Usually I give advice but hopefully someone will return the next step


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Saw a girl and I think this is the next step for me in life that fate has dealt me. I have to make it happen with this girl. When I was younger in high school I heard about this girl (was really smart only took a few classes and got outta high school really early) and then she moved but all I heard about her was she was hot and a girl I had a thing with who was friends with her told me she said I was really hot. That was years ago and this is now, we are both much more improved (although I never seen her before).

Saw her today, extra sexy. Got the number real quick and got sidetracked on the conversation (bigger opportunities presented themselves).

Breakdown of our interaction:

My friend stopped and was talking to her friend (we both recognized some people in the group and said our hellos) and then I asked to read her tattoo which went around her whole body (I have forgot what it said, think it's a potential future question of mine..maybe text opener?)

I heard her name and I asked her if she went to my high school and then I asked if she was the ____ who moved to ____

and I was like "wow, I heard about you" and she was like "hope it was good things" and I was like "maybe you'll have to get out" then I took her number and told her wee needa do something

I texted her up a couples minutes after the interaction just to give her my number "Yo this is my number we needa talk soon"

No answer, next step

edit: oh I forgot to mention my reason for making this post. She's know playing for the lesbian team and has a female friend(who was all over her and mega tough)...but she's a lesbian from what I heard


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Ok, I see 2 problems.

1. You got this girl on a goddamn pedestal.

2. You're going off all this "He say, she say" crap.

Correction, I see another issue in the fact that you didn't ask this girl out and you're not etching any plans in stone. And you gave her your # too? Bad move. Now the ball's in her court. Damn. Look what you did.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
You shouldn't have given out your number so soon.

You had hers already = you were leading at that point.

Volinteering your number too soon is offering to let her run the show and if she wants, choose not to call.

Needy weakness.

Also you seem to have her built up in your mind as something special.

You seem to have her on the "something exotic and previously unatainible from my past which will demonstraight to all how cool I've gotten if I can lay her" pedistal.


She's just a chick no better or worse than any other chick.

With the exception that shes gay so even more of a conquest.(more exotic)(more to brag about)

Ask yourself this question --- "Am I doing this because I dig the chick and want to hang with her and eventually bed her, or am I doing this because I feel like I have something to prove to myself and tell my friends about?"

You wrote about fate and "I have to make it happen with this girl".

Scary territory.

It's not that I'm down on you for trying to get with a hot chick .....

It's that your mindset seems to be in the wrong place.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
boomerick said:
You shouldn't have given out your number so soon.

You had hers already = you were leading at that point.

Volinteering your number too soon is offering to let her run the show and if she wants, choose not to call.

Also you seem to have her built up in your mind as something special.

You seem to have her on the "something exotic and previously unatainible from my past " pedistal.


She's just a chick no better or worse than any other chick.

With the exception that shes gay so even more of a conquest.(more exotic)(more to brag about)

Ask yourself this question --- "Am I doing this because I dig the chick and want to hang with her and eventually bed her, or am I doing this because I feel like I have something to prove to myself and tell my friends about?"

You wrote about fate and "I have to make it happen with this girl".

Scary territory.

It's not that I'm down on you for trying to get with a hot chick .....

It's that your mindset seems to be in the wrong place.
I know I messed I up. I asked her when the best time to call was and she said texting is better. I shouldn't of texted her to give her my number I was listening to some other PUA stuff... now what should I do call or send a really flirty text message. There has to be a way back, I noticed this girl eyes wandering all over me while he lady friend was holding her.

And I never brag about any thing that happens with a girl, that'll hurt my opportunities in the future. My life sucks, especially when it comes to social life. I got absolutely no social circle and only hang out with a couple old friends at the moment (literally like 1 or 2). I got a few young girls from another town who hit me up but there 16 and immature and I feel like I have to regress in maturity to deal with with them in person. This would be a highlight of my summer. And yes I'm always confident, talking and getting numbers when the situation calls for it


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
You are making this too special.....

Tone down your WANT.....

By the way texting is better for her.....(only her)

Call her be short and sweet and direct ...

Don't ask her out tell her that you are going to do X(something YOU like to do) and that she should come along....

Point being don't ask tell.....LEAD...

ALSO....go read the bible ....start with POOK

I knoe I always say that but you need to brush up on the basics...

Over and Out.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
also your text doesnt really induce a reply from her... you just told her your nuber and that you need to go out!
so shes like "ok"....

call instead


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
Woman that fate give you.... (aka the one) = Pedestral

Dont do that mate please......


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
First of all chill the fvck out. She is not your destiny.

Call her, ask her out for one coffee after school.
Maintain normal conversation and then mention laughing about it that you had a crush on her years you don't have now. If you are cool kid, she should bite. It brings the good memories of her crush on you.

Remember because a girl said that she thinks you are hot years before means jack shyt now and probably meant jack shyt two minutes after she said that. So don't build your attraction on that fact. You have to be cool cat now.

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
I appreciate all the advice, good reminders. It seems like the consensus is to call and not text

so call her and keep the conversation short and sweet and make sure I go out on a good note.

Any tips on getting this conversation rolling? I'm really confused because I use to have a different name back when I was in high school. Her best friend was my jump off and to me she was the "mysterious friend of a friend who's never around". She moved.

possibility there: I could start with "so how long you been back from __ and how long u staying"

Do I make the conversation start with a generic "hey what's up" or something case specific,

- I seen her tattoo
- She's back from another state
- I could say I use to have a crush on her and "we never ended up meeting"
- I could say I heard that she said I was hot, prolly not a good opener but maybe somewhere down the conversation. I did tell her I heard something about her and made her curious (confidence, cadence, and curiosity)
- So your a lesbian now? What else changed about you?

What's a good way to end the conversation and a good plan to throw at her...keep in mind I have no idea what type of mutual interests we have. I know this forum frowns upon these types of threads, trust me I been posting in the PUA community since I was 14 years old (18 now) but I really wanna treat myself to something special and display some skills I just need help around the edges (my social life sucks)


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
"Yo this is my number we needa talk soon"
^ This is corny.

And do you have a problem acting like a normal person? You are trying to plan out the start, middle, and finish of your conversation. Do not tell her you had a crush, do not tell her that she is hot, do not tell her that she is a lesbian.

I dated a "lesbian" girl that only ever had one boyfriend before, and she was interested, so she said that she was open to anyone. I would not try to define her as a lesbian if I want to get some.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
brekke said:
^ This is corny.

And do you have a problem acting like a normal person? You are trying to plan out the start, middle, and finish of your conversation. Do not tell her you had a crush, do not tell her that she is hot, do not tell her that she is a lesbian.

I dated a "lesbian" girl that only ever had one boyfriend before, and she was interested, so she said that she was open to anyone. I would not try to define her as a lesbian if I want to get some.

When I'm high yes


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Big mistake
you not only got her number... but you insisted on texting her which was already a bad move.. but not only that, you also had to text in "we need to talk soon"

of course she read "I NEED to talk to you soon"!!!

its a turn off... because its too soon in the relationship, and she doesnt even know you... and you already giving off needy signs.

I believe you might have very very LOW chances with this particular girl already!!

because she didn't even reply to your message which shows Low interest to begin with....

yea, maybe she doesn't have subscription to text messaging deal... but common, which girl would not have one???

think about your mistakes Dante.. you have been in this forum for a long time now, put yourself together, you talking about this chick as an AFC, she is the one, ohh I shouldnt mess it up, This is a perfect chick..

you need friendly slapping right now!!! and im not even kidding.
this attitude at the beginning of an interaction with any woman will make them go away really really quick...

you should be acting really disinterested, and really qualifying the hell out of her to see if she is even worth your time, and if she is compatible with you to begin with, so that you should decide to further spend time with her.. and not waste it...


bam bam

Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Mr.Dante... just do what u gotta do to learn... ur 18 dont try to have the perfect game... be honest with yourself and be yourself... if she clicks you'll have a cool chick to hang around with... if she doesn't dont change who u r to please her... next her and dont waste ur time... if u screw up and lose her... leave it alone she's gonna come back... they always do my friend... :)