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  1. Victory Unlimited

    How Feminism Ruined Dating

    I tend to see this differently. The Veteran Soldiers who have dropped knowledge in this thread so far don't appear to be whining, or bytching and moaning from my vantage point. Rather, what I hear them saying is THIS: "Don't believe that you have to settle for behavior in women that is of...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Girlfriend is not into sex anymore

    Yo SLICK, Hell-to-the-YES!:yes: Nah...but seriously, if anybody ever wants to run a "controlled, non-scientific experiment", just casually mention to your spouses or serious girlfriends one day that you've been feeling "unfulfilled" lately and that you're thinking about quitting your...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Couples Counseling - Calling Rollo Tomassi

    Couples counseling is always a dicey proposition. Can it work? Sometimes. Does it work MOST times? Probably not. But a lot of times, the answer to that last question depends on what you consider a "working relationship". In my view, a working relationship is one that RARELY seems like...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Girlfriend is not into sex anymore

    I think that the larger issue here is that many women either have a misperception, a lack of appreciation, or a total DISREGARD for just how important SEX is to a man has chosen to enter into an exclusive relationship (not to mention----a MARRIAGE). The day when it dawns on a particular woman...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: What "is"...The PHOENIX CHICK???

    Jitterbug said: "But VU, those girls by definition are rare. What are we to do while hunting or waiting for one of them to appear in our life, other than continuing to, I don't know, push that big arse rock up the hill? I don't think I have much of a problem understanding the concepts...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: What "is"...The PHOENIX CHICK???

    Yo Jitterbug, Interesting take on the subject. My musings on the subject hadn't yet extended in the direction that you just took it--------this idea that certain women can be fuel for a BENEFICIAL fire within us that can burn LONG AFTER they leave our lives. In a way, your observation...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: What "is"...The PHOENIX CHICK???

    Yo Squirrels, Forgive my inefficiency at fully articulating it previously. Some differences between how naïve guys see a Phoenix Chick and how knowledgeable guys see a Phoenix Chick are listed below: Naïve guys think of a Phoenix Chick as “the” woman of their dreams, while men who are...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: What "is"...The PHOENIX CHICK???

    What do I mean by “acceptable danger”? What I’m referring to is the lack of balance in our viewpoints and our outlooks on women as a direct result of our training here----and places “like” here. So Suave is a useful tool. It is a wealth of knowledge. And many of us owe a great debt to SOME of...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: What "is"...The PHOENIX CHICK???

    Yo Troops! Hope all is well on each of your respective "fronts" this day. This weekend, I was asked by a guy down here in the “dirty south” why it’s seems so HARD to connect with a woman WORTH connecting with. He was complaining about how despite all the improvements and personal...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Question for the guys who are married/have been married.

    Troops… It has been my observation, as well as my experience, that any form of worthwhile commitment that one makes-------is a serious undertaking. The idea of “committing” to anything, has imbedded within it the presupposition of honor. And when I say “honor”, I don’t mean it in the more...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    sitting here watching oprah (don't start)

    Yo BACKBREAKER, WARRIOR is right - women do USE the dumb-assed, horny-assed C.O.s to get them "knocked up" to "bail out" of the military duty and to get promotions. And AMOKA is right too - STOP watching "Oprah" ('ll only make you MAD...isn't that evident now????) :crackup...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Victory Unlimited Show!!!

    To Karma and Mr. Positive: Glad to know you two members of the HARD CORPs are still locked and loaded and ready to roll. To Demodulate: LOL... To Cedd: Yeah bro'. November 15th was a good day to launch an offensive to attempt to change men's lives for the better...and so was...
  13. Victory Unlimited


    Every man should seek to maximize the strengths of his own demeanor to his best benefit. Whichever way of displaying your masculinity that seems to be the most true to your core nature and personality is the one you should cultivate.
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Victory Unlimited Show!!!

    To RAZOR SHARP: Hell-to-the-YES! I’m (we???) are showing ourselves to be “chronologically gifted”. Lol Special Ed is the MAN. Well, actually he was a kid when he made that song. He had (and still has) skills. One of my favorites from “back in the day”. So good catch! By the way, I also...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Victory Unlimited Show!!!

    Yo Troops! As I swiftly approach my 1,000th post on So Suave, I have taken some time to do some thinking. There are many things, many circumstances, and many forces aligned against us as men today. In an effort to “turn the tide” and reach more people with my own brand of positive...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    When Guys Try to Amog You - How do you handle?

    Yo Troops, Certain environments are conducive to men "and women" behaving badly. Some great examples ARE bars, nightclubs, big parties, etc. Almost any place where the senses are being assaulted via loud music, crowds of people, flashing lights, alcohol, and "recreational drugs" are...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    What's in it for me????

    Yo SoldmySoul, Actually, since you've taken the time to further flesh out your thoughts on this thread, you seem to be in a great place to advance and to grow. I would encourage every man to take the time to reflect on the reality that "selfishness" in and of itself, is not always an...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Guys, Don't Waste Your Time & Money at Bars & Clubs - Here's Why

    Most men never realize this, but in all actuality, Clubs (and some bars) CAN represent the worst battlefield to win a woman's attraction. Why? Because BEFORE a woman can be attracted to you, she first has to notice you. BEFORE she can notice you, you have to first be able to stand out in...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Why can't girls just admit that they have everything easier when it comes to dating?

    Yo Troops! The OP states in his original title: Why can't girls just admit that they have everything easier when it comes to dating? In general, I'm inclined to agree with him. But it's only when you get into the specifics of the nature of dating and RELATIONSHIPS where thing start...