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  1. T

    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    It shouldn't really matter--Personally, if I was to us an approach like this, I'd ask if they were single. Asking if they have a boyfriend, to me, comes off as being insecure, whereas asking if they are single could come off as something completely different. Yes, it's exactly the same...
  2. T

    Approaching a woman after someone else just approached?

    It's going to be awkward for you until you start.
  3. T

    Going out by yourself

    I used to have the same idea, but when I realized that one of the only way to meet people (not just girls) was to go to the bars, whether you were by yourself or not. The way I got started was I would sit at the bar (by where the drinks were to be ordered) and just talk to people. I would talk...
  4. T

    What exactly is confidence?

    I'm in the real world--and I don't need you to tell me what I need. I'm happy, and I know what I want. And yeah, they may have a reason to reject ya, but more often than not, it's not a good one. So, before you start ridiculing someone and claiming that they are not in the real world, back up...
  5. T

    What exactly is confidence?

    Actually, when I get rejected now, when I end up getting home, I laugh about it. It's kind of funny these days, when I do get rejected. Because I haven't lost a thing, and they have lost a great opportunity.
  6. T

    What exactly is confidence?

    Because the confidence is within you, not necessarily with experiences. The frame of mind you should have when those first 10 reject you should be, "Well, it's their loss, not mine." Or something like, "They just lost out big-time." Confidence starts in the mindset, and then builds up with...
  7. T

    Post Your AIM! Help each other!

    Maybe if you would've logged off, gone out, met people, and checked it again the next day--instead of waiting to see if anyone would reply--looks like you need to get a life.
  8. T

    Post Your AIM! Help each other!

    I guess you missed his point of why he didn't post his. His reasoning and mine are the same--you didn't even give it a day before you decided to b1tch about noone replying to your thread. I see you edited it, but the fact remains, you wrote it--why--only you know that, so rather than him...
  9. T

    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    You nexted this girl way too late. My guess is when she's in a bind, and wants someone to go out with, she'll give you a call because she thinks you're in the palm of her hand--and honestly, that's what it looked like from the way things progressed (or didn't, depending on how you look at it)
  10. T

    Why Don't You Guys Just Simply Ask A Hot Babe Out

    True, it does get complicated, and I'm in agreement with pretty much every post here. The main deal is that every single situation and every single person is different. The options, however, remain the same every single time. Vibe = good = go for it Vibe = bad = what's the worst that...
  11. T

    Active mode vs Passive mode - an idea in progress...

    This is good. I have been in passive state for a while. In a week, I got back in active state. I pretty much approach whoever I want to and stay for the length of time I want to. Sometimes, I'm just curious if I'll be nervous when talking to a hb. That's what happened to me today. I went...
  12. T

    Personal Demons

    I'm seeing all kinds of "what if" questions here. Screw what if, go with what is. If you don't have confidence in yourself--you're going to have to find some way to learn it. I didn't even read the entire post, but it seems as if you are scared out of your mind about what other people...
  13. T

    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    I have experiences such as this, but it's been a while since I've been in the field, due to personal reasons, but I do have some tips for you: 1. Begin social proof with bartenders, waitresses and the like. 2. Every place has regulars, and when they see you chatting with the employees like...
  14. T

    Opinions of Online Dating

    Plus, it's more fun. In the past year--I've met one person off of the internet--and it's pretty much like she doesn't exist. I think internet dating shows a lack of confidence--but, that is my OPINION, and may not necessarily be your views on the thing, but whatever you decide--remember to...
  15. T

    Going to theme parks for approaches?

    or you could go with something like this, "Do I need to be with others to have a good time (pause for aboue 2-3 seconds)...I don't think so. And you could take a convo from there--of course, the above needs to be said in a playful way. I'm with DJ McBuster on this one--why do you need a...
  16. T

    What the heck do I do/say?

    Look at this thread:
  17. T

    List of feelings

    You're calling him a troll, yet you post a list of useless crap that noone will even bother to read, including me.