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  1. H

    Some of Roissy's readers are ****ed up

    Yea, but does the PUA world truly need to be invaded by racist nerds always eager to push an agenda?
  2. H

    Some of Roissy's readers are ****ed up

    Actually, all these listed blogs do tend to be pretty racist. They are all about using "science" to put darkies in their place. These dudes vicariously live through Roissy, and Roissy himself agrees with them--he links to those racist sites himself on his blogroll. The game they play is...
  3. H

    Qualifications for marriage?

    :yes: Where men are attracted by a woman's physical attributes (among other things) a woman is attracted by a man's social standing, which in modern society translates to earning power (among other things).
  4. H

    I was watching "L.A. Confidential" the other night and...

    ...was surprised to hear the name "Rollo Tomasi" pop up in the film. I googled it and the first result is a wiki entry for the name relating it to the film. Never mind the extra s...Is this where you got the name, RT?
  5. H

    Mystery's interviews on youtube

    Mystery was repeatedly tooled during that interview and totally came off as a clownish mountebank. He was essentially a ten minute joke.
  6. H

    guide to hot girls (by a hot girl)

    I'm wondering something. This girl is a real comedian. Check out her commentary on the Sptizer affair: In short, she's a witty and funny. When a girl has looks + considerable wit, and you're a guy who can appreciate a good joke but...
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    guide to hot girls (by a hot girl)

    This is just a cute little youtube video. The girl nails it.
  8. H

    What Women Are Attracted To

    This is needlessly pessimistic, but I kind of agree with the general thrust of the post: If a white girl has a chance to choose between a black guy and a white guy--all other things being equal, she will go for the white guy. At the same though it seems silly to say that the average black guy's...
  9. H

    What Women Are Attracted To

    Is it just me or does MM have a weird obsession with "race"? In the guise of commenting on (what he says) are truths of the world there appears to be the true intention of justifying and rooting for those 'truths'.
  10. H

    Indian male planning to come to USA on H1B visa for better dating life

    You really should stop speaking for America as you know nothing of the social dynamics of this country. Americans do not have an obsession with "social status." Americans have an obsession with work and the pursuit of wealth (which is NOT a bad thing at all--it's what makes the country...
  11. H

    The "settling for Mr. Good Enough" essay--all of it

    The other thread links to an article that only contains a preview of the actual essay--the one I link above is the real one. I just thought some people might have wanted to read the whole thing.
  12. H

    The "settling for Mr. Good Enough" essay--all of it The essay is 5 pages, and that's a major newspaper magazine. The essay is interesting because it openly encourages women to do what they inevitably end up doing anyway when they find themselves to be single and no longer young. Settling...
  13. H

    Sex is not worth my dignity

    I made this name long time ago when I was feeling down, and a time when I was into that Andrew Gold song.
  14. H

    Sex is not worth my dignity

    The impression that many give here is that alpha maleness can be taught. I don't believe the case, and making many fools think they can force themselves to exude alpha male qualities is setting them up for a world of confusion and pain. As I said, the price of approaching/wanting women is the...
  15. H

    Sex is not worth my dignity

    That's rubbish though. How can we have control of our feelings like that? How can you let her no not affect your dignity?
  16. H

    Sex is not worth my dignity

    I mean, randomly approaching a woman whom you've never met and putting yourself at the mercy of her power like that? Oh, you can pretend that she's just a woman and there are many more like her and rationalize away the pain that comes with her saying no, but in the end of the day, the act of...
  17. H

    Sex is not worth my dignity

    Can anyone tell me why "gaming women" and constantly putting yourself in a situation where a woman can turn you down isn't an undignified state? I imagine that sex might be a pleasurable activity but is it worth the price of my dignity?
  18. H

    Why are more and more women preferring black or Hispanic men over white men?

    Here's the thing, as more minorities move up the socio-economic ladder, then automatically the men of those minority groups will have more of an option in terms of who to date. Now white men in this position typically stick with white women. But black guys don't seem to have the same type of...
  19. H

    Love: The Product of Circumstance (and $$)

    I just looked up who Heather Mills is on wiki. Check this out: haha. As for muscelman's theory not covering why they split up, I think his theory only concerns the perspective of women--that is, what a man must do in the eyes of a woman in order to be kept by her. Obviously muscleman's...