephone call frequency, or “whatever”, is that YOU as the man must set the tone upfront for what is acceptable for you. If she calls too much or texts too much, it’s incumbent on YOU to make an effort to show her what works best for you. I have often found that if I...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    girls that are too busy, worth it?

    Yo Tony-Montana, Here’s the truth: Girls who are “too busy” to see you are just THAT. They are too busy to see “you”. Do you think for a second if you were some famous celebrity, athlete, actor or whatever that she would STILL be too busy to get with you. I think NOT. The reality of it...