I love this kid


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Nah thats way over the top and unnecessary. Generally speaking the more detached and unemotional you are in these situations the better. Chick cheated on you, cut her off and move on. No need to waste time on memes.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
DJFear said:
Nah thats way over the top and unnecessary. Generally speaking the more detached and unemotional you are in these situations the better. Chick cheated on you, cut her off and move on. No need to waste time on memes.
I agree and I personally would not handle it that way. I just love the fact that he did it...I got a laugh out of it.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Waste of time...

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score

Nothing tells a girl you are interested in her more than you giving her your attention. It doesn't matter what you say. He might as well have posted a meme saying 'I still love you and I'm majorly butthurt'.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for being honest, unfortunately I can’t continue this. It’s over, goodbye.
Should be enough.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Quite amusing watching her beg forgiveness, however one line proves how it's more his fault than hers that she cheated:

'You are literally the sweetest and cutest guy on the planet'.

If he'd played this kind of attitude he's displaying now, she probably wouldn't have f*cked his best friend.... To be honest, it takes a special kind of betatude for a dude's gf AND best friend to do that. Seems like a bit of a c*nt all things considered.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:
Quite amusing watching her beg forgiveness, however one line proves how it's more his fault than hers that she cheated:

'You are literally the sweetest and cutest guy on the planet'.

If he'd played this kind of attitude he's displaying now, she probably wouldn't have f*cked his best friend.... To be honest, it takes a special kind of betatude for a dude's gf AND best friend to do that. Seems like a bit of a c*nt all things considered.
considerating most guys don't really have the basic of male friendship unwriten rules, it wouldn't be at least with his best friend, but I agree people having a little fear of you really make things easy


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
That was awesome...


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
I think it's funny, and while I wouldn't have handled it the way he did, I think the kid is pretty badass...but only if he sticks to his guns and doesn't go back to her. I'm hoping for the best here.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:
Quite amusing watching her beg forgiveness, however one line proves how it's more his fault than hers that she cheated:

'You are literally the sweetest and cutest guy on the planet'.

If he'd played this kind of attitude he's displaying now, she probably wouldn't have f*cked his best friend.... To be honest, it takes a special kind of betatude for a dude's gf AND best friend to do that. Seems like a bit of a c*nt all things considered.
Yes that one line stuck out to me as well, and I agree that being the "sweetest and cutest" guy in her eyes probably contributed to her banging his best friend...who is obviously not a good friend. Hopefully the kid told the "friend" to go to hell as well.

But I don't buy into all this "alpha" and "beta" BS that most of this community espouses. It's complete idiocy. Yeah yeah...all you kiddies will try to tell me I'm wrong, but...I'm not.

Maybe this is the moment where he finally gets his head out of his ass and stops letting people walk all over him.

The **** is amusing regardless of where you stand on the issue.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
If it helped him in his healing process, then I am all for it. But now that he has aired his grievances he needs to cut all ties with her and never respond to her again.

I did something similiar with my ex bigamost wh0re, but it was more extreme.

When we split I did a background check on her into her acts of bigamy. I had to do the background check to prove that our marriage was invalid and save my assets, which I did successfully.

But then I took all of the **** I dug up; police reports, court records, etc. I made a special FB group about it for all to see and posted all of the documents I got. The documents I had were all public information BTW, so I could legally post them and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it.

People who had known her 20+ years had no idea about her past and what a POS she had been all her life..

In short, putting EVERYTHING I obtained from the background check onto FB was therapy to me that I needed at the time. It helped restore some of my credability that she had injured, and it helped squash hers.

Would I do it to this extreme again? probably not.. but at the time it felt right and helped me a lot. So I can relate to this guy.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
logicallefty said:
If it helped him in his healing process, then I am all for it. But now that he has aired his grievances he needs to cut all ties with her and never respond to her again.

I did something similiar with my ex bigamost wh0re, but it was more extreme.

When we split I did a background check on her into her acts of bigamy. I had to do the background check to prove that our marriage was invalid and save my assets, which I did successfully.

But then I took all of the **** I dug up; police reports, court records, etc. I made a special FB group about it for all to see and posted all of the documents I got. The documents I had were all public information BTW, so I could legally post them and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it.

People who had known her 20+ years had no idea about her past and what a POS she had been all her life..

In short, putting EVERYTHING I obtained from the background check onto FB was therapy to me that I needed at the time. It helped restore some of my credability that she had injured, and it helped squash hers.

Would I do it to this extreme again? probably not.. but at the time it felt right and helped me a lot. So I can relate to this guy.
I'm with you 100%. He needs to stick to his guns, which could be difficult for a youngin like himself when she's clearly going to be throwing the ***** at him like a buffet. He also needs to bring this attitude with him to every new relationship he starts.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
@Echos and Lefty.

You sound like a couple of wet wipes. 'Helping his healing' indeed. He's lashing out at people who took him for a ride. He's barely at denial yet.

The more I think about it, the sadder this thing becomes.

Yes (some of) the content is funny.... apart from the bit about murdering her family, when Eliot Roger himself is not even buried yet.

The context is what lets the whole thing down and proves him as a beta/loser/c*nt whatever you wanna call him.

He's basically broadcast to the entire world what a waste of space he is by demonstrating that not only his GF, but ALSO his best friend, cheated on him. He's being a whiny little b*tch about it. Most WOMEN I know aren't this over dramatic.

I know for a FACT the my best friends would NEVER do this to me. Not only is he a loser, he's a terrible judge of character. If it did happen to me, which it wouldn't, I would be highly, HIGHLY embarrassed, just like I am for this d!ckhead, but for quite different reasons.

It exemplifies what social media has done to people, 'men' in particular...

In fact I retract what I said. It's not amusing in the slightest. It's f*cking pathetic.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
TheMonkeyKing said:
@Echos and Lefty.

You sound like a couple of wet wipes. 'Helping his healing' indeed. He's lashing out at people who took him for a ride. He's barely at denial yet.

The more I think about it, the sadder this thing becomes.

Yes (some of) the content is funny.... apart from the bit about murdering her family, when Eliot Roger himself is not even buried yet.

The context is what lets the whole thing down and proves him as a beta/loser/c*nt whatever you wanna call him.

He's basically broadcast to the entire world what a waste of space he is by demonstrating that not only his GF, but ALSO his best friend, cheated on him. He's being a whiny little b*tch about it. Most WOMEN I know aren't this over dramatic.

I know for a FACT the my best friends would NEVER do this to me. Not only is he a loser, he's a terrible judge of character. If it did happen to me, which it wouldn't, I would be highly, HIGHLY embarrassed, just like I am for this d!ckhead, but for quite different reasons.

It exemplifies what social media has done to people, 'men' in particular...

In fact I retract what I said. It's not amusing in the slightest. It's f*cking pathetic.
Disagreeing is normal.. But no reason to personally bash us Monkey... Nor is it tolerated on this site. You might want to read and respect the rules of those who provide this site for you free of charge.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:
@Echos and Lefty.

You sound like a couple of wet wipes. 'Helping his healing' indeed. He's lashing out at people who took him for a ride. He's barely at denial yet.

The more I think about it, the sadder this thing becomes.

Yes (some of) the content is funny.... apart from the bit about murdering her family, when Eliot Roger himself is not even buried yet.

The context is what lets the whole thing down and proves him as a beta/loser/c*nt whatever you wanna call him.

He's basically broadcast to the entire world what a waste of space he is by demonstrating that not only his GF, but ALSO his best friend, cheated on him. He's being a whiny little b*tch about it. Most WOMEN I know aren't this over dramatic.

I know for a FACT the my best friends would NEVER do this to me. Not only is he a loser, he's a terrible judge of character. If it did happen to me, which it wouldn't, I would be highly, HIGHLY embarrassed, just like I am for this d!ckhead, but for quite different reasons.

It exemplifies what social media has done to people, 'men' in particular...

In fact I retract what I said. It's not amusing in the slightest. It's f*cking pathetic.
As a newbie here I've got to say, you really need to get over yourself. So much judgement and vile aimed at some kid who doesn't seem to have an issue with his own way of handling it. "the *monkeyking* doth protest too loudly" me thinks. The kid seems young and this is part of the learning process we call life. Things happen, we learn. It seems to me that dealing with stuff with a bit of sense of humor will help this kid in the future. I think its a better attitude than most of what I've read on this forum, which seems to show an unhealthy obsession with what other people may think. A desperate need to prove something to God knows who.
So relax people, kid had a bit of fun in a negative situation.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:
@Echos and Lefty.

You sound like a couple of wet wipes. 'Helping his healing' indeed. He's lashing out at people who took him for a ride. He's barely at denial yet.

The more I think about it, the sadder this thing becomes.

Yes (some of) the content is funny.... apart from the bit about murdering her family, when Eliot Roger himself is not even buried yet.

The context is what lets the whole thing down and proves him as a beta/loser/c*nt whatever you wanna call him.

He's basically broadcast to the entire world what a waste of space he is by demonstrating that not only his GF, but ALSO his best friend, cheated on him. He's being a whiny little b*tch about it. Most WOMEN I know aren't this over dramatic.

I know for a FACT the my best friends would NEVER do this to me. Not only is he a loser, he's a terrible judge of character. If it did happen to me, which it wouldn't, I would be highly, HIGHLY embarrassed, just like I am for this d!ckhead, but for quite different reasons.

It exemplifies what social media has done to people, 'men' in particular...

In fact I retract what I said. It's not amusing in the slightest. It's f*cking pathetic.
Whatever you say, boss. :up:


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
6stringer said:
As a newbie here I've got to say, you really need to get over yourself. So much judgement and vile aimed at some kid who doesn't seem to have an issue with his own way of handling it. "the *monkeyking* doth protest too loudly" me thinks. The kid seems young and this is part of the learning process we call life. Things happen, we learn. It seems to me that dealing with stuff with a bit of sense of humor will help this kid in the future. I think its a better attitude than most of what I've read on this forum, which seems to show an unhealthy obsession with what other people may think. A desperate need to prove something to God knows who.
So relax people, kid had a bit of fun in a negative situation.
Well said.

People put WAY too much stock in what they read on these PUA sites, and on this site in particular there seems to be a trend of lashing out at those you don't agree with and trying to AMOG them to death in an attempt to make yourself look better to others. Just like you said...an unhealthy obsession with what others think. "See...I'm the alpha here. Everyone see that? ME! It's ME". Lol

There's NO WAY that her cheating on him was his fault...the responsibility rests squarely with her. That's the mature and grown up attitude. It's possible that him being a pushover made it easier for her to justify it in her own mind, but it's still her responsibility 100%.

As long as he sticks to his guns and cuts her (and his buddy) out of his life, then I think he handled it like a champ. If he breaks down and takes her back he needs a stern kick in the ass.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
DJFear said:
Nah thats way over the top and unnecessary. Generally speaking the more detached and unemotional you are in these situations the better. Chick cheated on you, cut her off and move on. No need to waste time on memes.
yup... :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score

If you take me calling you wetwipes as a 'bashing', then you are indeed as wet as the dude who decided that it's funny to joke about murdering his ex-girlfriends family (people have been sent down for less, am I wrong?). Something of a double-standard you are displaying there, boys. If I was the girl I would show this sh!t to the police just to teach the little f*cker yet another lesson in learning to be a man.

You guys obviously don't like the fact that other people have different opinions to you and are able to display those opinions in a far more objective manner than your nonsensical, 'he's just a kid' emotive BS. Eliot Roger was just a kid, and no he and 6 others are dead. If you are not familiar with the story, I suggest you start reading some real news.

You guys and this guy might 'just be kids having fun', but I am a man and one that does not 'need to read rules'.

So... report me to a moderator. I know quite a few guys on here would agree with my every word.