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  1. C

    I Give Up

    I work all day long... Starting to develop severe approach anxiety. Not much of a social life anymore. All of my friends are now married. So is my ex. Still bitter about that one. I can't say I've even approached a woman in 1 month. I just lost it. Thinking about just giving up all...
  2. C


    I'm pretty good at making friends just not connecting with them. I have many aquaintances but not a lot of really close friends.
  3. C

    How to get my girlfriend to suck my ****

    just distance yourself from her for a while. Then she'll come around! But make sure to have fun while away from her. Make her feel a little jealous that your having fun without her. Then off comes the panties! Woohoo!!!!!!!
  4. C

    How to get my girlfriend to suck my ****

    ooooh tell her you will spontaniously combust if she doesn't. Or tell her you have only 2 months to live. Or you could get your rocks off from a hooker then keep your current girl for fun and just keep going to hookers forever.
  5. C


    I'm a basketcase right now! Every girl I talk to I think I'm too good for them and I hold myself back. I know I sound like an a**hole but damnit I just have to get through this. I don't know why it is but unless she's some sort of princess or something I don't want anything to do with them...
  6. C

    Great Technique

    Lets say you're at a gentlemens club, This worked for me literally last night, I sit down, By the way never go alone, I was with some friends. Smile at every dancer as they walk by! Very important!!! Then they will either do one or two things they will smile back :) This means they like you...
  7. C

    The Pick Up Artist (Vh1 New Tv Show)

    I think its a great show, But I have to wonder whether or not its projecting the right message to AFC's. Watching PUA's is a great tool to have but actually practicing it is much better.
  8. C

    I hate feeling jealous!

    Yesterday seen the ex with new bf. I without a better mindset got steaming mad, jealous, angry, all of it. I didn't know whether or not to just crash my car into a tree or throw a few punches at the guy! Then I rembered "today is just the same as yesterday, nothing changed!" I'm still the...
  9. C

    My game was soooooo off tonight...

    On those nights you just look them in the eyes and say "I know I am drunk I just want to talk for a minute about my poor puppy (insert name) he or she is awfully sick" and go for the close.
  10. C

    simple question

    Anyone had any good luck "selling themselves" to women. I was told it wasn't a good idea!
  11. C

    Besides church?

    Yeah been to Jc penneys, no # closes there, actually WOO HOO Off to Penneys. J/k Right now mackin on a 33yr Hb which I think she's psycho! Oh well even the crazy ones need lovin too! She says she wants to be friends first b/s ya know. The ole ****blocking technique that women use to mess...
  12. C

    Besides church?

    Help me out kind of in a rut right now. Can't find a any sincere ladies. Approaching doesn't help, Im just tired of the games I play with the insincere ones. Am I tryin to hard. 15 approaches yesterday, 3 number close's. But jeez. I cant find myself, too care at all anymore. Help!
  13. C

    How To Be A STUD [Tips]

    Does shaving your head count for the last one?
  14. C

    Help Hb Want To Be Friends First

    The title explains it all. Help guys how would you handle this. She says she's always busy and can't go out. She hasn't seen me ever we text each other all day. She has my number but won't call. She has given plenty of IOI's though. I cant put my finger on it. She says she likes me alot...
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    Are u sick of me yet?

    DON'T WALK, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This girl is way too insecure! Take it from me I have been there as well. Next thing you know you will reassure her again and again to build her confidence, when she should be building yours, Don't say anything when she asks just act nonchalant and she'll then...
  16. C

    Should i call more?

    Still good luck bro and keep up the good work like I said youre doin good
  17. C

    Should i call more?

    I mean't the tests in general (sorry), but as francisco stated that the girl seems insecure and may need reassurance from you. And from past experiences those ladys are generally looking to you for what they really want from a guy and you are just a stepping stone for the next step in their...
  18. C

    Should i call more?

    Dont get me wrong youre doin a good job, just beware of the shyt test bro.
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    Should i call more?

    Instead of calling her everyday you should go out. If youre like me I hate talkin on the phone. I would do stuff with her.
  20. C

    AA help

    Go up to them and say:: THAT IS THE UGLIEST BABY I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! Then get the numbers and be the man. Wait! On second thought be prepared to run like hell!