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  1. N

    Strict Parents...

    I'm in Brazil, so naturally they let me drink. One time, when 13, I made the mistake of drinking too much at "Carnaval", and had an overdose. Woke up in the hospital full of needles wondering what the hell I'm doing there. They've also recently found out I smoke/have smoked weed, taked to me...
  2. N

    how to tell your girl...?

    All funny replies. :D What you should REALLY do is straight out tell her in a FUN way as if you are joking with her, but she'll know you'll actually mean it.
  3. N

    Strict Parents...

    Just sometimes wish they could control me to some extent. I STFU them as a test of power, wish it was possible for them to retaliate in a way that would limit me somehow. But it's all good now that they moved to ITALY and I'll be alone this whole month. :cool:
  4. N

    How would you handle this situation?

    LOL. That shows she's pretty insecure. Talk to her in MATH class. She's already given you an opener. ;) "Are you that crazy girl who bumped into me in the hall and then ran off...?" ... without even apologizing? Or whatever variation.
  5. N

    Taking someone else's woman.

    There's a bit of insecurity in there, and you've definetly got one-itis. This girl is GONE. Forever. When to play hard to get and when to ask her out? You ask her out when you get the opportunity. Playing hard to get is one thing, not asking her out because you want to "play hard to...
  6. N

    Burning a$$ crator.

    Firstly, they are not supposed to be random, but instead spontaneous! Being spontaneous adds to unpredictability, what are you going to do next? It's alright to wait for the right moment, BUT DON'T USE IT AS AN EXCUSE. I've missed my queu before by thinking '"it's not the right moment."...
  7. N

    More than c & f

    Have you read the DJ Bible? I'm sure you have! If not then: It goes way further in depth than I could in one post.
  8. N

    How would you handle this situation?

    "Am I a chick magnet or what?!" :D
  9. N

    Taking someone else's woman.

    DUDE! If you're possessive of someone else's girl, firstly you're an AFC, and an ******* too, and chances are you'll get the leaving **** beat out of you. And you'll deserve it. The ONLY way to take his girl would be to game her up, and have her leave the other guy for you. It's still stupid...
  10. N

    More than c & f

    WTF? ALWAYS. You need Kino. You need to give her space. You need to be a MAN. What are you asking?
  11. N

    Burning a$$ crator.

    You do fun stuff often, but not all the time. Go out with her, forget about her a little bit, go out with her again. Leave her thinking "how did I do?" It means not calling all the time, being busy most of the time, have her work to win your time. You are interested and she knows it, but...
  12. N

    Tips from women - How AFC's are created

    OK. If she is below your level, you act nice and bring her to your level. If she is above your level, you be a jerk and bring her down to yours. Whatever. It's rubbish to think about this. Just find out who you want to be, and it's probably some badass cool guy, and that's it...
  13. N

    Strict Parents...

    I have a completely opposite problem, I wish my parents would be a little bit more strict. I mean, I'm out of control. I can go out any time, every night and get back home at like 6 AM, and nobody will say ****. If they do say anything, I'll explode and make sure they stfu before I break...
  14. N

    how to tell your girl...?

    When you're sucking on her, bite down on her pubic hairs real hard and then rip them out with your teeth.
  15. N

    Let's get superficial (shallow), what can't you stand about a woman?

    Pediod. PMS. Little girls thinking they're all adult and dating only guys that are WAY older, thus not giving the guys their age a chance.
  16. N

    Those confident in their abilities... please take a look at this

    Perfect. That's what I'd do. ;)
  17. N

    Never Give Up!

    Never give up! I want to tell you a little bit of my story, so you know where I'm coming from, and why I am posting this. I'll skip the little details that won't help us here. Last year I was a total wreck! Arrogance, which lead to unmarveled insecurity, I thought I was so incredibly...
  18. N

    Rate these girls

    don't like them that much. but i'll take!
  19. N

    Awesome Shy Girl

    **** man, you sound like my five year old sister who's nervous about bale lessons. just think, "BE STRONG" and that's it. don't ****ing have tantrums and ***** fits. just grab your balls and say "I'M A REAL MAN, therefore I'm better" and you're good to go don't think about it it's stupid