Search results

  1. N

    C&F in High School....

    When I say something C/F, I'm not kidding. I'm actually BEING C/F. ****y & Funny is supposed to be the way you are, if you do it right it has nothing to do with being a jerk. And personally I think girls like ****y & Funny guys, not humble guys. But there are exceptions.
  2. N

    opposite traits!

    I'm 5'11 and 120lbs - NOW THAT'S SKINNY. Girls used to flock to me like crazy, but now I don't get looks. However I can still get as much honey as anyone else because I do approaches & have alot of attitude. BUT -- Being more to the buff than to the skinny is better any day of the week...
  3. N

    A tip for a better head-start II

    Nice post. I'm a firm believer that the actual "DJs" on this site aren't half of what they claim to be, or else they wouldn't be coming on here so often. Real life beats it all! You're dead on! I don't agree with you on your statemente that sex will get boring unless you wait for...
  4. N

    LOL -

    Yeah, I know what you're saying. Check out the top 100. I'm about to become a moderator. :D
  5. N

    LOL -

    #375071 +(1557)- [X] <cow_crap> ok I came to class early one day, considerably early <cow_crap> and there's a girl there that I'm quite taken aback by <cow_crap> and she said "wow, you came early" and I said, without thinking, "that's what all the girls say" <cow_crap> I am such a ****ing...
  6. N

    Sweaty hands

    There's a bunch of other posts on this. (Run a search) - - [The links are NOT the same.] Anyway, I think it's anxiety.
  7. N

    9 minutes.

    One thing about this post is interesting: Posts: 1337 Nerds, that's 31337. :D EDIT: Now I began to read what you wrote, but it made absolutely no sense to how I can apply this so I didn't bother. Get to the point! This whole hero metaphorical crap is overused.
  8. N

    Metaphor Regarding Approaches

    Haha, this post hit me hard. NICE! Keep on bumping. Add a sticky. This is PRICELESS. Enough for anyone to see an approach completely differently.
  9. N

    internet dating 101 = zero results. Why? (PICS)

    Oh my God, you are the man. I'm not saying that'll get you the girl, because the last to last line might've been pretty offensive, BUT THAT'S ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I'VE EVER READ! Kudos, that convo was hilarious! [Note: Just now realized this is the Mature Men forum, my bad. Can't...
  10. N

    Agree or disagree?

    Imagine you are one hot ass bade. Everywhere you go guys approach you. If you wanted, you could easily without saying a word **** a bunch of different guys everyday. SO Yeah, they get laid more often.
  11. N

    I can't figured what I can do to get this girl.

    Paragraphs PLEASE. That's hard to read.
  12. N

    Am I really that dumb?

    Haha, 8/10 in stupidity; not in looks.
  13. N

    Am I really that dumb?

    You're HOT. I'd give you a 8/10.
  14. N

    A quick tip about eye contact

    Right on. :) !! Thumbs up. Bump.
  15. N


    That's actually pretty true. Highschool is all about social proof, if something is considered "the ultimate cool", and you've got it, you're set. Just like the other men put it, if you like getting high and have no moral problems with it, then smoke. If you don't, don't. If you want...
  16. N

    Long Distance Short-Term Relationship! Very Interesting!

    I don't really feel sorry. ANYWAY -- Sorry for the bump, but is this over-analyzing? Anyone else care to comment?
  17. N

    Social Success = Women Success

    Of course you need BALANCE. But my point is clear, showing anger at the sign of disrespect WILL get you respect. People DO NOT like having others angry at them, and they'll avoid the situation. We open exceptions to TEASING, which is obviously fun for the person implying it on us, and can be...
  18. N

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    It's called having a closed mind so **** like this doesn't get in. I think I'm quoting someone from this board.
  19. N

    Attention all Limboer's

    ... What is limbo?
  20. N

    Social Success = Women Success

    Great post! I spent several minutes today thinking about the exact same thing, only my example was from observation of DOGs, but the same basis. You beat me too it, kudos! I found out a way that you can be as nice as you want and still get total respect. I learned this from observing a...