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  1. D

    Is it AFC to Care?

    being DJ is like being a 'good fisherman' its about knowing how to attract a fishes attention, and getting a fish to bite and when that happens you must learn to reel it in or else your line may break. a 'good fisherman' knows how to gain the trust of fish, not scaring them away being...
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    KINO on first date?

    About applying too much kino and freaking her sh*t out, do you beleive you can recover from that, possibly by applying slicksters ideas or what?
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    dumbest and funniest reasons to dump a girl

    she had big lips... you know what i mean, and i do mean Big, didn't smell bad (smelled good actually) but i thought they might be hiding some teeth for a second. Made an excuse and got up out of there. shame too, cuz she was easily an 8.5 - 9
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    Good use of a neg hit... proud of myself

    the more i think of it, the more that Sexual Harrasment Meeting pisses me off. That is the second job where one of these meetings has ****blocked me. they did skits and everything.
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    I would truly appreciate your responses...Need advice in the next 2 hours please..

    It is a proven fact that most girls will use any little problem as an excuse to cheat And a long distance relationship is a big F*cking problem. I garuntee your girl will eventually mess up on you. maybe not get laid, but i bet if she is even a bit cute, she is getting hit on twenty times a...
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    Good use of a neg hit... proud of myself

    That wasn't the first thing i said to her. i said in my post 'just normal chit chat but she was distant at first. ' what i meant by that was she wasn't talking much, almost *****y but i wouldn't go so far as too call her that. After that i used the neg hit. maybe it wasn't clear how i typed it...
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    Good use of a neg hit... proud of myself

    (how did that get sent twice)
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    Good use of a neg hit... proud of myself

    today was my second day at a new job on campus. there are way over two hundred employees. i caught this really cute freshman (coworker/HB8) checking me out. she looked away embarrased when i smiled at her. our supervisor said something. blah blah i don't remember what but it gave an opening for...
  9. D

    You People Are Going Mad, Your Angry, Jealous, Misled, And Wimps

    i read this post with full intention of not responding. however i feel i must after that crap you said. alstar69, by calling everyone here mad angry jealous misled wimps you only illustrate how insecure you reallY are. if strangers on a forum talked smack about your sex life and if you have...
  10. D

    personality questions game

    BLACK- unknown, dark, endless CHEETAH- Swift, sleek, stylish SWAMP- unavoidable, shallow, necessary
  11. D

    Taking advantage of a feature

    if a girl comes up to you and complements you on your eyes, i'm pretty sure thats not all she is interested in you. your opening is already there. tell her your new to the area, find out how long she has been there etc. but you should know this shouldn't you. READ THE BIBLE
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    WTF Is Happening Here?!?!

    lets have an update DVS
  13. D

    The Most Sexually Erotic Question You Can Ask A Girl To Find Out How Much She Wants U

    This is quite possibly the single stupidest thing i have ever read on this site. and i saw the wall of shame in the dj biblia.
  14. D

    I need uni pickup lines...

    By uni i assume you mean a University. the easiest way to get 5 to 20 minutes with a stranger on campus male or female (good way to make new friends) either at a cafateria or better yet at the student union. people are always eating alone. grab your juice and sandwich say 'hi, is anyone sitting...
  15. D

    closing an hb with a cb

    Thanx, i am happy with how i handled it, but it still sux. cuz no close. any thought on how i could have closed on that one. i'm pretty sure i'll see her again tho. Come on everyone else, relate. how have you all handled ****blockers in the past? anyone closed despite a CB.
  16. D

    Lines that are both Neg-Hits and compliments

    Said to girl after class. 'I don't see too many women in this class, taking it because of all the pictures in the textbook?'
  17. D

    Why are we scared of women?

    to quote the late great Peter Vanckman "I ain't afraid of No Ghost" oh yeah women either.
  18. D

    Do you (DJ's Only) even bother with chiks without cell phones?

    first thing, myfriendblu at my univ. campus the groups are 18-30 not 16-24, thats called statutory. lol seriously tho, the booty calls thing, that is a definite pro except that she should be home if its a booty call. and if i wan't a booty call and one girl isn't home i pull out the...
  19. D

    Do you (DJ's Only) even bother with chiks without cell phones?

    Personally i would rather get a chick with no cell phones. All the girls on campus that have my number and have a cell phone either call too often, try to keep tabs on me, or call at the worst f*cking times, or even worse when i'm with other chicks. Good cell trick though so girls don't go...