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  1. N

    How to become a good storyteller.....?

    Everything Kindly said. Exaggerate and use your body to ACT out what you're saying.
  2. N

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    OK I AM ****ING INSECURE ABOUT TAKING SOMETHING UP THE ASS!!!11 LOL, this is the funniest thing I've read all week, THUMBS UP. Now close this please! Look what you people are saying. You're taking things up the ass. :( Do what you want but don't tell us! Also, if you enjoy...
  3. N

    got her... now what

    Now you **** her good. :D To keep a relationship: Be unpredictable and not always availible. If it gets boring, it's boring! And what do YOu do when something's boring? Find something else. But you can always **** her good. :p
  4. N

    I think I have a pretty unique situation on my hands

    OK, do you have a little bit of a situation on your hand, but the solutions as you know are quite simple. First off, what are "hc's"? I've been in almost the EXACT same situation. I was invited to a spiritualism teen group by this really hot HB 9 (is there such thing as an HB 9 who isn't...
  5. N

    Gender Test

    One reason this test is retarded: Your answers are compared to what OTHER MALES & FEMALES have answered. Now, since we know that most males are just plain pussies, the test has considered "*****" to be mainly. Although the reason for this test is just to be a little amazed at how it...
  6. N

    Gender Test See if you are a man or a woman. This test is retarded, it says there's only a 52% chance I'm a man. All in good RETARDED fun! Woah, 100th post. DAMN, I was saving something good for this. OH well, too late.
  7. N

    Tip - What to say on the cold approach!

    LOL. Good luck with that.
  8. N

    Sealing the deal (or whatever).

    The information no one else has had is in the DJ Bible. It's a compendium of knowledge. Grab your balls and go. I know it's hard as hell, but the approach is much more difficult than the actual rejection. Rection feels better than not approaching. You're actually proud you got the guts...
  9. N

    Brothers and fathers.

    People do all kinds of weird ****. I went out with my cousin for a while. I know someone who got a mom pregnant. Your question is a generalization that's way too exaggerated. BUT TO ANSWER THAT: No. And if it was true, why in the world would you want to be with a sister? That's...
  10. N

    Hookin up a friend

    That's not the best way to do it. Your friend isn't a desperate looser, he's not going to call you to talk about some lame girl. Forget that. He doesn't play "little girly games" (espcially not with YOU!), about how "he likes this girl but it's a secret." It'll make your friend appear totally...
  11. N

    Sealing the deal (or whatever).

    1. Yes. 2. How would I know? 3. A place with only the two of you. 4. "Wow." You keep on asking the same questions!
  12. N


    OK, either she thinks YOU'RE COOL and wants to spend time with you, BE YOUR FRIEND. Or she's interested. Either way, she's got a boyfriend so she's at most a friend.
  13. N

    Long Distance Short-Term Relationship! Very Interesting!

    There are GUIDElines, but they are just that, GUIDES. ;) ALRIGHT, so I'll be talking to her on an every couple of days basis. Now, back to my question, what do you THINK not talking to her would to do to interest?
  14. N

    hooking up on myspace?

    ... My space? I'm PM you, don't know what that's about.
  15. N

    Long Distance Short-Term Relationship! Very Interesting!

    [[ABOUT MSN.]] OKAY! I finally got to writting this post. THIS IS SERIOUS, I need some serious imput into my situation from the more experienced of you. BASICALLY, this is what's been happening: I was walking around, then out of nowhere I found an HB9.8. Seriously, she's just really...
  16. N

    Getting respect?

    Man, the problem here is that you've got to establish your part from the start! If people didn't respect you yesterday, doesn't matter what DJ you become they aren't going to miraculously being respecting you today. Unfortunately, first impressions are the ones that stick! The first...
  17. N

    How do you deal with c*ck blocking?

    Ever done a strand of DATURA? Devil's Weed, Jimson Weed, etc? I'm on it right now, took it two days ago in tea but the effect's taking forever to wear off. Didn't know what I was taking. Heard it's like 100x stronger than LSD. WORST DRUG IN THE WORLD. I SEE DEAD PEOPLE. HELP!
  18. N

    girl said I was boring on the phone

    If it's with me and the girl starts talking to much, I'll just say something like "WOAH! Got to go BYE!", and hang up without even giving her a chance to say something. It'll keep her wondering what came up that was such an emergency. Dude, saying "got to go, I need sleep" is not rude...
  19. N

    How would you handle this situation?

    You could still use the same opener. She'd be like "Noo." and you'd say she looked like the other girl, and change topics with an "well, anyway... blahblah Math... blahblah... homework... blahblahblah... icecream!"
  20. N

    Burning a$$ crator.

    All of the times I've kissed girls I basically just grabbed my balls (although feeling nervous inside), and did it. A little while ago (about 30 minutes) I had an unsuccessful kiss test, it made me a little sad, but I shrugged it off right away and pretended nothing happened. Today is the...