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  1. 6

    Noticing an interesting trend on initial dates

    Maybe they are just honestly sussing someone out.. Like they are laying back to see what you are like and what you do? Or it could be that being laid back and not trying too hard to get to know her raises attraction levels? I'm not sure, but I thought about it some more and it's been happening...
  2. 6

    Noticing an interesting trend on initial dates

    You know, I've had this happen to me on a few recent dates now that you mention it, and each time I scored, if not that night, soon after. I don't know why either.
  3. 6

    Well, this is a first

    Silence is always the path.... S she just sent me a very long text. Essentially, she was embarassed about what she did, and wrote an apology. She says she did it because she just wanted to see me, and that once I got there she'd find a way for us to get away from them, but that once I got there...
  4. 6

    Well, this is a first

    I think Peaks and Valleys hits it on the head.. with one minor quibble- although you are right that not calling her out for lying was a beta move I should have caught (honestly my mind was just exhasuted by that point) I tink her problem was most definitely the fams reaction to me. I work at a...
  5. 6

    Well, this is a first

    I never told her it was due to the fam. Just that I couldn't make it. She hardly caught me in a lie, and I didn't feel like I was lying. Given the options available to me, I preferred to do something else. As for her saying her fam wouldn't be there, she said it before I refused.. So there was...
  6. 6

    Well, this is a first

    Maybe you guys are right. I'm just more interested in the story itself at this point.
  7. 6

    Well, this is a first

    I'm not that familiar with cluster b. Is that bipolar?
  8. 6

    Well, this is a first

    Well to explain why I wasn't too bothered by the fam thing, except to be weirded out was that I was ok just hitting it. I wasn't too invested so who cares all that much. Second, I figured if I was in that deep for her to want the fam to meet then she would be a good long term plate to spin...
  9. 6

    Well, this is a first

    So I ran into a situation that has never happened to me- always does when you think you've seen it all. Went out with a very pretty woman, and we hit it off fairly quickly. When I texted her if she wanted to go out she reponded "please". Anyway, high attraction cros the board and we were pretty...
  10. 6

    If being needy, to available and begging are a turn off then why am I single now?

    I think I can offer some insight here. There are alot of men who can get away with being very beta for a time, because before that they were very abusive/alpha/dominant. As an example, a guy cheats on his girl, he's blowing her off, he's even abusive.. this gets her going and triggers her...
  11. 6

    ex-gf on tinder, need advice

    Sylvester- not really all that interesting, although it did occur to me I had nothing to lose by doing so. You see, Tinder may not presented me to her yet, or she may have simply swiped right to see if I had swiped right, which in the end would have answered nothing. Or, she could have even...
  12. 6

    ex-gf on tinder, need advice

    TMK- We all know what we must do. But lets be honest, the conditioning into non-productive behaviors, and our emotions are life long habits that we always have to work towards to master. I really needed some backup this morning, to hear what I knew in my mind was correct, but that my heart did...
  13. 6

    ex-gf on tinder, need advice

    yeah. I don't like responding too quick to a match, so I'm giving it an hour or two before I start in ;)
  14. 6

    ex-gf on tinder, need advice

    I headed your warning FUKO, in truth I knew the correct answer, but I needed to hear it.. and you said it. Thank you, truly, you've done a good thing today hit the X button and moved on. Nice thing, as soon as I nexted her, a match popped up from some really hot asian girl (I love asian women,a...
  15. 6

    ex-gf on tinder, need advice

    Thank you MonkeyKing and Fuko, you are both right. I do still have an emotional investment but not in the typical sense. She and I were friends for years before we started dating and I have always thought- and in my past experiences it has- that bought the requirement for a different level of...
  16. 6

    ex-gf on tinder, need advice

    Truth be told, the fact that she is on Tinder probably means she's had about 50 c##ks in her since we last hooked up. Considering how decisively I ended it, it feels like a step backward to try. I'm leaning towards leaving it be.
  17. 6

    ex-gf on tinder, need advice

    So, about a year ago I ended it with a woman I was seeing for about a year. I normally end things well, but she had become a PIA and I felt she was trying to play me towards the end, usually I end with NC or as friends, but my emotions got the best of me and I ended it badly- not alot of drama...
  18. 6

    I'm losing out on average looking's killing my confidence

    re-read this over and over again. It may seem flippant and careless, but there is a deep deep wisdom in it.
  19. 6

    Is this normal? Can you guys shed some light on this for me?!

    Let redefine this a little, before I get to the other stuff. Thinking about her really houldn't be a much of an issue. After all, you will not erase associations and memories, the main problem here is that you attached a negative connotation to thinking of her. When you think of her you feel bad...
  20. 6

    Is this normal? Can you guys shed some light on this for me?!

    The issue is, most likely, that she offered or meant something to you other irls haven't. Lets say she was just down to earth, or you felt very comfortable with her, or maybe she was just especially nurturing or whatever.. none of the other women have had that particular quality, or have made...