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  1. S

    Do women ever really "learn"?

    Do women ever really learn? NO!! Women operate solely for the purpose of male attention. They will do whatever works for them at the time. If it means being a slVt then she'll be a slvt. If she can get attention from the nice guys then she'll go that route. Doesn't matter if...
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    Great Date, High IL, what do I do now??

    Sounds like you played it pretty cool with her. To me though you sound like you are a WEE bit too excited about this chick. Especially after one date! There's nothing wrong with getting psyched about a cool chick but the trick is keeping your head on straight and not letting her cloud...
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    gf wont get off dating site?

    Plain and Simple If this chick was "really" into you then NONE of this crap would be happening. This is exactly the kind of shyt you need to nip in the bud right away! BE A MAN and end it. No ultimatums. Tell her that she is sending you mixed messages and you won't waste your time...
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    Relationship Falling Apart?

    Anytime a relationship falls apart it is due to a lack of interest, fun, and excitement. Plain and simple. If your relationship is based on anything else, then what is the point? It sounds like your life/career may be too busy for a relationship at this point. If you are too busy to...
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    Got a dilemma...being friends with a buddy's EX

    Love it Newman!!! That's because you are a girl now STR8UP!! Seriously though, I too have maintained some friendships with buddy's exes but only after a sufficient amount of time had passed. Taking out a buddy's recent ex is low. Dude you are crossing the line and you know it. How do...
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    Got a dilemma...being friends with a buddy's EX

    You can manipulate your brain to make yourself believe what ever you want but your buddy is not going to see things the same way PERIOD. How would you feel if it was your buddy befriending YOUR ex? Its a shytty situation. Something tells me that there is more to your intentions than...
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    women who rarely climax

    It has been my experience that a woman's orgasm is more of a mental thing than it is physical. In many cases women just aren't comfortable enough with themselves or their lover to reach that mental state required for orgasm. You can do everything to try and make her feel comfortable with...
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    Slick Tales

    Hello DJ Velvet I'm glad that you found this thread helpful. Things haven't changed too much since my last update. Rebecca and I are still doing quite well. Things aren't always perfect but overall I still feel that this relationship is the best I've experienced. When things get...
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    my girl tells me she is dying for romance?wtf does she mean?

    Mine do not. I routinely meet and chat up new women right in front of my current gf. I don't flirt just friendly. While she may get jealous she doesn't get upset and make a fuss. Its probably why I find her so cool. :) Anyhow you are correct its her problem
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    my girl tells me she is dying for romance?wtf does she mean?

    Your point is also valid Latinoman. However what I'm saying is that if you live your life chatting up lots of women your girlfriend knew that when she became your girlfriend. In fact that's how you probably met her!! Just chatting. If that's how you "always" are, then she can't get...
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    How to balance the desire for sex and the desire for closeness?

    Hey Squirrels Just a couple of words from an old friend. I feel for you because I've been in exactly the same situation. I doubt that many of the people responding to your post have been in the same position. They'll tell you that "you are young, stay single, that's the best it gets."...
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    Set her straight or let her go....

    The score: Flakey Chick: 1 EvanM: 0 You lost. Now forget about it and move on. Every word you type about this chick sends you further into the depths of chumpdom. Shut up. Grab the rope. Start pulling yourself out. :)
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    DJ Alpha Male PERSONIFIED!

    I always have to shake my head when I come across these anti-feminist type posts and conversations. Men b!tching about man-hating feminists and feminist women b!tching about men. Just like the guy says in his article there is no use arguing with the stupid b!tches. What's the point of...
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    my girl tells me she is dying for romance?wtf does she mean?

    I'm not sure where you live Bob but what works for me is taking a little road trip to a nearby town or city. Take her to some event or even just out for dinner. Action dates are good and even better in a strange place. :) Good luck
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    my girl tells me she is dying for romance?wtf does she mean?

    Wow what shyt advice! No offense to previous posters but I'm starting to wonder if there are any real DJ's around here anymore. I haven't been around here much lately but I'm sick today and just passing through. When I read the responses you've been given to your original question I just...
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    Objective: The Gladiator Scenario!

    Gladiator Scenario??? come on now... First off you haven't even been invited to her B-day party so even thinking about this so called scenario is a little bit silly. Secondly, imagining some event where all these desperate guys are jumping over one another to get at some beautiful girl is a...
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    AMOG / Fellow DonJuan & PUA @ the same workplace

    Way too many women out there to be worrying about your co-worker and his DJ skills. Yes and behind him there is a line up of 10 more dudes with better skills who are also interested in her as well. Stay cool there are more than enough hotties for all of us.
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    Slick Tales

    Update Hey Guys! I haven't been around these parts for a long time. Too busy livin' I guess. I've been meaning to come around and give a little update to this thread and let you all know how things ended up. Well it's officially been one year since Rebecca and I started seeing each...
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    Dealing with a ridiculously hot woman

    Before you take her out.... Focus Focus Focus Meditate good and hard for at least an hour. Form a vivid picture of your super model gf taking a gigantic diarrhea shyt. Then, when she goes to wipe, the toilet paper breaks and she gets some on her hand. She's human dude! Chill......:cool:
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    Don't give up the game...ever

    BurningBlue Its a fine line. If you went on forever being a supreme challenge and never ever opening up then there is a good chance she'll leave you too. Most chicks will respond favorably to the challenge game for awhile but then actually get sick of it. Next thing you know she's found...