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  1. C

    Is she cheatin on me?

    Al put her in check! Don't beat around the bush! Call her on it! If she denies it then talk to her about it. If not move on. Go to the nearest gentlemens club and have a few drinks. Youll be in a much better mood I PROMISE!!!!!!
  2. C

    **** blocker

    The minute you compete for a girls attention is the minute you lose..... 1. You're trying to steal her, from a jack*** 2. Remember she should try to win you over 3. Cb's are insecure about themselves so think that they can't hang
  3. C

    How to break through with an interested chick who doesn't want to get close?

    ASK YOURSELF! How much do i like her. She is playin games. So play'em back. Go get yourself a girl. And talk about her all the time. If she's jealous she'll respond. if not you have a good time with your new girl anyway
  4. C

    The little voice in your head

    What if there is more than one voice in your head saying that. haha
  5. C

    Need advice on dating strippers

    Has anyone here dated a stripper? I know they aren't all the same, but most have some similarity wouldn't you agree? Emotional issues? After all they do dance for cash ya know. I like one, but I don't know if she is dateable for LTR. I know I can hit and quit it but how much baggage can a...
  6. C

    AFC BAR technique

    I learned this a while ago. I am still an afc but I am learning. I would like some feeback please DJS! So you go to a local pub or club. Make sure its busy and the bar is packed, find an 2 empty seats sit in one and then move the other about 2 feet away just enough for someone to stand...
  7. C


    As I said in my previous post, I was trying to get with a 19yo hb9. Well things haven't progressed the way I thought they would even though I thought I had a shot. I guess I misread her. Anyway she textmailed me sunday afternoon to go to the movies (drive-in) with her friend. Im in. I...
  8. C


    By the way she called me BUDDY. I hate that ****. And she asked about another guy, she used/still has a crush on.
  9. C


    Thanks to all the DJs, What in the world is happening? She just came in to my work. I played it cool even though I was shaking in my boots, she played it off like I need to just to get something for my car. It was car wash! She looked HOT, Whats my next move?
  10. C


    Im trying not to be jealous of all her guy "friends". maybe im insecure but Im sure to get ****blocked somewhere down the line ya know. How would you handle that?
  11. C


    Is that a good or bad thing? I don't know how to handle this one, its all really new for me what would you do?
  12. C


    I asked out a 19yo HB9 two months ago, she said sure! I thought great. The date never happened and I cant figure out why? So I let it burn out for almost 4 months and said to myself "her loss" ya know. Well a week ago she calls at like 11:30pm Im already sleeping,she wanted to go out. I...