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  1. H

    Love: The Product of Circumstance (and $$)

    You'll lose money chasing women but you'll never lose women chasing money. --some Don Juan
  2. H

    Gene Simmons' NPR Interview: Too much alpha-maleness?

    This interview has got to be heard to be believed. It's about 22 minutes, and Simmons comes off as a total *******.
  3. H

    Help me, Gentlemen

    I'm surrounded by attainable chicks yet am unable to act. The desire is there, but there's no will. By "attainable chicks" I mean girls who average about 6.7 on the hotness scale. Anything above simply does not exist for me. I made progress a while ago. I attained a chick. I made out...
  4. H

    Honesty & Integrity

    Cheat, steal, lie...? I didn't expect to. Maybe though it'll be give me the satisfaction that two cheaters will think twice about the next time they try cheat.
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    Honesty & Integrity

    So what do you think the consequences would be if everybody behaved accordingly? So you would want your kids to think that stealing, cheating, and lying are fine and dandy? You would want your kids to have no higher regard for truth and law? You would want your kids to have no integrity...
  6. H

    Honesty & Integrity

    It was a very easy test, no joke. Multiple choice--made by the people who wrote the textbook. Here's how the cheating happened: One student was providing another with the answers.
  7. H

    Honesty & Integrity

    Perhaps by being witness to their disregard for the rules of our institution, it has become my problem. I saw them cheat. That is a clear indication of their current principles. Regardless of whether or not cheating is something people try to do, it is still something that people should not...
  8. H

    Honesty & Integrity

    No, I have cheated before when I was in high school, but that was before I was aware of having morals and the importance of obeying the rules. I do have a life thank you. Regardless, I don't see why this should make it okay to bend the rules as you like it. I have no ill will towards them...
  9. H

    High school was useless, and so were all the other grades

    How about the fact that a college education is also for the most part useless? I'm not talking about all college education--our society will always need scientists and engineers and so forth. But really, what's the point of a typical student spending four years studying something like...
  10. H

    Honesty & Integrity

    I'm just wondering about this. I was taking a test in a class the other day and I saw two other students cheating. Now, they are breaking the rules and doing something immoral. Should I mind my own business or should I tell or them? I told this to my brother and he immediately said that I...
  11. H

    The traditional role of men

    But think about this though: For millions of years, human groups and societies were based around tradition and the explicit definition of sexual roles. Tribal communities--through tradition and cultral practicies--had a sort of connection with their past ancestors that we can't even imagine...
  12. H

    The beauty of being single.

    The mindset that you should have ten women if you could is absolutely absurd and makes the dating situation in america all the more worse. Men--You cannot complain about the excesses of feminism when you yourself constantly stick to this mindset. Nevermind that women tended to be attracted to...
  13. H

    Anybody got any arguments why I shouldn't go after a girl with a bf?

    The single worst thing about communities like this is how they encourage men to be as amoral as possible. No, if a girl is in a relationship you shouldn't really go after her, because doing so makes you an animal. If we condone this, we essentially give up the right to condemn all cheating...
  14. H

    --- The Psychology Of Women ---

    Amazing post, DD!
  15. H

    On happiness

    Excellent. .
  16. H

    I listen to Classical...

    I'd say it be kind of eery making love as the dies irea from Verdi's Requiem blasts from your stereo. It almost seems...profane!:D Thread starter...I'm very into classical and actually have an active interest in learning the piano one day (after room opens up in my classes several semesters...
  17. H

    What To Do With Muslim Women!!

    This is a situation that really depends upon how "americanized" the girl is. If she's literally a first generation immigrant, forget about it. If she's born and raised American, then the situation is very, very different. I know this one girl whose parents are strongly series about their...
  18. H

    What To Do With Muslim Women!!

    Other than the blatant ignorance of the bold part, this is true. I come from an Islamic culture. The rule in Islam is that its women cannot marry outsiders, though, of course, the men can. :rolleyes: What an awful religion, that one.