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  1. J

    What is your success rate with women?

    If your success rate is high, you aren't approaching enough. You should be aiming "out of your league" if you want to gain skills, too. It doesn't matter if your rate is 1 out of 100 or worse, because rejection does not matter. A single act of getting rejected has no impact on future...
  2. J

    Went out with an older woman.. Got rejected!

    No reason to feel bad...she didn't waste your time, and obviously found you physically attractive. Older women value different things than younger women. For now, you should stick with the younger ones.
  3. J

    Being challenged after busting a girl's balls for over a year - how to respond?

    This wasn't a s#it test; there are no s#it tests in the friendzone. This was her expresses annoyance at the fact that you belittle her constantly after she does nice things for you. The problem is that she views you as a "friend" and you view her as a "project." You can continue to be...
  4. J

    strange pick up, got number, rejection after. premeditated?

    Welcome to the world of cold approach pickup. You are going to get rejected a TON, even when you DO get good at this. Some girls just won't be interested, and that's ok. Rejection does not MATTER; even if only 1 out of 100 girls are interested, we are going to FIND those girls! The best...
  5. J

    HMM good looking guy seem to be ignored by all women

    My thoughts exactly. Somehow, I doubt there is any linear correlation between an imaginary "HB rating scale" and body weight. I think the premise of the post is correct (girls like muscle), but at a certain point the returns are diminished. Not to mention, if you're on the shorter side with a...
  6. J

    Is "being unable to stay mad" a virtue or a character flaw??

    When anger is shown in the moment, it can be an effective bargaining tactic. I think the trick is to discharge anger completely, and resume life as normal. If someone wrongs you and you immediately display anger, it shows you have boundaries. If you are able to release that anger after...
  7. J

    Break Up there any?

    There's nothing wrong with admitting that you don't want to see her. Seriously--if you have to "fake it" around your friends, they aren't friends at all. Don't worry about trying to appear "alpha" around her, and don't talk to her if you don't want to. As long as you're not throwing tantrums...
  8. J

    The good friend or his ex?

    That girl is toying with you because it is "forbidden" and the thought of two good friends ending a friendship over HER is probably the greatest ego boost a girl can receive. Don't be an idiot. You'll destroy the friendship and she'll dump you, anyway.
  9. J

    Should I get ripped or buff

    If you haven't lifted before, you'll put on muscle rather quickly at first, no matter what you do. The secret to getting BIGGER is to lift heavy while taking in more calories. For significant growth, you'll have to gain a bit of fat as well, which may make you look LESS muscular at first...
  10. J

    Introvert in social situations. Does it help?

    Agreed re: arriving early. This is the BEST time to meet people, as introductions come quite naturally. The easiest way to bring value to a party is to keep a smile on your face and simply say "hi, I'm [name]." Most people are NOT good with strangers, so the simple act of taking the...
  11. J

    Does it get better after 30?

    I think what he means is that there's a real danger of "overgaming." If you are a well put together man in his 30's running routines, it's REAL difficult not to come off as a player. And, while younger women might chase players, women that are looking to settle down will NOT. Ignore the...
  12. J

    Does it get better after 30?

    MUCH better (though admittedly, I'm barely in my 30's myself). It's oh so amusing to watch guys in their early 20's get baffled by s#it tests, act way too needy, and be flat out INTIMIDATED by girls their own age. Socially, girls are WAY ahead of their male counterparts at this age, so when...
  13. J

    Assess my FB game!

    I'm confused...were you trying to game her? Because you essentially gave her a 'LJBF.' Why would you bring up that you can't do anything with her because of your friend?? That's why she left so abruptly; you took away her plausible deniability that would've allowed things to "just happen." In...
  14. J

    Got her number, mixed signals now!

    This. Remember- just because a girl is ATTRACTED to you doesn't necessarily mean she's "interested." It's weird but true; people don't necessarily go after what they WANT if it's out of their comfort zone. The fact that she's never had a BF means this is out of her comfort zone. I...
  15. J

    so I'm going to ask this girl on a date through text

    You SHOULD ask her out via text, because you are clearly petrified of calling her. Do what is comfortable for YOU. All you need to do is come up with something fun that YOU would like to do and invite her. "Hey, I'm going to xyz on Thursday to do xyz. Wanna come with me?" If she's...
  16. J

    18 year old HB9

    This nearly ruined it, but fortunately for you, she's probably used to guys her age doing AFC moves like this. If you're going to throw a fit over a young girl canceling on you and tell her off like this, you have to actually be prepared to walk away. No "maybe I'll give you another chance"...
  17. J

    Want to ask out

    Better start sending out your resume, while you're at it.
  18. J

    What could I have done differently in this situation(approach on a worker)?

    Cold approaches are tough, so don't feel bad about this. The thing to remember is that there are "yes" girls, "maybe" girls, and "no" girls. That means that some girls will reject you no matter WHAT. They could be in a happy LTR, or really interested in another guy, or just plain...
  19. J

    Five types of guys who stay single

    If you're an "eligible" guy (read as: guy that easily attracts women), why on EARTH would you settle for anything less than perfect?? Yet another attempt to project the notion of a "biological clock" on men.
  20. J

    How Many Times ? ? ?

    If she's willing to engage with you, the overwhelming majority of the time she'll do so after the first message. I don't bother trying more than once. Of course, you really aren't losing much by trying a second or third time, so it's up to you. I just find that it's best to cut your losses...