How to become a good storyteller.....?


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, this is the first thread Ive made on this forum. Been reading and learning alot and this site has helped me quite a bit.

My question is how does one become a great storyteller. In my experience it is the guy who has the best stories and knows how to make people listen to them without even trying who is able to build the best rapport, with both males and females.

I am a great listener and the whole c /f attitude has always come to me naturally, but I would really like to become the guy who is getting all the questions, instead of asking them.
I can give some pretty good one liners, sarcastic comments and so on.. but I want to be able to tell stories in such a way, that people will be captivated and will only have ears for me...



Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
One thing that helps is to not explain certain aspects that can be boring exposition to keep people wondering about how it all started

lets say, I don't know, you ended up in jail for whatever reason. If you ended up in jail for something boring (parking tickets?) don't explain WHY you were in jail.

you: . . . So one day I wake up in jail. . .
person you're talking to : Hold up, why were you in jail?
You: that's not important, so I'm in jail, and then. . .

Personally, I like to start off cool stories with "so one day. . . " because you can then act like whatever this crazy story is isn't strange for you. Even though it is. Like this is the average day in your life.

Skip the boring stuff that doesn't absolutely HAVE to be there, because it creates a little fun mystery.

A lot of stories are killed by too much boring stuff.

Aside from that, just make the funny/exciting parts very grand and amazing. Larger than life.
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