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  1. N

    umm what now?

    surface1030, Do you play Counter-Strike? LOL That name is nerdy isn't it! ;)
  2. N

    Im affraid Im losing my jerk.

    LOL Does the jerk know you've got someone else?
  3. N

    How do you know when you're too ****y ?

    When people roll their eyes everytime you say something.
  4. N

    C'mon, let's all smile!

    She started feeding them raw? :(
  5. N

    How can i become popular at school?

    What everyone else said. I'm full of psychological disorders, lol, but I'm as popular as they get (through good stuff and bad stuff), by basically talking to alot of people and by standing up for myself when a teacher makes a bad decision. If you defy authority when they're obviously wrong...
  6. N

    95 Theses of the DJ Bible (Long)

    Man, had to share these! Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted Anonymous I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem. Anonymous
  7. N

    The Art of the Hallway Ass-Slap

    girls slap my ass all the time. I always slap them back and they get all ****ing *****y. but I'm still not gonna stop doing it.
  8. N

    Im too shy.

    If you can't get the nerves to cold approach on your own, just make friends with some crazy mofos and tell them you guys are going to approach at least two girls together per day or you'll slit his throat. This is what I've been doing.
  9. N

    Messing with a girl when giving high fives

    He means to tease.
  10. N

    strong silent type works in high school?

    That strong silent type your mentioning seems to me like someone who's confident and doesn't need to prove anything to anyone; doesn't really care whether he's getting all the attention or not. That's a good thing.
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    Have a problem? I have an answer.

    So easy and people always try to make it so damn hard.
  12. N

    Am I the only one who thinks this tip is bad

    I think this is a horrible tip. I don't think you should be telling anyone negative feelings. "Oh, I'm so tired" in the middle of a party would be the wussiest thing to say, and that's exactly what I see AFCs doing. When I used to be a total AFC I wouldn't know what to say to a girl so...
  13. N

    Holy Crap, Check this

    Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low Although this test does not show it, I AM insane. :D
  14. N

    Gunwitch method 2.

    bump Bump Please.
  15. N

    Learn Charisma from TV Hosts

    Be more charismatic by studying and mirroring talk show hosts. They just sound cool! MTV, E!, STC, Comedy Channel, and most channels that will have a person blabbering for a long time will obviously have that person be interesting. Look at how happy, confident, funny and outgoing they...
  16. N

    Does teasing really work?

    It was the teasing releasing her pent up hormones. ;) Yes, teasing works.
  17. N

    Trim your pubes?

    Well, I was trimming my pubes with a REALLY sharp scissor, and accidently put it too close to the skin and it cut in. The thing is the scissor is so sharp that I didn't feel it, so I continued. Then I got down to my balls and accidently cut in again. By this time the other place I cut in started...
  18. N

    Should I?

    I always assume they aren't virgin, and when talking about sex I'll always say something like "but there's no point in talking about this... you obviously know from experience everything about that!" -- get punched, though.
  19. N

    What Moment Made You Feel Like A pimp?

    When I told a hot girl I'd been dating that "I'd just like to be friends" it felt really good -- like I'm the man and I can get any girl I want; so I don't need you,