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  1. T

    Interesting night New Year's Eve.

    Not really--maybe a few, but not very many. I began talking with her, and about a week and a half later, I went on vacation for a week. Came back the day before new year's eve, and the rest you can see from my original post.
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    Interesting night New Year's Eve.

    Well, I went to one of the bars that I go to regularly, and it was cool. The hbbartender that I know there was great, as usual. There was one girl who was not attractive, who pretty much showed desperation to try to get me to do anything with her. I didn't, as I wasn't interested. Not to...
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    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    I think you did good on this one. That girl probably lost out. The fact that you walked away without pushing further. There are tons more girls. And you are right, you do need to establish a little rapport, but it doesn't have to be over time. I have established rapport with some girls...
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    Trust what a girl says about abortion?

    She's probably just really upset right now, and while she said she doesn't want to talk to you ever again; she more than likely will, after quite a bit of time. Do you trust her--that's up to you, but I know that I would have to respect her opinion and leave the ball in her court (even...
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    Ending off conversations.

    I usually say I am getting ready to go somewhere, and I'm kind of in a hurry so I'm not too late. The key word here is "too". It works every time, and most of the time, it is mostly true, but I am never actually late, I just tell her that to make her think that I am in a hurry that...
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    you can bash me all you want

    Tselca, Are you going to go after women then...
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    you can bash me all you want

    and how much time do women take to get ready for a single date. maybe not endless, but enough to make men wait--and men don't like to wait--at least I don't.
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    you can bash me all you want

    I'm not even going to read the replies, because I have one of my own--and it may already be here, but what the hell: The reason I have come to this site initially was because I did a body language search, this site came up, and I became a member. At first, yes, it was just about trying to...
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    long distance break up (method poll)

    any form other than conversing means you are chickesh**. I don't even like the phone idea, but writing it down makes you a pu$$y.
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    Play-by-Play on Number Closing

    I've read the first few posts, and I love it, but shouldn't this be in tips.
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    A "tactic" you won't want to miss -- C&F at its best

    I just may try this out--sounds good, and I wanted it to be bumped. It also should've been in the tips section.
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    Phone routines

    Ask her what she did that day, take it from there, cut it short, set up the date, and hang up the phone.
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    21 and over

    I haven't been with that many, truthfully, so I don't lie about my past, but I have a no-lie philosophy anyway. I don't tolerate lying about anything, so I'm not going to lie to someone else either. This site has taught me a lot, but I can't stand the advice where people are telling others not...
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    not to be religious! but...

    It's not that the Christians have more, it's that they are noticed more. Why, I don't know, but that's just the way I see it.
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    The inexperienced 20 something girl.

    If you think you should, make the move when you think it. That is said time and time again on this board, and I've learned that it is one of the best tips ever, because: If you begin to think about it, you will start thinking about the negatives rather than the positives. If you make the...
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    DJ struggling! Could use your help asap

    When I go to the gym, and I notice (key word) someone I would like to talk to, I introduce myself. When you do this, there are a couple of options for her to do: 1.) completely ignore you (not worth your time anyway) 2.) introduce themselves, and get back to working out (which is what you...
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    Left a message no call back

    I like this reply. Except, I think you should only call, at most, two times. I would probably only call her back once, and if she doesn't pick up, leave a short, straight-to-the-point message. This message should be meeting up somewhere, not about why she did not call you back. You should...
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    The Perfect Mindset(s)

    Okay, here's one--not quite as long as the others, but I've just learned it recently: 1.) See an opportunity 2.) Take it I was walking down my building the other day, when this girl that just started working there was passing by--I stopped her, and talked with her. Smiles and eye...
  19. T this a test? In a LTR..hmm

    Does anyone else see all the EXCUSES he's making for staying with her?
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    Dorm Room Choice? (Urgent) THis is a message board where you can ask college students just about anything. Keep in mind, you will get some smarta$$ answers, but you should get the jist of it.