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  1. M

    We're too replacable as men

    I know that you're acting as if the sky is falling. Your truth isn't my truth...right? Because I don't know sh1t about the youngest generation. Honestly, I'm not even sure what your main point is. So far I'm reading about how you're an alpha. And you're getting laid. And if you don't...
  2. M

    She sends mixed signals to me , what she wants?

    Because you're rather ask 20 stupid questions instead of reading the DJ Bible, Tips Section, and the Archives to learn on your own. You are a male attention wh0re. Except you're an internet attention wh0re, which is even worse. You're question is basically asking about how to ask a girl...
  3. M

    How to deal with flakes that have no excuse?

    Haha. Seriously. I don't think you understand what's happening here, Newton. She doesn't want to date you. Whether you invite her or not...she's not interested. There is nothing else to say.
  4. M

    We're too replacable as men

    Well, you sound like a b*tch. So before I can take your whiney, crybaby philosophy seriously, I think you should make an effort to not be a b*tch. And then see what your success rate is. Because, again, you sound like a b*tch. You're the type of guy who SHOULD have girl problems.
  5. M

    went tooo...

    Yeah, that was a hot scene, broseph. I just hope you didn't get her pregnant.
  6. M

    How to deal with a prude girl?

    I agree. If Jariel believes his path leads to a better class of woman, then all due respect. Everyone has their own preference. However, I feel that any woman who withholds sex from me as an attraction technique would be a crappy girlfriend. Sex is what adults do. You know the...
  7. M

    BPD HB7 slut wants me

    Never trust a girl who confides her "sexual abuse" history before she even knows you. Although, that definitely does go along with your theory that she's crazy. Every crazy girl I know has some "I was sexually abused" story. It's like a badge of honor for those chicks.
  8. M

    Chances of me setting up a second date in my situation? (Sorry long post)

    That's why you ask her out. To evaluate what her IL is. If you say so, my friend. Maybe I'm just not good at telling corny jokes. I just think that questions like that scream, "I'm looking for a serious relationship."....when a date is supposed to be more about fun. Let her worry...
  9. M

    Chances of me setting up a second date in my situation? (Sorry long post)

    Well, there are 2 ways you can find out about whether or not you'll get a 2nd date. 1- you could write a 12 page essay about the Pros and Cons of each segment of your date. You can analyze each and every conversation you had, her reaction to you, and her posture. Then, with the help of...
  10. M

    Advice with girl from out of town

    I don't know, buddy. Maybe you should send her some more smileys and texts. That always gets them wet, right?
  11. M

    I want to make her mine, but she sends mixed signals

    It's not about her "not knowing what she wants." Trust me, if she met a guy she wanted to f**k, it would have happened no later than the 3rd date. You don't meet a girl you like in August and wait months to make a sexual move on her. If you want a girl, you arrange a date, you go for...
  12. M

    I want to make her mine, but she sends mixed signals

    Yes, she ****blocked you. And no, it doesn't mean that she wants you. Again, leave this girl in your past. She has been utterly worthless to you. Oh, November. Well that changes everything. Maybe by June she'll start developing sexual attraction to you.
  13. M

    I want to make her mine, but she sends mixed signals

    A "relationship that has stretched from September 2011 to March 2012 with no sex, no kissing, and barely any touching.... F**k mixed signals. Eject. Read what you wrote. Then acknowledge that people normally get sex from girls within the the first 3-4 dates. And then think about a...
  14. M

    Let's talk about my ex who cheated on me, and how I want her back.

    A normal, healthy adult can handle stressful times without sh*tting all over their relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend. You seem to keep forgetting that. "She's just stressed out. That's why she's acting like an as*hole." Wrong. Yeah, she sounds like a real keeper, jackass...
  15. M

    She wants me. I want her. But this isn't your average love affair.

    If you guys really believe that a person would SERIOUSLY come onto this site and ask for advice on gaming his cousin, then I need to start spending less time in this place. /troll thread
  16. M


    If that's true, then why are you, as you said, "putting the ball in her court"? Okay, so if I'm reading you correctly, you're saying that this girl doesn't reply to you and she has a boyfriend. You want to express that you're done feeding her attention, and if she wants you, she's gotta come...
  17. M

    Invited to birthday party..need advice

    Why would you buy a gift for a girl you're not dating?
  18. M

    When chicks asks for advice/suggestion?

    The part where you said words.