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  1. 6

    Strangest one in a while

    I have to disagree a bit. Its these lines that trip me out "i think this girl is very used to tooling guys around and probably feels she can bring him to his knees if she pulls the push-pull game on him. shes looking for kinks in his armor. testing the waters for control of the frame." Sorry...
  2. 6

    Strangest one in a while

    There seems to be alot of projection going on here. This whole idea that there was any manipulation involved on her part is really, truly a perfect example of projection. You basically just want to bang enough.. but you can't sem to just be straight about it so you are trying to do it...
  3. 6

    Strangest one in a while

    You're bein a little dishonest with yourself here. Whatever you choose to do is no big deal but you admite yourself that you hung up on her after giving her a curt ultimatum of "yes or no?". Lets not pretend thats not a sign of someone being pissed or buthurt. If a person hung up on you you'd...
  4. 6

    Setting a boundary without appearing insecure/jealous

    Good God.. calm down ladies. I have never seen so much read into so little in my life. Look, if your gf has had relationships before where this was not an issue, or rew up in a home where people were, by and large, decent, she would have no reason to think this is a big deal. So all this "she...
  5. 6

    I love this kid

    As a newbie here I've got to say, you really need to get over yourself. So much judgement and vile aimed at some kid who doesn't seem to have an issue with his own way of handling it. "the *monkeyking* doth protest too loudly" me thinks. The kid seems young and this is part of the learning...
  6. 6

    What are some of the craziest things women have said to you on a date?

    "you are so perfect for me! **** you!.. if you made like just 20k more you'd be perfect. I don't think we should see each other. God I hate you" Seriously, this was during a first date that lead up to a kiss and some touching. She texted me a week later to ask if I would **** her. Crazy *****...
  7. 6

    Something Different- lack of male freinds

    Its probably a matter of experiences. I grew up with a cool brother and my friends were awesome, fun great people. Women, until I got my **** in them, tend to bore the c**p out of me. AS far as women go I like to set up a date and time, get it done and leave as soon after as possible before they...
  8. 6

    what not to do: beta beggin her to get back together...

    "she said that she did not know what else she could do so he would let her go" You are right in everything you post, but I wanted to point something out- guaranteed she hasn't really told him its over, or at the least, she is feeding him hope. Thats another leson in this- when its over walk...
  9. 6

    Something Different- lack of male freinds

    Actually, I loved your post. I think you have the wrng impression of my style of 40. I'm 40 like Clooney, or Hank Moody is 40. No-one of my generation is the kind of 40 that plays golf, lol. actually a guy at a bar recently told said to me I reminded him of Hank Moody- I've never been more...
  10. 6

    Something Different- lack of male freinds

    Hey everyone. This is not a topic about women, except in the sense that lack of a social life and friends can really mess up your game..more importantly, I just miss the real friendship that only men can provide to each other. I am 44, and due to my two best friends passing away several years...