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  1. S

    an interesting afternoon with a friend of mine..

    Okay dude Okay maybe when you learn how to write. :crackup: Seriously dude. Do you really expect us to believe that you've written all this BS about your buddy on a seduction forum because you are worried about his well being? If you are SO worried about all his shady behaviour then...
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    an interesting afternoon with a friend of mine..

    Okay whatever you say buddy..... The following are your words not mine. Didn't mean to be all harsh with you in my previous post but I just felt like you needed a slap or a kick in the arse. Are you sure you are being honest with yourself? Brutally honest?
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    an interesting afternoon with a friend of mine..

    I find this post interesting... In my opinion this post isn't really about your buddy at all. Its about YOU and the discontent you have with your own life. The fact that you are asking your buddy how he games all these women and the detail you have gone into describing it to us all. Its...
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    Becoming bitter about approaching women!

    Hey Miles I feel your frustration because we've ALL been there. Please don't take offense to what I'm about to say but I'm going to be brutally honest here. As an outsider reading your post I sense a big lack of confidence in your words and the fact that you've written this post in the...
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    FR LTR status

    Actually the moral of the story is... when you are 30 yrs old don't spend the last remnants of your bankroll moving to be with a chick you obviously don't give a fawk about. I don't know which is worse. The AFC who falls head over heels for some chick and spends all his $$$ moving to be with...
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    Buddy in distress

    This is a silly and childish problem..... C'mon if your buddy doesn't want her using his truck he simply says so! That's it! Sorry no truck for you! Get a rental for the day. Problem solved.
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    How do I get her ex out of her mind and heart?

    First things first.... 1. Forget about this one particular chick and her hang ups regarding her ex bf. 2. Vow to never get so caught up in any one woman that you feel her presence is necessary. 3. Start focusing on you and your life. 4. Start making your life one that is fun...
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    When Women Try to Interview You

    This "interview" behaviour is happening all the time. Its in a woman's nature. Some people call it gold digging. It is kind of lame but there's no getting away from it. You can't really blame someone for wanting the best for themselves can you? Anyway here's a link with some...
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    Yet another "younger women" post....thoughts and comments

    Very true. It takes some pretty unique people to make these relationships work for the long term.
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    Yet another "younger women" post....thoughts and comments

    I have a fair bit of experience dating younger women so I'll chime in... Every single time I've ever dated a "younger" woman it always starts out great but over time her lack of experience and immaturity shines thru. This usually ends up driving one of us crazy (usually me) and the whole...
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    Got 10 days to figure this out

    Getting all worked up over a girl who is moving away in 10 days is kinda silly don't ya think? Whether you plan on cheating or not, do yourself a favor and break up with your girlfriend now. Its obvious you don't like your gf very much, so why bother?
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    Found out gf of 6 mo. has been cheating for the past 2...

    Hey Drix, Sorry but this post isn't about me. :) Rebecca and I are still going strong since last August or so. I haven't been on the site lately due to some serious health issues. I'm trying to make some more appearances lately. Talk to you soon. Slick
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    Found out gf of 6 mo. has been cheating for the past 2...

    Sorry guys but you're all missing the point His attention is something she no longer deserves. So why give her anymore by seeking revenge? This girl is a liar and a cheat. She doesn't give a fawk about Collosus! Her actions display this. She doesn't "love" him. She is using him...
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    ugh depressed over being 31

    Joe Don't be silly pal! I'm 33 and this past summer was a great one! I was dating 25 yr old hotties and having the time of my life. You shouldn't be depressed. You are in your prime! LIVE man LIVE!!!!!
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    The Classic RoadBlock...Persistance or Desperation?

    I don't get it. She tells you she's extremely busy during the week so you agree on a date for the weekend. You then proceed to call her on Wednesday and she doesn't call back. She's busy dude. Chill
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    Anyone from Phoenix?

    Hey guys thanks for the responses. Had a great time in Phoenix and will go back someday.
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    Anyone from Phoenix?

    Hey guys, I'm heading to Phoenix for a few days with my gf. Just wondering if anyone is from there or has been there recently. I would like some advice about the area. Things to check out, any "must see" stuff, cool places to go, restaurants, etc. Any input would be appreciated...
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    My GREAT Philosphy

    I don't know why I'm responding to this again because I think you are a moron. However I do like poking fun at people who think they are smart yet can't spell. You have great style too Galt. :rolleyes: I read the above quote like this. "Please give me some more positive responses...
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    Fighting over girls...

    Wow! Getting all worked up over a guy hitting on your girl? How lame guys. The problem isn't the guy hitting on your girl. (If you're dating a looker then that is happening ALL the time. Especially when you're not there.) The problem is your lack of confidence. The advice for this...
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    how do I convince this girl I actually like her

    Guppyscum Don't change a thing dude! You don't have to convince her that you like her! Remember she is supposed to be chasing you. Her not being sure how you feel is exactly where you want to be. It gives her challenge and mystery. Hold your ground. Honor your plans. Give...