What Women Are Attracted To

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Mar 3, 2008
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good thread yall ^^ the way i c this is i put my self in a womens body and prospective, then i imagine if i was a girl what kind of guy would i want and then i imagine myself being that guy and lil by lil become that guy!
hope i helped lolz!


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
NSUballer said:
I dont know where any of you live or how much experience with women. But where I live, all the things I metioned come into play. However none of them are absolute. That is reality.

I possess some of the characteristics noted above. Health, I work out 4 times a week and run with a 6'1 225 lb frame. I go to college, know a lot of different people, met a lot of different women, and can hold a conversation with just about anyone. Ive also been told Im more attractive than "most" guys, by more than a few different girls. Physical attraction at the beginning of any relationship is key. This is because people know within seconds of seeing ,not talking,another person they find attractive if they would sleep with them. After that is when the rest of you comes into play. Personality, attitude, and everything else that makes you you.

All of you that dont understand what women want, just watch them some time. Girls that you know, research them, what they say, how they act. This takes a long time, but if you want to do at least okay with women you have to know exactly what youre dealing with. You cant just jump right from little league to the Big leagues.
Aha! There it is. I was pleasantly surprised that you managed to start a thread without needlessly boasting about yourself for no forseeable purpose.

BUT, true to form "baller" strikes again.

Top marks to you sir marks for irrelevance and also being a muppet


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2007
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Northeast Ohio
NSUballer said:
I live in the south. White women DO NOT usually go out with black guys. Ive asked a few why not. They simply find black men gross and the thought of it makes them disgusted. This is what women have told me. And this is coming from people who I know are not racist. Whats wrong with wanting to stay within your own race anyway? Why do so many black guys want white women?.

Dude you better stay in the south...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok hear me out NSU NON-baller. IM biracial.. MY dad is black...as black and as dark as they come. My mom is lilly white from a rural country area about 99% white......in your eyes people like me should have never been born..should my mom never have f***d my dad or should she had an abortion?... i see you have a problem with interracial couples... Dude you better be glad you dont live where i do!!!.. cleveland OH metro area.. You would FAINT at all the interracial couples walking about.

Let me explain something for you about this phenomenon.. So you can understand a little bit. I live in a area that is 98%+ white... When i go out to most any bar or club around here 98% of the girls will be white. So i hope you can deduce what race most of the girls i end up hooking up with are. Do i intentionally say dude im gonna go out and find a white girl!!! H*ll No!!. Do i hit on any attractive girl of any race who i think would be attractive to me. Yup you got it....A tool like you would prob say dude move to another area where there is more minorities!!! ...I say f**k you this is where i was raised and this is where my family and friends are

To answer your question of why do so many black guys want white women?
Why were the slavemasters back in the day impregnating women slaves left and right?.. This is why you get blacks or various skin tones and different eye colors to this day.

My best friend who is a white guy is hooked up and engaged to a hot black/biracial girl. Should i hate and detest him for that and say dude stick to your own race???????????

Quit hiding behind your insecurities and lack of game and blaming it on the " black man". Its TOOLS like you who make this country f**d up

Sorry mods i know we arent supposed to discuss race but i have been waiting to jump on this guy


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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ChrizZ said:
You keep telling yourself that. The problem isn't your race, it's because most of you guys are skinny geeks.

Damn, I'm slowly getting sick of all the lame a$$ excuses.

You are telling me a bada$$ asian guy like this guy would never be able to pull a white woman???


Or an Indian guy like this guy could never pull white women?


I'm really sick of your posts. You're white and 6'3".



Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
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His college has turned him into a mad undergraduate scientist forcing him to perform a case study on every girl he meets at school. Now I see why England is the most secure planet on Earth with all these unobtrusive measures. Seriously, I'm white, asian and mexican, so it doesn't matter who I date or what I prefer. In the U.S. if you don't have a preference for certain races, you can tell your buddies and they'll be cool w/that. My friend went up to a black guy and told him he doesn't date black girls, he told him "that's cool and that's your preference."


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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Race has nothing to do with anything. I'm from the middle east and not tall and I've pulled the hottest Asian chick that 7 other Asian and white guys could not pull.



Mar 3, 2008
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RACE IS NOTHING... Im azn and i been with middle easter, white , black, and azn... omg wtf use ur commmon sense people... Get rid of all your insecurities... most of the **** u guys puttin on this post is all in ur head..


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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New Orleans
Okay people listen up. Read what I actually wrote and stop jumping to conclusions. I am simply stating what I see happen. I dont care how many interracial relationships there are. My point is that interracial relationships are not the norm. They probably make up 1% of all hetero relationships. Am I wrong?

Most of you who responded put words in my mouth I never said. Grow up and learn how to comprehend sentences.

My OP was stating the obvious I thought. If it wasnt true then why are so many of on this site?


Mar 3, 2008
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LOLz this is kinda funny, i bet all yall guyz talkin about race feel like idiots right now :p


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
This is my own experience w/ this.

I go to a 70% white university, but all the people who go out to party are white. I'm one of three black guys in a fraternity of 26, one of 4 black guys in a private club (these places run the campus) of 140. When I go out, all I really see are white chicks. Who else am I meant to game?

Race plays a factor, sure, but it's one of many 'imperfections' you can have in the eyes of someone else. Just like some girls are turned off by big ears, they can be turned off by black/asian/w/e guys. There's plenty of girls that don't have that mentality.

My big problem is with how big a proportion of my school thinks like NSUballer. Most of the partygoers at my school are filthy rich (I'm talking millionaires) and from prep schools. They've interacted with a handful of minorities in their lives, and all the media tells them is stereotypes. Of course, it's up to me to try to educate them (w/ my cawk XD), but it's annoying because you're a step behind on the ladder.

Let me put it this way. I am of average looks and kinda skinny, lean athletic, in the process of getting big. Being black doesn't help, being that I don't have game. At least if I was white, I could fool's mate with a couple of drunk girls. Instead, I have to actually work to get poon.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2008
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I think that social proof is definitely what they are attracted to in the big picture, but initially its how a guy carries himself, his self confidence; the type that says "youre lucky Im taking time out of my life to sit and talk to you


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
Guys look you really need to stop being offended by the hard truth. Race is important to white girls not only because of their own feelings but to the feelings of their parents. Most (not all) white girls would not feel comfortable taking home a guy of a different race to show their parents. It's not really because they're racist or anything. It just seems this way because people aren't comfortable with very large differences.

So I hate to say it but if you're not a white guy and are looking and trying to attract and date white girls you're going to have a much much more difficult time then another white guy. Sure you might be able to hook up for a single night just as easily but I just don't see LTRs happening that often. So don't be offended. It's just life. If you're looking for a gf and you're not white I wouldn't recommend that you go for white girls because I don't think it'll work in the end.

And I know that everyone here has his own opinion but I think this really is the reality of the situation. It's really naive in my opinion to say that race doesn't matter. Yes human races don't technically exist but the differences are large enough to cause some problems. So if you're attracted to white girls and only want to date white girls and you're not a white guy you'll have a very difficult time. You'll have to find one of the few white girls who don't care about race.

hopeful loner

Don Juan
Jan 24, 2006
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ezily said:
Guys look you really need to stop being offended by the hard truth. Race is important to white girls not only because of their own feelings but to the feelings of their parents. Most (not all) white girls would not feel comfortable taking home a guy of a different race to show their parents. It's not really because they're racist or anything. It just seems this way because people aren't comfortable with very large differences.

So I hate to say it but if you're not a white guy and are looking and trying to attract and date white girls you're going to have a much much more difficult time then another white guy. Sure you might be able to hook up for a single night just as easily but I just don't see LTRs happening that often. So don't be offended. It's just life. If you're looking for a gf and you're not white I wouldn't recommend that you go for white girls because I don't think it'll work in the end.

And I know that everyone here has his own opinion but I think this really is the reality of the situation. It's really naive in my opinion to say that race doesn't matter. Yes human races don't technically exist but the differences are large enough to cause some problems. So if you're attracted to white girls and only want to date white girls and you're not a white guy you'll have a very difficult time. You'll have to find one of the few white girls who don't care about race.
This is needlessly pessimistic, but I kind of agree with the general thrust of the post: If a white girl has a chance to choose between a black guy and a white guy--all other things being equal, she will go for the white guy. At the same though it seems silly to say that the average black guy's situation is hopeless in regards to white girls.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
hopeful loner said:
This is needlessly pessimistic, but I kind of agree with the general thrust of the post: If a white girl has a chance to choose between a black guy and a white guy--all other things being equal, she will go for the white guy. At the same though it seems silly to say that the average black guy's situation is hopeless in regards to white girls.
OK OK maybe I was a little pessimistic. But I'm speaking from my experiences. I don't think white girls see non-white guys are bf material. Same thing goes for white guys who like girls of other races, say black. I know a lot of black girls and have even done some of the same 'game' I do for white girls on them. Black girls just don't really get with white guys. So my best advice is to go for the girls you have the highest chance of success with.

race DOES MATTER. I'm sorry but it's just a cold hard fact.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I'm white and like slvtty white girls. I have always kind of envied the black guys, because it's so easy for them to get the slvtty white girls.

Making excuses is lame, regardless of what about - race, height, age, money, blah blah blah - it's just you feeling sorry for yourself, and that will get you nowhere.

And this is off topic, but fwiw race is a dying trait. If humanity survives for a few hundred more years at this pace, then there will be no more "race." We will all be tan. Prejudice and hatred will still exist, but we will find a different excuse besides skin color.
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