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you can bash me all you want


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
This girl is after a flamewar, and judging by the replies you guys gave her exactly what she wanted.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Re: absurd

Originally posted by dipset_mafia
this is ridiculous... do you know what pretty means? do you understand the biology behind attraction? women are competing against eachother - but how do they win the competition? by landing the ALPHA, the best possible candidate for reproduction.

WOMEN & ATTRACTION. babies have large eyes, disproportionate to the size of their heads - look at super models, and the make-up isle... men find larger eyes attractive because it resembles a baby - something that triggers our protectional instincts... anyways, curvy figure is good for child bearing etc etc..

what i'm getting at is..

"competition" is natural selection.

and it IS MOST DEFINETELY directed at the opposite sex!!!

pro athletes are lean strong people - they demonstrate this through their competition - some come out on top. demonstrating that they're suitable to protect and healthy

women will wear make-up to accentuate their eyes to trigger protectional instincts in men, they'll wear form fitting clothing to show their female form, one that is good for child bearing.. notice the less attractive women will attempt to COVER UP these imperfections, hiding them, for them, hopefully guys won't notice. . . . . women will dress themselves to attract, to the degree that they feel necessary...... COMPETITION between women is merely to catch the eye of the ALPHA, ... ALTHOUGH IT IS COMPETITION BETWEEN THE WOMEN, THE PURPOSE IS NOT JUST TO BE THE "PRETTIEST" BUT TO LAND THE "BEST MAN" POSSIBLE.

whether you like it or not, birdy.
At least one productive thing came out of this Flame War, it's Dipset_Mafia's post. Awsome post man!!!


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
my ramblings

i was wondering what pook would have had to say about this. However i think dipset nailed it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Regan, what was the e-mail about? What does she believe?

And I have to know. We all have to know, because that is the reason for this whole topic.

She hasn't made a [point at all and yet she has everyone riled up. Guys, let's to this attention whore a favor and leave her alone


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Dudes, why are you giving her attention just because shes female? Has she even earned it?

Ok that being said, some of you guys have been bashing her a little but come on its the net damn it.

but lets remember the reason each and everyone of you is here is to pick me up. Maybe not me personally, but women.

You come on here and bash us, talk bad about us, say we don't know what we want,

But you spend an awful lot of time and effort trying to figure out how to pick us up.

I mean really think about it. Look at the number of posts and the number of members her. This whole site. Dedicated to picking up a woman like me who has no idea what she wants.

Funny if you ask me

That post of yours was asking for trouble. You are welcome here to give your honest opinion to us or to some of the guys to help em along. Its up to them if they wish to take your advice or not. But remember, alot of guys have been hurt by women in the past or have had their hearts broken by a woman in the past and had been driven to this site ( including me, heart broken ). They are bitter or hurt because they cant believe what happend. Forget the negativity.

Now, you call that sad, or silly or what ever? Tseluca, your magazines that you read have countless dating tips in it every week, like cosmo or what ever its called.

Stuff like
-6 ways to know hes cheating
-find your prince charming now
-how to make him beg for more
- keep him on a lease
etc etc etc

and you say "Funny if you ask me". Its only fair that we have some way to exchange our views too. Is it not fair?
I dont want to be heart broken again like you wouldnt want to be.

Most women are under the impression that all a man wants from them is sex and therefore you are the ones to govern the interaction.

The beauty of being a woman is we can go out and do that anytime we want, and we dont have to resort to sill antics to get it

This is true and false. I agree its easier for a woman to get laid but you have the same problems as us when it comes to getting the guy u want. I too can go out and pick up some fat chick for sex but i refuse to. They dont deserve me. The thing is that all you women have to offer us is sex, nothing more. Well we can offer you sex aswell, no big deal, but we have alot more to offer you than that.

You cannot offer us comradery, guidance, protection, leadership, strength, saftey,stability or anything thats fullfilling, whilst we can. All you can offer is your vag1na and sex. Women depend on MEN, get it?
The fact that nature has even chosen us over you. Your gift is that you can bear our children, but after 35-40 it becomes difficult for u to fall pregnant and therefore your values drop even further. So biologically your values are very very low then. But, a man on the other hand can continue producing sperm till he is 70 yrs old and there fore biologically still hs value in comparison.
So what do u say about that? wheres that power now?

So the power trip you have is only amongst men who do not see this becuase real men dont just want you for you pvssy and if thats the only thing that you have going for you then , well your out of luck.

In the past id fall victim for a womans sexuality but not anymore. Ive realised that women cheat, lie,sleep around as much as men. They are horny like men, they want to get fvcked all the time like men want to fvck all the time. I used to get nervous in the presence of an attractive woman, but not no more because i can see her get nervous around me by my physical appearence, i know she has butterfiles in her stomach when she talks to me.

Your games wont work on all of us, but i do agree that most men fall victim.

good day
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
at first I thought the thread said "you can BANG me all you want"

...but its still a pretty good read


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Reagan
Actually, I got her opinion via email and I have to say, it's identical to my views.
waw, all i got was few pictures of her sucking some black guys off:confused: anybody want's them?
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
I think most everyone who responded to this thread was just trying to practice their "DJ techniques" when theyre actually just making a perspectived topic pointless.

It's obvious theres a female human typing this, and is probably just as clueless about how guys work as about how girls work.

This site is not about getting ass, its not about getting all the women you can like its a easter egg hunt. It's about providing the information needed to some individuals who NEED awareness about their personalities, and behavior.

And as for your question, your probably speaking from past b/f's or relationships that gave you this mindset.

I dont think anyone really understands why this site is here anymore, but you as a female shouldn't take offence to a community that's all about making us males attractive to you. Why are you complaining? I sure as hell dont have a problem if there was a site about how to pickup guys, It'd make it more fun for us! I as a person feel that girls are pretty easy to read (for the most part) when it comes to their sexuality and what they want in a guy. It all comes down to what kind of PERSON you are when i select my possible g/f's, not what kind of seducer you are (because thats my job anyways)

nuff said.


Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Da World
Here we go again...

I love how every so often a woman logs onto this site, starts a thread about how hot/sexy she is and how everyone here is a supplicating loser...then has the NERVE to act surprised or offended when she gets flamed. :rolleyes:

I have seen this happen over and over again. And the saddest part is that posts like these bring the worst AFCs out the woodwork. You all start taking what this b!tch says seriously and getting all defensive of your precious DJ idealogy. I hate to say it, but most of you guys posting on this thread have proved her right.

It is pathetic that guys who come here EVERY DAY and know the DJ Bible practically by heart still respond like this to an obvious baiting tactic. C'mon brother Dons, you are supposed to know better!

Dear Tseluca,

You are right about us fellas racking our brains trying to get in your pants. I won't deny it. Sex is one of man's primary motivations. But please come down off that high horse of yours. This game is all about balance, and though you may be able to get laid at the drop of a hat, we both know that this is not what most women are after. (otherwise we would all be getting laid and this forum would not exist!)

Sad to say, the plight of women is much more dire these days. Most men prefer meaningless sex over meaningful relationships and that's where game balances itself out. You have as much trouble getting what you want as we do. I wonder how many forums exist for women complaining that they can't find the right guy. So spare me your superiority complex, you are just as disadvantaged as the average "loser" who logs onto this site.

If you really want to be helpful to this forum, then post something insightful. Regardless of what you may say, you gotta realize that women are usually the worst people to ask about picking up women...simply because they have never done it. This is why a man's advice will always take precedent and most of the guys here will instantly disqualify what you have to say until you post some real eye-opening sh!t. Posts like this one will only ostracize you from this community and does little to help breed understanding.. all you have done is drawn a deeper line in the sand between you and us and it makes you seem as petty, foolish and terribly insecure. If you are the prize you claim to be, then you would have a lot more class than this.

You sound like an intelligent female, in the future I hope we get to see more woman and less girl out of you.

Spank you very much,


PS - To Everyone Here,

I think we all need to stop taking ourselves and each other so seriously on this board. I swear, if all of you put half the effort into your game as you did into defending your pathetic egos, you would be an INSPIRATION to everyone else. I hate to say it, but Tseluca is right...most of you regular posters have no fukking clue! Shame on you! :down:


Originally posted by ThunderMaverick
Regan, what was the e-mail about? What does she believe?

And I have to know. We all have to know, because that is the reason for this whole topic.

She hasn't made a [point at all and yet she has everyone riled up. Guys, let's to this attention whore a favor and leave her alone
Okay first off she sent me 5 pictures of herself. I don't know why.
Here's what she said:
Stop visiting the SS board and just be yourself. Be confident, but don't use these rehearsed antics.

You are a good looking guy, which is a plus.

Just be calm, confident and funny, and you will have no problems.

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
If you were banned before then why the hell are you gonna use the same username thats asking to get banned again?


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Walnut Creek, CA
So pretty much, according to your argument, you are telling me that if I want advice on how to attract men, I should ask other women, because afterall men would be terrible to ask because they have never done it.

See how sill that sounds? Women do know what they want, there is this huge preconcived notion that women have no clue what they want.

Well i can say the reverse is also true.

But most men want meaningless sex, and most women want a meaningful relationship.

Men will use love to get sex, and women eill use sex to get love.

I think men are women haters, becuase utimatly we hold the cards when it comes to sex, We decide when and if you get it (excluding rape) and that makes most men insecure so they bash women.

I noticed many menbers of this board bash when they get insecure.

I have been doing research on here and I noticed when the talk of black men comes up, many posters are quick to hate on them too. I have read articles and studied social psychology on to why this is true, and most experts agree it is because many people have the preconceived notion black men are sexually superior, leading other races to feel insecure.

Lets be honest 95% of male insecurity comes from sex. \
Not being able to attract women
Infatuation with Penis Size
Infatuation about how long you last ect ect.

So when men get put in a comprimising situation when it comes to sex, they get all defensive.

And since many men feel insecure about women and black men, they get defensive

The Nice Guy is Gone

Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score

I think men are women haters
Are you going to go after women then...


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Walnut Creek, CA
Dont paraphrase and take my words out of context to try and discredit me.

If you are going to use my words, use the whole sentence/paragraph.

That is an old media trick


Shiz Nizzle

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
hey baby

Why don't you give me yo fone # b4 I don't want it no mo.
* in my best thuggish voice*


Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Da World
Originally posted by tseluca
So pretty much, according to your argument, you are telling me that if I want advice on how to attract men, I should ask other women, because afterall men would be terrible to ask because they have never done it.
I agree that it is silly to make any forum exclusive to gender. Believe it or not, women are welcome here. But they should also understand that this is primarily a guys hangout, and not take so much offense when some idiot says something offensive. The best way to deal with someone who attacks you is to not engage them at all. Do not even entertain the notion that they can get under your skin and you will not only save yourself endless frustration, but gain the silent respect of many. But nooooo, what does tseluca do? She makes posts that are really invitations to be attacked...bash you all I want? Almost makes me think you enjoy it some!
Originally posted by tseluca
I think men are women haters, becuase utimatly we hold the cards when it comes to sex, We decide when and if you get it (excluding rape) and that makes most men insecure so they bash women.
I like how you simultaneously play the victim whilst empowering yourself...very entertaining, but you are quite lost and mistaken in your viewpoint.

Men bash women for the same reason women bash men..because there are some really insensitive, selfish assh0les out there who really deserve to be bashed. It aint gender exclusive so get that "poor us" nonsense out ya head. For you to say that men hate women says a lot about your feelings towards sexuality, and it aint good! My guess is that more than one of them has left a bad impression on you. Welcome to the club...all of us are here cause we got burned, too. Now instead of pointing out how hateful and defensive people are around you, why don't you try contributing something that will really make us think and understand where women are really coming from? (and more importantly, what is it that's making them come?)


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
you are right that men bash women because they are insecure...thats a given...

more women want a ltr then men do.

thats a fact..just dont try telling the guys here that