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  1. B

    Getting a girl back

    I have done the same stuff before. Some of the replies on here are by dudes that have probably been damaged by girls. You can get her back. I agree that you should stop trying to define the relationship. When I did that before, it f-ed up things for a while. But then I decided to act...
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    LoL what did I do wrong?

    I had one girl tell me this, and I thought she was lying so I was pissed, but she married that guy like 6 months later. hahahahha
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    LoL what did I do wrong?

    How the hell do you think this is cool to talk about? She is being nice to dumbasses to get them to sign up.
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    how should a Don Juan respond when a girl threatens to punch him in the balls

    I argued with a girl...I was telling her that she liked me, and she was saying that she did not. I told her that she would not be so mad that I was being a jerk if she did not like me, and then she said "maybe I like you". So I said "I win", she yells "no you didn't", and I kiss her. Right...
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    Asking a girl you just met out

    Call her 15 times begging for attention, and tell her how deeply you love her. :kick:
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    taken = married A lot of girls will still get with a guy they like if they have a boyfriend. I personally think that is kind of gross, and I try to avoid it myself. But some girls also lie and say they do not have a boyfriend.
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    gf having a spazz over nothing.. am i in the wrong?

    Is this a typical girl thing to do? I do this to girls. I never call them back though. I just tell them to take my number out of their phones. Lame?
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    Massive Oneitis need some help.

    She wants attention. I would tell her to get f-ed. Reply and tell her that you are not changing for her, and that you realized that there are other guys out there that would be better for her. Then maybe start a plan about improving yourself, but for YOU. Like a 3 month plan, exercise...
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    Talking for like 5 hours

    I have talked to girls for that long when I liked them. I do not see anything wrong with it if you are enjoying yourself.
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    How to give the stare of DEATH to women

    You want to stare at a woman like you are about to beat her up? Good luck with that.
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    Usually I give advice but hopefully someone will return the next step

    ^ This is corny. And do you have a problem acting like a normal person? You are trying to plan out the start, middle, and finish of your conversation. Do not tell her you had a crush, do not tell her that she is hot, do not tell her that she is a lesbian. I dated a "lesbian" girl that...
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    how to deal with sheltered chick

    She sounds like a good girl. I would not try to screw her unless you actually care about her. You could hurt her badly, and I think that is what she is trying to protect against now.
  13. B

    Quickest Way to SUM UP What EVERY WOMEN WANTS!!

    You do not know what you want. :D And the only times I lose the trust of a girl are when she finds out I lied to her. They like to be hurt, in some weird way.
  14. B

    Cold treatment? Help needed.

    I would just say, do not apologize, do not be nice, do not keep talking to her while she is being a *****. For me it got really bad, to the point where she was saying that I am not the same guy I was before. I do not even think that is because of what I did to her, but I think it is because of...
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    Cold treatment? Help needed.

    Dude, I am in the same exact boat with my favorite girl. But I did something horrible. I even asked her if she was going to be "cold" to me forever, and she said "yes". But then I told her that was not fair, and she said she was sorry for how she was reacting. Do not do what I did. I took...
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    She's always late... WTF?

    Set a date and never show. That is what I would do. :D
  17. B

    Intelligence and seduction

    The smartest girl I ever got was also very easy...she liked me after like 10 minutes. :D
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    Massive Oneitis need some help.

    She doesn't like you anymore. At least she was honest. :D That is way better than some of the neutral sounding crap I have heard girls say.
  19. B

    Talkin bout love

    I talked about it with a girl the same day we met. She told me she has never been in love but could not describe what she thinks it is. I would prefer that to a psycho that has been in love with a few people before. And I just told her that I never have been, and never would be. Wishful...
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    Which of these 3 girls is the hottest?

    The one on the left. The other two are nightmares.